The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4057: , The greatest hero

Among the behemoth units, although the Storm Eagle is the fastest, its physical strength is the worst.

   The previous series of high-intensity battles caused them to consume a lot of physical strength.

   So from the time when the Yaki Orochi broke out and rampaged on the battlefield, the physical strength of the storm eagles was obviously a bit unable to keep up.

After   , the Yachi Orochi rushed towards the Conquer King, not to mention.

  The storm eagles that can live to the present are basically all experienced in combat.

   In the case of obvious physical exertion, it is a very unwise practice to forcibly squeeze physical strength to pursue a powerful enemy without physical exertion, and it can even be said to be stupid.

  Because even if you barely catch up, you will eventually be exhausted due to severe physical exertion and will not have the energy to fight the opponent, let alone win.

   Storm eagles with rich combat experience, naturally it is impossible to make such a low-level mistake.

   So they simply seized this opportunity and made some adjustments appropriately, and after they recovered a little physical strength, they chased them up.

   At this stage, they can't say how good they are, but they can only say that they are at least capable of fighting.

   Especially under the premise that there is a big guy like the Conquer King standing up front and restricting the actions of the Oki Orochi.

   But they could tell that the Conquer King couldn’t last forever.

   The madly struggling snake body power of the Yachi Orochi is naturally one of the reasons, but the eight snake heads that frequently attack are also not to be ignored.

   I didn't have time to think, blessed myself with enhanced spells, and a group of storm eagles quickly culled.

   To a certain extent, the Conquer King can carry more than the big-ranked Hundred-Headed Giant Serpent Shesha, who is still in the golden rank.

   This ‘can carry’ advantage allowed a group of storm eagles to let go of the fight more thoroughly.

During the    period, a number of giant beast units, such as the raging shark, the deep sea monster, the violent king snake, and the bloodthirsty python, also arrived one after another.

   finally got a certain degree of control over the whole situation here.

   In the commander-in-chief room, a little relieved Gawain, as soon as he relaxed, he immediately collapsed in position, and his clothes on his back were completely soaked by the cold sweat.

   One of the space transfer scrolls in his hand was not held firmly, and it almost fell to the ground.

   "Hey, I'm scared to death."

Gawain whispered in his heart, after adjusting his emotions, he didn't even have time to squat with John Thrall, and directly threw the enemy of this life behind his head, with a pair of eyes fixed in front of him. The information and images of the battlefield that came back constantly confirmed the whole situation.

   The arrival of their giant civilization behemoth units in Ten Thousand Realms does not mean that he can sit back and relax.

   Really speaking, a limited number of behemoths have never been able to beat the Yaqi Orochi before them.

   Of course, Gao Wen understands.

   In this battle with the undead army, in order to withstand the offensive of the undead army, the giant beast, as a strategic war unit, is an indispensable and important combat force for their army of civilizations.

   To put it bluntly, behemoths are needed to support the scene, but the behemoths are just that, and they cannot be produced directly on the assembly line.

   If a larger army of giant beasts is transferred to surround the Yachi Orochi, the main force will collapse because of the lack of sufficient number and strength of war units.

  Then what's the meaning of your transfer of the monster?

   You must know that on this battlefield, their Ten Thousand Realms Civilization mobilized giant beast units to restrict the movement of Yaqi Orochi. The fundamental purpose is to prevent their main force from being collapsed by this top war unit!

   The primary and secondary relationship has to be clarified.

   I couldn’t pick up sesame seeds, lost watermelon, and defeated Yaqi Orochi. As a result, the army collapsed and the whole line was defeated. Didn’t you cool yourself?

   Under the premise that the Conquer King picked up the damage and restrained the movement of the Yachi Orochi with both arms, the behemoth units that came to support, naturally seized the opportunity and launched an offensive frantically.

   Within a short while, the big snake of Yaqi had lost a piece of intact skin and flesh. During the period, a large number of dead gray bones were exposed in the void.

  Especially the eight snake heads, they have received the intensive care of the storm eagles.

   Under the eagle claws tore, the eight snake heads are already ugly and infiltrate to the extreme.

In the hollow eye sockets where the eyeballs have been dug out, you can see that the soul fire is bursting and beating, above the hideous snake head, while the epidermis is torn completely beyond recognition, a lot of purple-black flesh and meridians are unrecognizable. Still stuck to the skull, a hideous and terrifying look that was indescribable.

   It was a great contribution to be able to tear this eight-kissed snake out of recognition, and to show off the great beasts.

   But who is the biggest hero?

   That still has to be the King of Conquer!

   A group of giant beasts have fought against Yaqi Orochi more than once or twice, but they have never been able to do this before.

   can do it now, there are two main reasons.

   The first reason, and also the biggest reason, is because the Yachi Orochi had been broken by the Conquer King’s high-frequency vibration particle bit before the giant beasts arrived.

   After all the giant beasts arrive, as long as they are not stupid, they can tear directly along the wound opened by the high-frequency vibration particle drill, it will definitely be a lot easier.

   As for the second reason, it is because the Yachi Orochi was restrained by the death embrace of the Conquer King.

   In the case of being unable to move freely, the Yachi Orochi basically lost the ability to evade in the face of the attacks of the giant beasts.

   From these two points of view, as the biggest contributor to this wave, Conquer King is basically unquestionable.

   And in the process of the giant beasts smashing the Yaqi Orochi into the corpse, as the highest commander of the Conquer King, Gao Wen also confirmed the situation of the Conquer King as quickly as possible.

  The expression on his face after that was basically nothing but solemnity.

   At this moment, the damage rate of the high-frequency vibration particle drill on the main body has exceeded 50%, and it has gone straight to 60%.

   At the same time, the load on the arms of Conquer King continued to increase.

   The problem of double-arm load is aside. The damage rate of the high-frequency vibration particle drill bit should basically be controlled at about 60%.

   It's not that Gao Wen has some kind of show operation that can control the damage of the high-frequency vibration particle drill.

   But because in the area directly in contact with the Yachi Orochi, all the high-frequency vibration particle drill bits together, the number is almost 60% of the total number of weapons...

   When the high-frequency vibration particle drill bits in this entire area are all destroyed, the number of damages will naturally not increase significantly.

   From this point of view, it is still rather sad, and there is no good way to stop it.

   But under the premise that the firepower weapon is basically not used, Gao Wen also put the position of the Conquer King very right, obediently here as a damage control.

   As for the task of smashing the eight-kissed snake into pieces, it must fall on a group of giant beasts.

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