The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4112: , Actually...

Among the orcs who generally don't like to move their brains, Rhein definitely can be called a sect.

However, it is a pity that even if he is a minded Rhein, his mind is more focused on fighting and fighting with the troops. He can't say that he is not good at negotiating things like this, but he is really not good at it.

Although the performance at the beginning was not bad, after the two sides sat down at the table and the negotiation officially started, facing the pharaoh and experienced Ye Qingxuan, the tricks of the negotiation were really not enough, and it was used by Ye Qingxuan. In a few words, it easily took away the dominant power.

At the same time, for Rhine, the most passive thing is that Ye Qingxuan also grasped a weakness that they could not ignore.

"Originally it was just an ordinary border friction. According to your past, after the fight is almost done, find an opportunity to rush into Karen Bell and looting, Prince Rhine, you will be able to return home with a full load, but Who would have thought that this good fortune would have killed the mechanical and ghost troops halfway through."

"The goblin fleet sees foresight, it's a good escape, you..."

Having said that, Ye Qingxuan laughed.

"It's probably not that you really want to fight the forces of the Machine Race and the Ghost Race, but you can't go at all, right?"

In the situation at that time, the forces of the Mechanical Race and the Ghost Race had already reached close.

If he turns his head to evacuate with the orc army, it is equivalent to directly handing over the dominant power to the mechanical and ghost forces. After this, he will inevitably be pursued and killed by the two clans in succession. In the process, the painful price was paid.

At that time, Rheinland took this into consideration, and then considered that their orc army had the advantage of the home court, with strong troops and faster support, so they chose to stay and fight so simply, intending to repel the opponent, depending on the situation. Make follow-up arrangements.

Although there is a saying that goes well, "A strong dragon does not crush a snake", but don’t forget, there is also a saying, "It’s not a Raptor but a river!" ’

As the two major forces in the First Universe, the Mechanical Race and the Ghost Race, they are undoubtedly called two raptors across the river!

Once the fight started, it was really not that easy for the orc army to solve them.

At the same time, the most terrible thing is that they are constantly adding more troops, the battle is getting bigger and bigger, making it difficult for the orc army to go.

As for the situation afterwards, let alone, the goblin fleet that understood the situation, although it was killed again, still can't change the fact that there has been a super melee here.

Wanting to get out has become more difficult than before.

Not to mention the mechanical race and the ghost race, they have already hit their doorstep, can they still not see it?

Letting the forces of the first universe enter their third universe in a big way is not a good thing for the various cosmic nations in the third universe.

"Counting the time, I would like to come to the representatives of all ethnic groups on your side. There should already be many representatives who have raised objections to this war?"

Hearing this, Rhine's face was obviously gloomy.

Because just like Ye Qingxuan said, the opinions of the representatives of the various emirates in the rear of the Orc Federation have begun to diverge.

Among them, the party headed by his father believes that the forces of the first universe cannot be released into their third universe. The most important thing is to drive the mechanical and ghost forces out of the third universe to ensure the third universe. Three universes will not have foreign enemies from other universes intervene.

From this point of view, the idea of ​​the goblin clan is basically the same as theirs.

The other side believes that if the fight continues, the loss and consumption of the Orc Federation will be too large, and in order to control this loss, the troops should be withdrawn in time.

The former is to consider the overall situation and make a decision without any problems.

The latter is considered from the perspective of their orc federation itself. Although the overall picture is important, you have to think about your own situation, right?

What if this is a battle that severely hurts one's own vitality, and then even if the machine race and the ghost race are successfully driven out of the third universe?

After that, the cosmic nations in the third universe will have no idea about them who are in weakness?

It can only be said that the two sides have their own truths, and it is really impossible to simply judge who is right and who is wrong.

Ye Qingxuan undoubtedly understood the current situation very clearly, and completely pinched this weak underbelly of Rhine.

"Speak straight, what do you want to do?"

"The biggest problem with your Orc Federation right now, to put it bluntly, is the resources..."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan stretched out her hand to open a virtual interface, and then gently pushed forward, the virtual interface immediately flew in front of Rhein.

"Do you think this is enough?"

After seeing the numbers shown above, Rhein's expression suddenly changed.

If the other party is not playing him, Rhein now fully understands how rich the Seven Star Alliance is.

This resource is two to thirty percent higher than their highest looting results in Karen Bell in the past.

For the Orc Federation, whose resource consumption has increased due to unexpected battles, this resource is undoubtedly quite attractive.

However, as the commander-in-chief of the orc army, before asking Ye Qingxuan exactly what he wanted to do, it was absolutely impossible for Rhein to agree to the matter easily.

"What do you want me to do? What is the purpose of your Seven Star Alliance?"

"It's not a complicated matter. I only need Prince Rhine. You can stand up on behalf of the orc army at an appropriate time..."

While speaking, Ye Qingxuan briefly explained his plan again.

After listening, Rhine frowned directly and said...

"No, if I make this statement, it is very likely that the orc army will become the target of all the forces present!"

"About Prince Rhine, you can rest assured."

"What do you mean?"

"Meaning, our Seven-Star Alliance has reached an agreement with the Machine Race, and we will negotiate with the Goblin Race. At that time, the Goblin Race will not talk about it. The Machine Race will definitely follow along and add our Seven Star Alliance. Isn’t it clear enough?"

Ye Qingxuan, who had said this at this time, already showed an expression of victory.

Rhein, who heard this, was surprised at first, but then became a little suspicious.

"How do you prove that what you said is true?"


While speaking, Ye Qingxuan kept herself in her arms, applying a lot of patches on her body, half of her body was blue and gray, half of her body was brown and red, and there was a puppet bear with a clear dividing line in the middle.

"In fact, he is the representative of the machine family."


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