The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4090: , The neutral planet "Karen Bell"

In the year 8731 of the galaxy calendar, the third universe, as a neutral planet sandwiched in the center of many universe nations, the star field around "Karenbel", with the continuous advancement of many forces, completely reduced to a battlefield...

Within the star field, the goblin tribe’s fleet is vigorous, relying on attack range and firepower weapons to advance layer by layer, trying to get closer to the neutral planet Karen Bell in order to seize the opportunity and occupy a favorable position.

"General Saar, the minister of the Karenbel Planetary Defense Headquarters sent a message saying that our army has approached their Karenbel planetary defense circle. Their Karenbel is a neutral and peaceful planet and will not participate in any wars. They demand that our army stop advancing. , Leave immediately."

Hearing this, the goblin general who was sitting in the position of commander-in-chief let out a sneer.

Then he curled his lips in disdain.

"Neutral peace planet? Think you can stay out of the matter by shouting a few peace slogans and saying that you are a neutral planet? It's ridiculous, ignoring the other party and continuing to advance toward the planned interstellar coordinates, as long as the Karen Bell side has launched an attack. Directly launch a counterattack! Dissolve the opponent's threat!"

At this moment, the goblin fleet showed a very tough attitude.

Although the nature of the goblin tribe is not brave, but the clever mind and flexible hands, so that the goblin tribe almost possesses the top technological power even if you look at all the universe countries.

This technological power has brought an astonishing speed of development and a powerful military force to their cosmic nation.

At the same time, it gave the goblin fleet a ‘tough’ confidence.

In the process of the goblin fleet's efficient advancement, Karen Bell's planetary defense forces had not had time to start operations, and they also wanted to break free from the other force in the superior area, but they had already started their efforts first.

Even the void couldn’t stop the spreading special sound waves, and accompanied by a scalp-numbing low roar, the void on the other side of the goblin fleet began to collapse. The giant whales are seven points similar, but they are huge monsters like small planets, appearing at the end of the void.

"Damn it!"

Looking at the real-time feedback of the battlefield intelligence, General Thrall suddenly bounced from his seat in the command room of the main flagship of the goblin fleet.

"Leviathan! Damn it! The Leviathan of the Orc race has moved to this star field. Who can tell me why I haven't received a bit of information?!"

While speaking, General Thrall stared fiercely at a certain position in the command room.

Long before General Thrall's sight swept over, the head of their Goblin Fleet Intelligence Department was already sitting on pins and needles.

Now facing General Thrall’s questioning, the Minister of Intelligence also stood up immediately, and then bit the bullet and said...

"Report General! We did not detect any orc planet-level units moving nearby!"

What can General Thrall say about this?

The battle between their goblin fleet and the orc army is now fierce, and he can't kill the intelligence chief of his fleet now.

"The order goes on, the entire fleet is evacuated! The first to third fleets, following the route No. 3, move at an even speed toward the coordinate location I marked, and use the No. 5 tactics to attack the enemy Leviathan! The rest of the fleet, go along. Continue to move along the original route, execute tactics No. 2, and be ready to face the attack at any time!"

The fast action of the goblin fleet and the high-speed advancement of the orc army quickly caused the two armies to quickly open the outer space of the neutral planet Karen Bell.

Confirming the latest information returned, the minister of the Karen Bell Planetary Defense Headquarters is now very emotional.

Inside the Planetary Defense Headquarters, at this time, the minister only felt that the pair of eyes in the commander-in-chief room were all looking at him now, waiting for him to give orders.

The goblin fleet and the orc army on the opposite side made it clear that they had completely ignored his warning.

However, in the face of a situation like this, what can he do?

Does it really fire?

Although they don't want to admit it, they have to admit that as a neutral planet, their military power is far incomparable with goblins and orcs.

In peacetime, the star field they are in is just a buffer zone between many cosmic nations. In order to avoid unnecessary stimulus to the other parties, the major cosmic nations will naturally not easily go here. When deploying troops, keeping a safe distance is the first priority.

This also makes Karen Bell, who survived in the cracks, lived very smoothly in the past so many years.

But once the war started, the star field they were in suddenly became a battleground for military strategists! Finally formed the current situation.

At this moment, as the minister of Karen Bell's planetary defense headquarters, he really didn't dare to open fire easily.

Either of these two forces can easily annihilate them.

If the other party is reasonable, they can still talk about it, but if they don’t make sense, then Karen Bell is nothing in the eyes of their two cosmic nations...

Once the fire was fired, he didn't know who the goblin fleet and the orc army would win or lose, but they would be destroyed 100% of Karen Bell.

This can only be said to be the sorrow of the weak.

As thoughts flew around, the minister of the Karenbel Planetary Defense Headquarters took a deep breath, and then a slightly hoarse voice sounded in the command room...

"Let the planetary defense forces enter a first-level combat readiness state. Without my order, they are not allowed to fire."

Upon receiving the order, the commander-in-chief's indoor atmosphere was solemn.

This order from their minister sounds no problem at first glance.

But the fact is that at this point, the fighting goblin fleet and orc army have crossed their Karenbel border many times. uukanshu. com hit the inside of their planetary defense circle.

Under normal circumstances, as a defender, after giving the final warning, it is time to fire.

But they did not fire, saying that they were in a state of first-level combat readiness, and they also specifically emphasized that they were not allowed to fire without an order.

Everyone knows what that means.

To put it bluntly, it is just to behave, in order to maintain their poor face of Karen Bell.

In this regard, along with their planetary defensive circle, the battle between the goblin fleet and the orc army became more and more fierce, and the battlefield also shifted. Soon, the flames of war completely spread to their territory within Karen Bell.

During the period, the goblin fleet and the orc army, purely as if they did not exist, under their noses, they called one incompatibility.

Invisible, a deep sense of humiliation has already surged from the heart of Karen Bell's garrison.

For Karen Bell's planetary garrison, every second of the goblin fleet and orc army fighting in their territory is an insult to them!

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