The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4115: Orc Meeting

On the side of the orc army, Rhein quickly fed back the latest news.

The emergence of the Seven-Star Alliance was undoubtedly a bit beyond their expectations and plunged them into a brief commotion.

The representatives of the emirates called for an urgent meeting.

And the core of the discussion, needless to say...

"The purpose of the Seven Star Alliance is undoubtedly Karen Bell. They should want to pull Karen Bell into the alliance, and use Karen Bell as a springboard to let the alliance enter the third universe."

Above the main seat of the discussion hall of all races, a burly lion man was quietly telling his thoughts.

During the period, he was full of majestic voice, echoing in the discussion hall, invisibly, had already dominated the entire meeting.

This lion man is the chief of the emirate of the lion king, prince Rhine, father of Rhine Evans, lion king Chris Evans!

"According to my thoughts, we can accept this deal proposed by the Seven Star Alliance. It avoids fighting and also obtains resources. Basically, for our Orc Federation, there is only good, no harm."

This orc federation, although each emirate has a place, there is no doubt that there are strong and weak points between the emirates and the emirates.

And their Lion King Emirate is undoubtedly the strongest one.

The emirates at this level often have many weak emirates attached to them.

At this time, Chris Evans expressed his attitude, and the group of emirates who regarded him as the leader of the lion king's emirates, suddenly expressed their attitudes to keep up.

Suddenly, there was a feeling that this meeting could be over.

However, this meeting obviously cannot end like this.

Excluding those who responded, there were actually many representatives in this conference hall, and there was no sound at all.

During the period, the eyes of many orc representatives swept across the faces of the representatives of the strong clan, and finally fell on a tiger.

In the Orc Federation, how strong the Tiger Clan is, there is no need to say more.

At the same time, in past meetings, the Tiger tribes and the Lion tribes have basically challenged each other, and they have always had the meaning of tit-for-tat.

However, what people did not expect was that this time, Hu Li, the patriarch of the tiger tribe, did not have the momentum to speak out at all.

He even ignored the sight of many orcs and yawned unscrupulously.

That posture seems to say, ‘When will this break meeting be held? I still want to go back quickly to make up for it. ’

The violent reaction surprised many orcs. On the contrary, Chris Evans, as his ‘dead enemy’, was in a very calm state, as if he had expected it.

The group of orcs around are thinking about something, Hu Li knows, and Chris Evans knows too.

But in this, most of the orcs thought about the relationship between him and Hu Li wrong.

This group of guys thought he and Hu Li would like to fight to see who is the boss, but in fact it is not the case.

He and Hu Li didn't agree with each other in the past, and there was basically no element of anger, just that their respective thoughts and positions were different.

Even if I really want to talk about it, although the two of them don't have much friendship, in some statements and actions, there is quite a feeling of being a hero and cherishing a hero.

At this time, Hu Li's thoughts are undoubtedly consistent with him, and he also agrees with the cooperation with the Seven Star Alliance, so he has nothing to say now.

Chris Evans looked at the situation almost, just as he was about to let a group of representatives vote on the final show of hands.

A voice rang...

"I have an objection. Let the Seven Star Alliance enter the Third Universe. Who can guarantee that the Seven Star Alliance will not pose a threat to us in the future?"

At this moment, it was the Hyena Queen who was speaking out.

Although the individual combat power of the Hyenas is not as good as the traditional overlords of the Orcs such as the Lions and the Tigers, they are superior in scale and extremely cunning. Once large-scale operations are carried out in groups, they are even stronger than the Lions and the Tigers. The Orc races are all a little bit jealous.

Therefore, even if the Hyena Man is annoying, if the Hyena Queen speaks out, the representatives of the Orc Federation in this discussion hall really can't treat her as non-existent.

Not to mention, there are actually many representatives of orcs, and they have the same idea as the hyena queen.

If each universe is compared to a piece of cake, then the cake of their third universe is so big. The more people they share, the less each person gets.

At the same time, you can't be sure that after they come in, they will do something next.

From this perspective, leaving aside the helpless neutral cosmos like Karen Bell, the Third Universe has a certain scale of major forces, and I am afraid that the Seven Star Alliance is not very welcome.

In this regard, Hu Li still stayed out of the matter all the way, just wanting to sleep back, and threw all this trouble to Chris Evans.

Chris Evans had obviously considered the view mentioned by the Queen Hyena.

"In response to this issue, I cannot guarantee that the Seven-Star Alliance will not pose any threat to us after entering the Third Universe, but the problem now is that according to the latest intelligence sent back from the frontline, the Mechanical Race has reached an agreement with the Seven-Star Alliance, and at the same time The Seven Star Alliance has also indicated that they will contact the goblin clan again."

"In other words, as long as one of us and the goblins accepts the conditions of the Seven-Star Alliance, the combined forces will overwhelm the remaining forces in the battlefield. This choice is dominant. UU read and Not all in our hands."

At this moment, Chris Evans spoke in an organized manner, not like an orc.

"Assuming we reject the conditions of the Seven Star Alliance, and the goblin accepts it, then in the end we still cannot prevent the Seven Star Alliance from entering the Third Universe. Under this premise, we have not been able to get any benefits from the Seven Star Alliance."

"Since there is a high probability that there is no way to stop it, why not take this benefit?"

But the Queen Hyena was obviously not persuaded just like that.

"Then we can get in touch with the goblins and join forces temporarily. If we want to come to the goblins, we don’t want to have an extra seven-star alliance in the third universe! As long as we can reach a consensus with the goblins, the foreign seven-star alliance can pose a limited threat to us. ."

As a result, before the Queen Hyena's voice had fallen, Chris Evans' voice had already sounded again.

"But in this way, the Seven Star Alliance will no longer be able to easily take action, and the already persuaded Mechanical Race will continue their previous actions in all likelihood. Our war with the forces of the First Universe will also continue! "

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