The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4097: , This machine is number four thousand five hundred and seventy-eight

"Di! Confirm the signal, received the signal from No. 4578, the original intelligence was wrong!"

"Check the encrypted identity code."

"Encrypted identity code verification..."

"The encrypted identity code has been verified correctly. The signal is confirmed to come from the number 4578, which was previously judged to be lost."

"Building a connection..."

"Successful connection establishment."

"No. 4578, report your situation immediately!"

After successfully establishing contact, according to Karen Bell's technological capabilities, there was no way to intercept their intelligence, and even to interfere.

Under this premise, relying on the ultra-efficient intelligence uploading and synchronization capabilities, the Mechanic Race learned the ins and outs of the whole thing almost in an instant.

"Confirm the position, inside the neutral planet Karenbel in the third universe, the coordinate position (3191, 4826)..."

"Confirm the situation, the Seven Star Alliance, Ye Qingxuan, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, request to negotiate with us."

"Apply for this request..."

"The application is successful."

"Judging, please wait..."

"The judgement is complete, be recognized!"

Negotiations with the machine race are simple from all sides.

On the one hand, she can directly negotiate long-distance with the machine race through the ‘Mr. Head’ in front of her, without having to go there in person, and to a large extent, reduces the negotiation risk.

On the other hand, the reason is that the machine race is an absolutely rational race, and will not be affected by any emotions, and at the same time will not engage in some tricks.

In other words, she only needs to come up with enough benefits, and this negotiation will inevitably succeed.

Under this premise, if she can maintain this interest stably and for a long time, then the machine race will definitely be able to become her loyal ally.

From this point of view, the machine family can understand much better than humans.

During the negotiation, except for Ye Qingxuan and the Mr. Head, the others temporarily withdrew from the room symbolically.

After that, it didn’t take too long. Soon, the door of the room opened again, and their eldest lady walked out from the inside with a smile, and gestured at them with a scissor hand, making everyone clearly aware that their eldest lady was already Negotiations with the machine clan.

"Now, let us all warmly welcome Mr. Head! Next, as the representative of the machine clan, we will act with us!"

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan handed an air microphone to No. 4578.

"Mr. Head, what is your mood now? Express your thoughts!"

In response, the eyes of that head flickered twice, and then he spoke...

"Mood, feeling... the unique state of biological units, and it is impossible to understand the generation logic of this state."


At this moment, when everyone was silent and didn't know what to say, Ye Qingxuan suddenly spoke...

"Well said! Everyone applauds!"

After listening, everyone reacted, sparsely, and clapped for a while.

Faced with this situation, No. 4578's eyes flickered non-stop, apparently completely unable to understand the series of bewildering behaviors in front of him.

"Can't understand the logic in this behavior."

In response, Ye Qingxuan waved his hand casually.

"Don't care about the small details. In short, Mr. Head is welcome to join."

"This machine is numbered 4578, and the name cannot be understood."

"This, the problem is not big..."

Just when Ye Qingxuan was about to say something, the lights in the house suddenly went out again, plunged the whole building into darkness.

"What's the matter? My chief mechanic?"

"Damn! It's my shit?! Mr. Head is not connected to the energy supply of the building now!"

"This machine is number 4578."

"Okay, Char, control your emotions, Miss, we have'guests' coming in."

As Uncle Li spoke, he had already picked up his rifle and opened the insurance.

"Just in case, take Mr. Head, we should leave."

"This machine is number 4578."

In the constant repetition of No. 4578, a whole small group centered on Ye Qingxuan has been ready to go in the shortest time.

Even the most courageous chief mechanic, Char, is quick to move.

Obviously, they have experienced similar things.


Needless to say, after hearing their eldest lady's voice, Ye Feixing suddenly understood.

In fact, he had already targeted those uninvited guests long before their eldest made a noise!

"Here, it's less than 20 meters away from the door. The steps are very light. It's Lianjiazi. The others should have been killed."

At this moment, Ye Feixing's voice rang in the ears of all members except No. 4578. .

"It's almost outside the door."

While speaking, Ye Feixing's body sank slightly, quietly accumulating strength, and the moment when the person who was outside, completely approached, he slapped his palm on the door with lightning speed!

Suddenly, an entire security door was shot torn apart on the spot. A large number of security door fragments, mixed with the broken wall stones around, were pushed by a powerful force, like a shotgun fired, and exploded toward the door. Shoot away!

The enemies who happened to be on both sides of the door at that time were directly affected by Ye Feixing's palm, and their bodies became **** amid the screams.

During this period, Ye Feixing kept moving, maintaining a posture of lowering his figure, stepping repeatedly under his feet, and shaking his body, UU reading flashed onto the corridor outside the door.

Through previous perceptions, Ye Feixing knew very well how many people were in this corridor.

Almost at the same time as he flashed out, at both ends of the corridor, under the two pieces of black casual clothes, a figure clearly wearing a protective suit, swiftly punched up.

These two figures clearly made it clear that they had reached a certain level. In the narrow corridor passage, the two ends were separated to form a pincer formation. For a while, Ye Feixing wanted to defeat them, it was really not that easy.

"The corridor is too narrow, Fei Xing can't open it, and now we are trapped in the house, Fei Xing can't move freely either."

Having said that, Ye Qingxuan had a voice.

"Jessica, what's the situation downstairs?"

Upon hearing the question, Jessica, who was leaning behind the window and observing the situation downstairs, reacted quickly...

"Six places, no, at least seven places have ambushes. Four of them have been locked on this side. We should use high-precision sniper rifles. If we want to leave the window, we will inevitably encounter many places at the same time. Sniper."

"It seems that these guys are here prepared."

As he spoke, Uncle Li already frowned.

During this period, a projection projected suddenly from the eyes of number 4578, which basically only had one head.

"The wall at the upper right six meters is weak. After breakdown, you can climb the upper roof space. The skylight of the attic is not sealed. After opening, you can easily reach the roof."

"Oh! Good job, Mr. Head!"

"This machine is number 4578."

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