The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4087: , Kingship (3)

When Luo Ji had evacuated his army on a large scale from this battlefield, Zhong Mo had a vague premonition in his heart.

Now the hunch came true, but it made him not happy at all.

At this stage, the main force of Ten Thousand Realms Civilization has completed an all-round evacuation, and has basically moved to the periphery of this star field.

As the supreme commander of the undead army, the Lich King Solenk, who noticed this movement, naturally asked his army to follow suit.

But in the current situation, due to Luo Ji's holy word technique covering the whole audience, the movement of his undead army is restricted everywhere. At this moment, trying to move efficiently is just a idiot.

In this situation, when Luo Ji's golden sun hits down, once it reacts with the star's nucleus of this planet, a black hole will be formed accidentally.

At that time, his undead army, I am afraid they will all be buried in the black hole!

In the time when thoughts fly, that body is comparable to a planet, like the golden sun-like Judgment Wheel, which has already broken through the planet's atmosphere and smashed it down!

The rays of divine magic that came straight from the front were even more deadly for their undead than ordinary sun rays.

Generally, undead units may be wiped out by the light that overflows from this Judgment Sun.

Facing this force, Zhong Mo roared against the burning sensation that hit the soul directly, and the body of the Pluto Dragon began to swell wildly, and then, a breath of death blasted straight toward Luo Ji's judgment day wheel!

At that moment, two powerful forces that completely repelled each other frantically hedged near the planet's atmosphere.

Under the mutual erosion, a huge energy storm is directly formed, bringing about an astonishing explosion impact.

In an instant, the surrounding space was like a layer of fragile glass, which collapsed layer by layer, and the planet’s atmosphere collapsed. The spreading energy impact carried with it a decay-like momentum, at a speed visible to the naked eye. The surface of the planet brought a devastating blow.

An originally good planet, under this blow, the outer layer of the planet collapsed on a large scale, forcibly turning it into a wasteland.

But at the same time, because of the offsetting of the two forces, Zhong Mo succeeded in avoiding the explosion of the planet, forming a situation where a black hole swept the entire star field around him.

In the meantime, facing the impact of the explosion, Luo Ji opened the holy light barrier for him in an instant. At the same time, on the surface of his armor, a large number of magic spells and alchemy styles were spread out. On the outer cloak, the defensive array and The wizard spell is also constantly lit.

The powerful multiple compound defenses were enough to ensure that Luo Ji was safe and sound in the aftermath of the explosion.

After that, Luo Ji's movements didn't stop for a moment. He lifted his hand, and in a short time, nine swords of kingship, tens of thousands of meters long, had already condensed into shape!

The Judgment Day Wheel, after all, belongs to a wide range of attack skills. Compared with the attack of the dragon's breath, the power is more concentrated. Zhong Mo's dragon's breath broke his face and burst his Judgment Day Wheel. For this matter, Luo Ji It's not a big surprise.

Under this premise, the explosion energy of his Judgment Sun Wheel had already been offset by Zhong Mo's dragon breath, and Luo Ji didn't feel that the aftermath of the explosion would kill Zhong Mo.

Sure enough, accompanied by a violent surge of explosive energy, in order to contend with his Judgment Wheel, the Pluto Dragon, which was already huge to a certain size, suddenly rushed out of the energy storm in it.

As far as Luo Ji currently understands, Zhong Mo's breath of death has never been fired in succession, and it takes a certain period of time to cool down between each dragon's breath.

Under the premise that the spell attack had been bounced back and the dragon's breath attack could not be used for a short time, Zhong Mo's only remaining method was close combat.

Prepared to be mentally prepared just in case, Luo Ji stretched out his hand, and the nine swords flew all at once, and he intercepted and killed the oncoming Zhong Mo.

Originally, by virtue of the "Tai Xuan Jing" technique, Luo Ji's control of the sword of the void had already reached the point of "send with one's heart".

Now combined with the Judgment Blade of the Divine Art System, after the Void Sword has evolved into the Sword of King Power, it has added the characteristics of ‘Divine Art’, which greatly increases the lethality of undead units.

At the same time, it cooperates with Luo Ji's divine consciousness domain, once it is used, the power is even more amazing!

Only condensing nine swords is not Luo Ji's limit.

But it is Luo Ji's most powerful and controlling state!

At that time, if the wheel of Judgment Day could allow him to explode the planet, form a black hole, clear the field directly, and take in the army of the undead, then he would naturally be relieved.

But now, he has to continue to control the undead army with the Holy Word technique while fighting against Zhong Mo. This pressure is a little bit heavier.

With this as a prerequisite, Luo Ji is also cautious.

After all, Zhong Mo, who controls the Pluto Dragon, has the capital to fight Scarlett head-on.

Even though the melee ability is slightly inferior to Scarlet, it is already at the peak level!

At this moment, the nine swords flew together, forming a sword formation directly, and besieging Zhong Mo in accordance with Luo Ji's will.

In the face of Luo Ji’s must-kill sword formation, Zhong Mo’s melee ability to challenge Scarlett was also shown. His super physical fitness, combined with various flip and evasion movements, paid a certain price for Zhong Mo, he insisted. After passing through the interception of Nine Swords, he approached Luo Ji at the fastest speed.

Although Luo Ji didn't panic about this, it was the first time that Luo Ji made a move, leaving his original position, and the body technique unfolded. It was a combination of various light exercise body techniques under the blessing of the "Tai Xuan Jing". The ultimate body technique continues to be displayed.

During the period, Luo Ji waved his hand, and the nine swords of kingship flew back immediately, cooperating with his handy fist and martial arts, and constantly dealing with Zhong Mo, who was constantly on the verge of killing him.

Despite the visor, Zhong Mo at this moment felt Luo Ji's peace from the soul level.

Luo Ji's calmness made him anxious.

He probably guessed what Luo Ji wanted to do next, but he couldn't stop it!

Zhong Mo's anxiety did not last long, because what he was anxious about soon became a reality.

At this moment, behind Luo Ji, a wheel of judgment like a golden sun was condensing and forming at an astonishing speed!

Different from the ordinary Judgment Day Wheel, it is not only a consumption problem, but the Judgment Day Wheel whose strength and scale have been increased to this level, after an attack, even Luo Ji in the state of'True God', will take a while to ease.

Fighting with Zhong Mo with the sword of kingship, to put it bluntly, is just waiting for the preparation of the second round of judgment to be in place.

Luo Ji's move now has absolutely no intention of concealing it.

The battle seemed to say, ‘if you can stop me, just stop me and see! ’

It can be described as a tyrannical posture.

Under tremendous pressure, Zhong Mo tried his best to kill him, but Luo Ji directly interrupted his movements with Holy Words.

In the next moment, the planet-level Judgment Sun Wheel has completely condensed into shape!

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