The attack mode of the undead army is very similar to the Zerg civilization.

After all, both sides are civilizations who are good at using sea tactics, fighting wars of attrition, and delaying the final decision.

In the early years, Zhou Yi, who had a wealth of experience with the Zerg civilization and had rich experience in fighting against them, combined with their understanding of the undead army, now that they are able to deal with it, on the tactical level, they are still relatively easy to perform.

There won't be any situation where you don't know how to deal with it.

As for things at the military level, that’s another matter...

Through the display of the detection equipment, at this moment, with their command base on this planet as the center, there are countless army of skeletons, sweeping towards them from all directions.

For this battle, Zhou Yi was mentally prepared for the first time. Although his mood was serious, he did not panic.

After all, he has already issued the order that should be issued, and he has already deployed all the troops that should be deployed.

Nowadays, there are many senior officers in their army, all of whom have experienced the war with the Zerg civilization.

Therefore, at this juncture, they naturally know how to respond.

Behind the fortress-level composite defensive shield, a large Destroyer tank mech has already been deployed with firepower formation.

Through their "Sacred River" tactical system of the civilization of the world, at the moment when the advancing skeleton army was locked, the top armor of the Destroyer tank mechas quickly opened, and successive dwarven special rockets continued to fly from it. It shot out, and approached the advancement position of the skeleton army at an astonishing speed.

After reaching a predetermined distance, the rocket quickly opened, and a large number of small missile heads immediately flew out of it, exploding a large piece as soon as it exploded.

Obviously, Zhou Yi also knew that this mighty army of skeletons, to put it bluntly, was the bottom force of the Styx civilization.

The individual strength is not high at all, so the requirements for the explosive power are not high.

In fighting this kind of low-level arms, the important thing is not the explosive power, but the explosive range.

Explosive power, only needs to be able to kill a skeleton soldier.

Next, the larger the explosion range, the higher the killing efficiency!

In this way, the sub-munition with multiple warheads and large-area destruction capabilities has become their best choice.

At present, dozens of important missile production lines in the Goblin Machinery City had received Luo Ji's order long before Zhong Mo turned his face, and were adjusted to the production line of sub-munitions.

Although Luo Ji didn't want to take the initiative to change his face with Zhong Mo, but this kind of thing was prepared for it after all.

Now it seems that Luo Ji's defense is very timely.

In the meantime, considering the particularity of this type of sub-munition, the existence of sub-munition itself is even more dubbed the code name of the "Miscellaneous Soldier Terminator".

Under the large-scale explosion attack of the terminator of their tens of thousands of civilizations, a large number of skeleton soldiers were blown to pieces on the side of the Styx civilization.

The numbers of the loss of its army began to fly all the way like a rocket.

However, the rapid increase in the number of troop losses did not blow up the mindset of the commander of the landing army on the side of the Styx civilization.

Situations like this are commonplace for their undead army, and they are basically normal.

However, it must be said that, without the suppression of technological power, the long-range firepower and continuous output ability of the army of civilizations that have unlocked the technological side weapons and equipment are truly top.

Having fought many tough battles in a row, the state of the army is obviously about to fall to the bottom, but it can still burst out such firepower output.

Before their undead army was completely close, facing this long-range firepower, they really couldn't get anything cheap.

On the side of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, under the suppression of the firepower of the front-line surface bases, within the planet, the skeleton army of the Styx civilization is advancing vigorously.

Countless skeleton soldiers, under the attack of the terminator of the Destroyer Tank Mech, turned into a pile of broken bones, but after that, more skeleton soldiers came up from the rear, making one The overall size of the entire army of the undead has basically not decreased, and it has made continuous progress while paying losses.

Accompanied by the scattering of bones, the undead army in the planet steadily narrowed the distance to the surface base of the civilization of the world.

After the distance narrowed to a certain point, the attack of the Destroyer Tank Mech ‘Miscellaneous Terminator’ began to gradually turn fire, focusing on the rear of the undead army.

After all, as the distance gets closer, they use a wide range of attacks and continue to attack the front row of the army. If they are not careful, they will also pose a big threat to their own side.

But this does not mean that they don't care about the front-row troops of the undead army.

The dwarven tank and mecha corps is a very comprehensive corps in attack coverage.

The internal firepower of the Legion basically includes three firepower output areas of ‘long range’, ‘medium range’ and ‘close range’.

To put it simply, as long as the two sides go to war and the army is facing each other, then the firepower of the Dwarf Tank and Mecha Legion will be able to cover every strike area to the greatest extent!

Almost as soon as it entered the ‘middle distance’ range, among the dwarven tank mecha corps, the Ares tank mecha units that had been waiting for a long time immediately began to explode firepower, suppressing the front-row troops of the undead army.

While raising the defensive firepower of their surface bases to a higher level, the staged firepower output of the Ares tank mecha units also gave the advancing undead army a head-on blow! So that its propulsion efficiency has been significantly affected.

Although, UU Reading tank mecha corps in the process of firepower output, it also needs time for weapon cooling and filling ammunition.

Especially for heavy firepower units like the Destroyer Tank Mecha, the time it takes to cool down and reload ammunition is definitely not short.

However, as the core of the tank and mecha corps in various senses, it can fire at high frequency, and at the same time the scale of the Ares tank mecha is quite large, but to a large extent, it maintains this suppressing force.

The current advancement of the undead army on the planet has become difficult.

Continuing to maintain this momentum of advancement, even if the undead army on the planet can finally relied on its strength to advance abruptly and complete the sudden face, I am afraid that it will have to pay a larger military price than they originally planned.

Although the low-level forces of their undead army are worthless, they also suffered a huge loss in the army's strength in the battle against mechanical civilization.

The undead army at this stage has long since lost the room to play with the low-level forces under its command.

So the countermeasures quickly started...

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