The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4022: , Die early and die late

Genius remembers this site address in one second: []The fastest update! No ads! Of course, John Thrall also understands the routines of the undead army.

But it doesn't matter. While the annihilating missiles are more powerful, they also have a larger explosion range.

Compared with the "Miscellaneous Terminator", the performance-price ratio of the enemy annihilation missile may be a little lower, but if you ignore the cost and look at the performance, the enemy missile is definitely stronger than the "Miscellaneous Terminator".

In addition, it is also a sub-munition with a large-scale lethality, which makes it have a higher cleaning efficiency than the "Miscellaneous Terminator".

After clearing the pathfinder troops sent by the undead army with the highest efficiency, they will have relatively more time to make follow-up preparations to meet the next round of the undead army's offensive.

They weren't allowed to sit idle for too long. Although the undead army is still unclear what the Star Destroyer is, but the Lich King Sorenk can't be so stupid that they can slowly deploy a small batch of troops.

Wait until the front reconnaissance force has a result, and then mobilize follow-up troops according to the situation?

How can it be?

The efficiency of that kind of troop deployment is a bit too slow.

Judging from the intensity of the firepower displayed by the Star Destroyer, based on his years of experience in commanding troops, the Lich King Sorenk already had a rough estimate of the strength of the Star Destroyer in his heart.

With a mentality of how to have a little containment effect, the Lich King Solenk, the first batch of troops, was dispatched in batches in stages.

Each batch of troops is separated by a certain distance. They are not too far away from each other, but not too close. While maintaining the efficiency of troop deployment, it also effectively reduces risks.

Confirmed some information returned by the pioneers who opened the way. To a certain extent, the Lich King Solenk, who understood the situation, signaled the follow-up troops to confirm the route and continue to push forward, while also further increasing their immortality. The degree of evacuation of the clan troops.

Knowing that the army of civilizations of the Ten Thousand Realms possesses quite powerful firepower on the side of science and technology, the Lich King Solenk, who had long been prepared for this, had already allowed them to disperse the formation when he sent the first troops to open the way.

Although this type of formation is not conducive to the efficiency of the march, it is safe to win. In the event of a long-range attack by the enemy's missile weapons during the advancement process, it can also reduce losses to a certain extent.

As a result, the annihilating missiles had a stronger explosive power and a larger range. They still failed to withstand a few rounds, and the troops who opened the way first were killed vigorously.

This can't be said to have disrupted the plan of the Lich King Sorenk.

After all, their undead army, and the troops ahead, are generally used to consume enemy firepower.

To put it bluntly, they were meant to die.

The only difference is that you die early and die late.

Now following the order of the Lich King Sorenk, the troops that have been advancing up are further divided into more general formations.

Under normal circumstances, the formation of evacuated to this point, in fact, has already had a relatively obvious impact on the actual combat effectiveness of a unit.

However, the main task of their undead troops at the moment is still to test, and while confirming the location of the Star Destroyer, obtain intelligence from the Star Destroyer.

Only by evacuating the formation and reducing losses can they push farther. In this way, their chances of obtaining intelligence are naturally higher.

But this idea of ​​the Lich King Sorenk was quickly targeted by John Thrall.

In the void, a large army of fighter planes quickly swept over.

At this moment, the influence of the large-scale evacuation formation on the actual combat effectiveness of the troops was thoroughly manifested at this moment.

The large-scale evacuation of the formation made this advancing undead force too late to provide support in the face of this emergency.

Just one face to face, faced with the attack of the fighter unit from the civilization of the world, this undead army paid the price of loss visible to the naked eye.

In the process, the undead forces that have been attacked are gathering as quickly as possible and are trying to launch a counterattack.

As a result, this momentum has only just started, and a series of enemy annihilation missiles launched in the distance in the void launched an almost relentless pursuit of them.

In the process of the explosive attack of the annihilating missiles spreading, the fighter unit that attacked this undead army before, and the control of the timing, in the eyes of others, is simply amazing.

The whole thing is to pinch that moment and perform a perfect avoidance.

Basically, it was not affected by the blast of an enemy-killing missile.

He was even immediately involved in the follow-up pursuit of the undead units that had dispersed.

Through the returned battlefield images, watching the performance of the fighter unit, being able to defeat an undead unit so efficiently, it must be a great thing to be happy about.

But while being happy, in the Star Destroyer’s command room, remembering the ugly face of a certain guy, John Thrall, as the dwarf king, inevitably raised a trace of discomfort in his heart.

The reason is that the fighter unit that has achieved good results on the battlefield just now is not the Black Hawk fighter unit of their dwarf tribe, but the ‘bee swarm’ unmanned fighter unit of the goblin tribe.

Think about it carefully, you want to complete the kind of seamless coordination with the enemy-destroying missile, and perfectly avoid the damage caused by the explosion of the enemy-destroying missile.

This kind of thing can basically only be done by an unmanned fighter under the operation of the same intelligent system.

In this level of battle, skimming the special circumstances of suppressed scientific and technological power, it is possible to carry out the efficient production of the assembly line, and in the war, the unmanned fighter plane that perfectly avoids the loss of manpower is definitely a very important and easy-to-use weapon. .

For a planet-level super fortress like the Star Destroyer, it is impossible not to set up an unmanned fighter aircraft attack cabin inside, and it is impossible not to be equipped with an unmanned fighter aircraft.

Under this premise, John Thrall had actually thought about it, and they would have developed an unmanned fighter plane for the dwarves.

In fact, he really did that.

The manufacturing technology of their Wanjie Civilization on the unmanned fighter is already in place. It is not difficult for UU reading to develop an unmanned fighter.

The difficulty lies in the fact that you need to develop an unmanned fighter that surpasses the goblin clan’s ‘bee colony’ unmanned fighter in terms of overall cost performance.

Otherwise, the ‘Honey Swarm’ drones of the goblin tribe are there, and the drones of your dwarves are no better than others, so why bother to produce this drone?

Even if Luo Ji treats ‘original players’ like John Thrall quite preferentially, it is impossible for John Thrall and Gawain to agree to such a thing because they are angry with each other.

To produce more weapons, at least you have to add a production line, and even need follow-up research funds. You can't say that you just made one, and then you don't do it?

How much financial expenditure is involved in this?

In this way, their dwarven unmanned fighters were finally taken down by the goblin tribe's ‘bee swarm’ unmanned fighters.

Even John Thrall, who has always looked at Gawain to be unpleasant, must admit that the goblin technology has two brushes, and their dwarf clan can't compare to the goblin clan in terms of the manufacturing technology of drone fighters alone.

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