The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4038: , Demon hand

Once Zhou Xian's ‘unstoppable’ skill is triggered, the whole person will enter a state of ‘oneness between man and nature’.

   In this state, his combat power will be maximized.

  , supplemented by skill effects, the enemies who dared to stand in front of Zhou Xian have basically only two ends, either being forced back or beheaded!

   Even if it is against an existence like Doko Ibaraki that is a large level higher than him, this Zhou Xian, who is blessed by the skill effect, has repeatedly forced him to retreat.

   Facing this kind of special situation, Ibaraki Doko's heart is also very evil.

   But he could somewhat see that the human being in front of him seemed to have entered a special state.

During the    period, every sword swiped carried an unstoppable powerful sword force.

   In the process, Ibaraki Doko’s sanity is telling him that he shouldn’t fight the opponent at this point.

   However, the self-esteem of being a big demon, and the irritability that has been swelling in his heart since just now, does not allow him to continue to retreat in the face of a weak human being.

   Almost at the same time this thought flashed, Ibaraki Boyko's ghost hand skyrocketed, and once again grabbed Zhou Xian's red flame sword, trying to forcibly seize his weapon.

   Faced with this move of Ibaraki Toko, Zhou Xian, who just swiped a knife, directly stimulated the third-order fire magic core on the Red Flame Sword, thereby triggering the enhanced gain of the Red Flame Sword. In a short time, the elemental flames skyrocketed!

   Under the premise of ensuring the power of attack, Zhou Xian's moves are thick and thin. With the blade's momentum, the exaggerated big knife actually took a delicate change in an instant.

  While avoiding the front face of Ibaraki Doji, a diagonal cut from the bottom to the top, under the unbelievable eyes of Na Ibaraki Doji, a dark ghost hand suddenly fluttered out!

   At the place where the arm broke, a large amount of pitch-black demonic energy, stimulated by the elemental flame, sprayed like crazy, splashing wildly.


   At this moment, Zhou Xian, who was in a perfect state, directly bullied himself with the Chiyan Sword, trying to launch a life-threatening killing, and suppressing Doko Ibaraki to death.

   However, this top-level combat power, how can he, an unparalleled consummate warrior, be able to deal with it?

   "Just a human being, don't give me...I'm overwhelmed!!"

In the roar of   , amazing demon power constantly erupted from Ibaraki Doji, and finally turned into black flame-like energy, and swept toward Zhou Xian who was forcing him to kill him.

   Facing the black flames that erupted from Ibaraki Boy, Zhou Xian's red flame sword burning with elemental flames swept away, with great power.

   Even if it is the alloy armor of this Star Destroyer, it must be split into two on the spot by this knife.

   However, when he cut on the tumbling black flames of Doko Ibaraki, he could only slightly break it open, and in the blink of an eye, he returned to the original state, and even the elemental flames on Zhou Xian's red flame knife were eroded.

   Zhou Xian, who realized that Black Flame was quite bad, didn't even hesitate for a moment.

During this period, black flames erupted with demon power, pushing back Zhou Xian’s Ibaraki boy, and above the gap of the ghost hand that Zhou Xian chopped off, a large amount of dark demon power continued to surge, and a whole ghost hand was accompanied by the surge of demon power. , Quickly recovered.

   After all, Ibaraki Doko's arm was broken long ago.

   To put it simply, his ghost hand is just a prosthetic limb, but this prosthetic limb is made up of demon power.

   Zhou Xian's knife directly slashed his ghost hand, which naturally caused some damage to him, but the more effect was still concentrated on the consumption of demon power.

   The recondensation of the ghost hand takes only a moment.

   But Ibaraki Doko, who has become irritable, is super impatient.

   Even at this moment, he didn't have the patience to wait. In the process of Guishou's cohesion, he had already moved towards Zhou Xian and slaughtered again.

   Regarding this, Zhou Xian is still in his state. He has not lost his state because of Ibaraki Doko’s forcible counterattack.

   One move, one move, the action is clean and neat, but the mind is also calm and scary.

   Zhou Xian is no stranger to this feeling, he has entered this state many times during his long military career.

   Therefore, in that special state again and again, Zhou Xian has also become more and more adept at how to make better use of this state, so as to maximize his combat effectiveness!

   And he firmly believes in his heart that he is invincible when he enters this state.

   But it is a pity that he has never entered this state in the limited number of duels with Bai Ze and Luo Yong in the past.

   The focus on training is one point to the end, and there is no way to play to the full. This may be one of the reasons.

   But the main reason is to fight against Bai Ze. It is too uncomfortable. Basically, he will be interrupted when he is halfway through the move. He feels aggrieved and can't perform at all.

   As for Rayong, what else is in a state of inactivity after the cut?

   After both of them were promoted to the Martial God Realm, let alone.

   And now, Zhou Xian is really invincible for the first time in the face of top combat power.

  Although he didn't want to admit it, Zhou Xian had vaguely realized that his invincible state was not invincible when facing enemies of this level.

   was supposed to be a state used to kill the enemy and win, at this moment, facing Na Ibaraki boy, it was completely reduced to his life-saving means.

   This kind of feeling, for Zhou Xian, is a passivity that has never been felt before.

   But he has no choice.

  Because the reality is that he really has to use this method to save his life from Ibaraki Dozi.

  The buff state of the skill can only last for a short period of four seconds.

   But after four seconds, the state of ‘one with nature and man’ will not disappear in an instant. There will always be a decreasing process.

   Make good use of this process. After grasping the trick, Zhou Xian discovered that the state of ‘one with nature and man’ can be continued to a certain extent and maintained for a longer period of time.

   Of course, during this period of time, the skill effect that must be repelled or killed is definitely gone.

   But for Zhou Xian, the impact is not particularly big.

   Because in his opinion, the most important thing is the state of the unity of nature and man, other than that, he actually doesn't care much.

   Under the anger of Ibaraki Doko, the offensive is quite fierce, and the ghost hand that has not yet fully condensed into shape, carrying the scattered demon power, wields again.

   Under such a large swing, it is not so much an arm, but at this time it is more like a fickle whip.

   Compared with Guishou, the intensity has decreased, but the offensive has become more rapid and changeable.

  The long whip is a weapon whose attack trajectory is more difficult to capture than ordinary weapons.

   But Zhou Xian has his own coping experience.

   Zhou Xian, who was engrossed and kept in shape, saw tricks and tricks all the way.

   During this process, even Zhou Xian didn't realize that his state this time had been maintained for an exceptionally long time, and even the whole state felt better.

   When he came back to his senses, he was already surprised to find that the shackles that had been restraining him had been loosened!

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