The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4006: , Disgusting

Luo Ji's army of civilizations of the ten thousand realms obviously did not know that the army of the undead still had such a hand.

At that time, the army soldiers who were assisting the dwarven tank and mecha corps and resisting the offensive of the undead army fell inside the surface defensive positions. In a blink of an eye, their life or death was uncertain, causing turbulence in their internal defense lines.

However, Zhouyi, who anticipated various situations in advance, had made some preparations for the time being.

The easiest way to deal with it is to send more troops to the top.

Considering the previous losses with the army of mechanical civilization, the current size of their army of civilizations in the world is definitely no way to compare with the army of undead.

But the lean camel is bigger than the horse, and their Ten Thousand Realms civilization can still deserve this sentence for the time being, and they won't be able to send troops just now.

Especially the troops on the planet, the previous battles, the focus of the battle of mechanical civilization, are all placed on the void battlefield.

This makes the consumption of their army of civilizations on the void battlefield even greater.

But relatively, the consumption within the planet is small.

As a result, even in this situation, the troops on the planet are still in good condition, and their scale is basically guaranteed.

The defensive position they are currently occupying has limited internal space.

The army troops on the planet obviously cannot be sent out all at once. This little space is definitely not enough.

At the same time, considering that the opponent is an undead army who has no physical limitations at all and is very good at fighting continuously for a long time...

Unless you are sure, you can directly defeat the opponent in one go.

Otherwise, it would be a very unwise choice to send out all the forces in his hand.

Because they will be affected by physical factors over time, their follow-up combat capabilities will continue to decline, and they will inevitably be dragged down by the undead army!

And to avoid this situation, the best way is nothing more than batch rotation. In this way, each batch of soldiers can get proper rest and adjustment time in the fierce battle.

The first batch of magical infantry units sent out were quickly brought down in pieces, which was unexpected by Zhou Yi.

But it was not enough to completely disrupt his plan.

He made some quick adjustments to his original plan in combination with the actual combat situation, and the subsequent troops quickly picked up.

During this period, the undead army was constantly sending more wandering spirits to swept over.

To put it bluntly, this wave is starting to fight for strength.

In this regard, Zhou Yi was not empty.

At least for now, he is worthwhile.

Through the previous battles, their understanding of the undead army and the series of low-level spirit units such as the Wandering Soul and Wraith Spirit has become more profound, and their intelligence has also been further improved.

After gaining a fuller understanding of it, next, they will face those wandering spirits and wraiths, and have experience in dealing with them, and the battle will naturally become better.

After this, Zhou Yi's first thing in the next was to quickly confirm the status of the Dwarven Tank and Mecha Corps.

The tank and mecha legion of the dwarf race is the core force of the ten thousand civilization army on the planet.

In the wave of soul explosion just now, if even the tank and mecha legions were severely affected, then the next defensive battle within their planet would be difficult to fight.

When I think of this, even Zhouyi can't help but feel a little nervous.

And after confirming that the dwarven tank and mecha legion was basically fine, he was greatly relieved.

Unlike the early days when the defense was purely on the outer layer of armor, the tank and mecha unit nowadays, in addition to covering the outer layer with sufficient defensive armor, the inner side is also blessed with the defense technique of the'magic technique' system. formula.

While being able to further strengthen the defense on the physical level, it is also able to resist some spell-level attacks.

Mental shock is undoubtedly an attack on the spell level.

I don't know if the soul burst intensity of those low-level wandering spirits is not high enough, and the dwarf pilots in the cockpit of the tank mech are basically not affected much.

However, in this process, the undead army is inevitably pushed closer and closer.

After the army advanced to a certain distance, the Lich Mage hiding in the dark began to cast spells.

At that moment, on the battlefield, countless wandering souls whose bodies were destroyed under the fire attack of the dwarven tank mecha legion began to scream.

The skeletal fragments scattered around the battlefield were drawn by the magic power, and they continued to gather.

Under the massive accumulation, a huge concrete-shaped giant skeleton quickly took shape.

Surrounding this huge and concrete giant skeleton, a large number of wandering souls began to continuously dance, and gradually merged into one in the process of flying, and finally slammed into the heads of those giant skeletons.

In an instant, with a muffled sound of ‘bang’, two huge soul fires ignited in the two hollow eye sockets of the giant skeleton!

The Skeleton Clan’s strategic war unit, the Skeleton Giant officially enters the arena!

Now, the tactical arrangement of the undead army is undoubtedly clear.

They just want to use the skeleton army to consume the firepower of the defensive forces of the civilization of the world, and then wait until the distance is close to a certain point, and then the Lich Mage will summon the skeleton giants to destroy the shields of their defensive positions, and attack them in one breath. Take away this base on their planet!

How can Zhouyi let the other party succeed?

After some mobilization, the firepower of the dwarven tank and mecha corps was immediately transferred.

As a strategic war unit of the undead army, UU reading www. The skeleton giant of is not a particularly strong one in terms of defensive strength, but belongs to the upper-middle level.

But it has a very disgusting feature, that is, as long as there are enough skeletons and ghost fragments on the battlefield, even if the skeleton giant is destroyed, the Lich Mage can cast spells to regroup them.

From this moment on, the disgust of the undead army gradually manifested itself in the battle.

Facing the countless army of skeletons, the harder they fought, the more skeletons and ghost fragments on the battlefield.

The more skeleton remains and ghost fragments, the more skeleton giants summoned by the Lich Mages.

This is a vicious circle at all!

However, what Zhou Yi didn't know at this stage was that, in fact, even without the skeleton remains and ghost fragments, the Lich Mages could directly use the complete skeleton soldiers to summon the skeleton giants.

It’s just that they use the skeleton soldiers to consume a wave of their firepower, and then summon the skeleton giants. This method is more cost-effective for them, so they did it...

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