The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4125: , Stupidity and arrogance

"Puff! Hahahahaha..."

   Seeing this news, Ye Qingxuan, who was sitting in the restaurant of the hotel, didn't hold back, and laughed out on the spot.

   Fortunately, this early morning, the traffic in the hotel restaurant is still quite large.

   There are many children making noise there. In this noisy restaurant environment, Ye Qingxuan's laughter did not arouse much attention.

   At most, the person who just happened to pass by, looked at her a few more times.

   But for this level of sight, Ye Qingxuan obviously didn't care at all.

   In her opinion, this is simply funny.

   Funny enough to make people laugh.

   She always thought that Senator Garren was shot and killed at the gate of the House of Lords before, and that this thing itself was magical enough.

   But now, it seems that there is no magic, only more magic.

   Whether it is due to public pressure to temporarily ‘detain’ members of the opposing party’s congressmen in their respective homes to cooperate with the investigation, or the Capitol’s monitoring system malfunctions, the video is cleared.

   These series of things are constantly refreshing the official lower limit of Karen Bell.

   telling this kind of lies that can almost be seen through at a glance, are they treating the people as fools?

   In other words, the people who do this don’t have a good brain?

of course not.

   Strictly speaking, although this action can be classified as a kind of stupidity, it is actually more of the arrogance of a certain part of Karen Belle in power!

   You can understand their behavior as they are even too lazy to fool around, so they just throw out a reason, anyway, the untouchables outside can’t really take them anyway.

   This can actually be seen from the time when the opponent was in the public, even when he chose to shoot Congressman Garren at the gate of the House of Lords.

   If they just want to kill Senator Garren, they can find someone to kill under these conditions when there is no one around.

   With this as a premise, they just did so.

   What does this mean? This shows that they are demonstrating!

   They are telling you, even if I kill you in front of everyone, what can you do with me? Almost the arrogance of a certain part of Karen Bell is fully displayed.

  The things of class are everywhere, just like people's abilities are high or low.

  The higher the ability, the greater the value, and the greater the value, the higher the reward he can get.

   The accumulation of wealth and the rise of status will gradually, naturally, form the so-called class, and at the same time, there is no way to erase it.

   Even really speaking, this is actually a kind of embodiment of the survival of the fittest.

   In a class society like this, Ye Qingxuan, who has been running through various galaxies and universes all the year round, can only say that he has seen too much.

   does not mean that a social class and superiors must be bad.

   There are also various types of superiors. Ye Qingxuan has not never seen a superior who is embraced by the people.

   For example, the Yanhuang Empire, one of the founding members of their Seven Star Alliance, is the most typical imperial power society.

   However, the Yanhuang Empire under the imperial power was rich in food and clothing, and the country was peaceful and peaceful.

   And like Karen Bell, the bourgeoisie and the upper class have separated from his people, and even formed opposition, Ye Qingxuan is not unheard of.

   This is also the main reason why Ye Qingxuan wants to change the current situation of Karen Bell and win a leader.

   After breakfast, Ye Qingxuan and his party didn't care about the watchers who were still following their buttocks, and came to the vicinity of Capitol Square in Surrington.

   It's not a strange move for them to come here.

   In fact, the neighborhood of Congress Square has been too busy these days. During the period, there are not a few tourists who come to join in the fun.

   You can see a lot of people holding shooting equipment, shooting there, and uploading them to social networks. There are even UP hosts on many online platforms that directly record programs there.

   Facing this situation, Karen Bell wanted to stop it at first.

   For this reason, even the police force in the city was deployed on a large scale, and even the troops were mobilized.

   But no matter how enthusiastic Surrington citizens could not be suppressed, the outer blockade was quickly destroyed, and a large number of Surrington citizens demonstrating rushed into Congress Square.

   The troops in the city were also forced to withdraw to the outside of the Capitol.

   The tourists and UP hosts who join in the fun and shoot videos are mainly concentrated on the periphery of Congress Square, and they didn't go deep inside, and they didn't want to be involved in Karen Bell's civil strife.

   Under this premise, Surrington's police force was completely blocked by the citizens, and it was impossible to stop it.

   It is estimated that those in power who had the idea of ​​‘dismiss the spoilers at the door casually’ did not expect that the matter would be so violent.

   At the same time, he did not expect that this group of civilians, who have always been submissive, would be so excited this time.

   In fact, the people of Karen Bell have long been grudges against individual people in power.

   Congressman Garren was shot in public, and the perfunctory actions of the top Karen Belle afterwards were just the fuse that completely detonated their emotions!

   Now in the network of the Third Universe, their Karen Bell suddenly became famous.

   is really a typical example of being embarrassed and thrown abroad.

   And in this process, as a party that is hostile to Garen Congressman, those Congressmen who represent the Karen Bell bourgeoisie have been pushed to the forefront.

   Now, the congressmen who were originally ordered to be ‘detained’ in their homes, drinking black tea and eating exquisite snacks, faced this gradual out-of-control situation, and finally they couldn’t sit still. UU Reading

   There was a faint thought that they might have gotten off this time.

   Their self-esteem obviously does not allow them to admit this mistake, but now they have to make a response quickly.

  In this state, the first one to be introduced was undoubtedly the head of the Surrington Police Headquarters in the capital.

   This old director, who is in his sixties and who is about to retire, has recently been overwhelmed by this terrible thing.

   The congressman was shot and killed in public. This is a vicious incident. It stands to reason that they have to find out.

   But Garen's identity is special after all, and the place where he was shot is deadly.

   Is this the old director who can achieve the position of the director of the General Administration and has been in this position for nearly ten years, is it silly?

   This matter is no longer a question of whether to check, but a question of whether it can be checked.

   As expected, a phone call quickly reached his side, and with a little hint, the old director suddenly understood.

   As a result, a few days later, there was another announcement on the Capitol, to thoroughly investigate the matter, and toss the pot directly on his head, which immediately pushed him to the cusp of the storm.

  Think about the Capitol, then think about the enthusiastic people, and finally think about the partisan forces involved in this matter.

   Now, the old director is numb.

  嫲, is this to check or not to check? !

  :. :

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