The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4050: , Fuck! So handsome! ! !

Through the synchronized images, John Thrall, who saw this scene in his eyes, had his eyes widened unconsciously.

Invisible, the emotions were uncontrollable and felt a burst of excitement.

Putting aside his unhappiness with Gawain, John Thrall must admit that few people like them can withstand the temptation of giant robots.

Not to mention that this huge robot is also capable of transforming into a body and transforming its shape!

This is simply the ultimate ideal of people like them, all their wishes are satisfied at one time!

In the end, if the stomach is full, it can only become one sentence in the end...

"Fuck! So handsome!!"

The private communication channel has not been turned off. Hearing the four words that John Thrall involuntarily blurted out, Gawain suddenly became even more frustrated.

But he has no time to show off with John Thrall now.

The enemy has already been besieged, and the frigate responsible for surrounding him to conquer the King, it is difficult to block all the undead troops who attacked from behind.

In burst mode, the armor of Conquer King kept opening.

In a blink of an eye, the main artillery, secondary main artillery, secondary artillery, near-defense artillery, various levels of naval gun weapons, as well as missiles, missiles, and various fire launching devices were all exposed to the void.

Under the appearance of that huge robot, the whole body is actually covered with various dense firepower weapons!

After a round of fire, the undead troops that came up were besieged, and they were suddenly shot and killed.

Obviously, to make a good super battleship fit and deform, not just to satisfy Gawain's desire to be handsome.

This is actually of great value in terms of actual combat.

For the 50,000-meter-long super battleship, if you want to maximize the output of the firepower deployed on the ship, it must be sideways and fire, so that the larger area of ​​the ship is facing the enemy.

In fact, this will obviously have an impact on the flexibility and firepower output efficiency of the warship.

And this super battleship, because it is an integrated ship, has also added a large amount of hangar space and take-off bays, so there is no way to completely weaponize firepower weapons. There must be a trade-off between the two. In this way, the problem becomes even more serious.

To solve this problem, the best way is to design this super warship into two forms. When taking off as an interstellar mothership, the ‘Swarm’ unmanned fighter aircraft will be in one form.

When it takes the initiative to enter the battle and output firepower, it becomes another form that can better exert its firepower advantage.

This deformed idea was undoubtedly proposed by Xuan Ye, who is a project transformation consultant, and quickly hit it off with the kid Kate, making the other members of the project team quite messy.

Good guy, I thought we were going to build super warships, but were we going to build super transformers? !

Of course, in essence, the Conqueror King is still a comprehensive super star warship. The robot form of burst mode is just an adjustment to make it better firepower output.

This led to a direct increase of 16.72% in manufacturing expenses. The Minister of Finance cried and called his mother, and even Ye Qingxuan had a good talk with Luo Ji.

But what is surprising is that the manufacturing efficiency has not slowed down much. This should be thanks to Ye Xuan's super ability to transform. After all, the mechanical deformation mechanism, this is the field that Ye Xuan is good at.

Coupled with everyone's enthusiasm and the blessing of Kate's talents and skills, the efficiency has been maximized.

Now that the Conquer King burst mode just debuted, it quickly achieved good results in the face of the undead troops that had attacked.

Maintaining a sufficient offensive momentum, the Star Destroyer and the King of Conquer in burst mode cooperated with each other, firing all the way, hitting the intercepting force, and directly crushing it.

Once these two units are brought together, let alone ordinary troops, the smaller corps, they will all come here to give food!

From the perspective of the army, this is completely a unit, typical of several legions.

Maintaining that unstoppable advancing momentum, both the Star Destroyer and the King of Conquer in burst mode cut into the main battlefield from the flanks of the battlefield.

The arrival of these two top war units brought an obvious impact to the undead army on the main battlefield.

To a large extent, it withstood the offensive momentum of the undead army, and shared a lot of pressure on the main battlefield of the main army of ten thousand civilizations.

After confirming the news, Zhong Mo's pressure increased significantly.

On the flanking battlefield, the situation was not good at first, so they didn't expect much from it at the beginning.

The thinking of Zhong Mo and the Lich King Sorenk has always been to rush to destroy the main force of the civilization of the world on the main battlefield before the flanking battlefield collapses or accidents occur.

In this way, even if the flanks of the battlefield collapsed, the civilization of the world would not want to reverse the situation. In the end, they would only be blown up one by one, snowballing, and suppressed to death.

But now, on the flanking battlefield, Boy Ibaraki died, and the remaining troops could not withstand the crush of the Star Destroyer and the King of Conquerors. They collapsed too fast, which added variables to the main battlefield.

But if you want to reverse it, it would be too beautiful.

After Zhong Mo's "Eternal Night" was launched, the advantage of the undead army could still be guaranteed.

Not to mention that in this process, the undead army can continue to replenish their undead army by frantically killing the soldiers of the civilization of the world.

As long as both of them are still fighting, they will definitely die.

With this as a prerequisite, the more soldiers die in Ten Thousand Realms Civilization, the more efficient the army of the undead will be. UU reading

Ebb and flow are the fundamental means to accumulate and expand advantage in battle.

In addition, the eight-qi Orochi who started madly cannot be underestimated.

They are also top-notch warfare units, fighting for firepower output and killing efficiency, Yaqi Orochi may not be able to fight the Star Destroyer and Conquer King.

However, in terms of speed and agility, or the comprehensive ability of skimming firepower output and killing efficiency, the Yachi Orochi is obviously above the Star Destroyer and the King of Conquer!

"Baqi, go and deal with that planetary weapon and giant robot."

At this moment, Zhong Mo, whose consciousness is in the Pluto Dragon body, is fighting Scarlett in a desperate fight, but his huge mental power allows him to have the ability to do two things even in this situation. capital.

After conveying the latest order to Yaqi, Zhong Mo immediately got in touch with Dracula.

"On the side of the flanking battlefield, Ibaraki Boy died at the opposite hand of Six Wings. If there is no accident, the Six Wings should have already come over here, hurry up and get ready."

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