Genius remembers this site address in one second: []https://fastest update! No ads!

As soon as such a message is sent out, of course there will be people who respond to it.

But there are obviously more people who ridicule.

The truth in this is not difficult in itself.

After the fall of the Capitol, the sentiments of the people were vented to a certain extent. After slowly calming down, it was easy for everyone to see how much they took for granted.

Even below, there are people who have calculated an account for them.

The content can probably be summarized as follows: if they strike collectively or resign, then more than 70% of them will face bankruptcy within one week at the fastest and three months at the slowest, and then live on the streets. .

And those dog capitalists, even if all the factories and stores under their names are closed and they are all lying at home, the property in their accounts will be enough for those guys for years.

I don't know if this news played some role.

Two days after this...

"Bang, bang! Bang—"

The steel pipe banged on the glass of a jewelry store on the street. Along with the large pieces of tempered glass shattered, a group of members of the'Rebel Army' with masks and shouting slogans of resistance rushed in aggressively and swept away the shop. After a large number of precious jewels were inside, they ran away before the police arrived.

Similar things happened not only in this place. Shopping malls one block away and luxury stores in another city were almost all ‘patronized’ by this type of people.

And, when these things happened, a comment spread on the Internet...

That is "Go to the **** group of'vampires' shops and get back the money that belongs to us!"

Below these remarks, it is really too lively.

There are those who directly express their strong support, and there are those who keep arguing about it, and it's not too big of a problem.

Of course, some people think that this approach is problematic.

However, in this atmosphere, people who say that there is a problem will be labeled as a ‘capitalist running dog’ as soon as they turn their heads, and then they will be logged out of the account without stopping.

On this network, there are countless people supported by Gong Huo, but most of them will not really do this.

However, it is undeniable that starting with the capital of Karen Belle, Surrington, recently there have been more and more ‘revolutionary groups’ carrying out ‘zero dollar shopping’ activities on the streets and alleys.

In the beginning, when these groups were conducting ‘zero-dollar purchases’, they would, at any rate, pay attention to the selection, specifically selecting the family businesses of the upper-class power holders of Karen Bell for activities.

But as the scale of these groups has grown larger and larger, the courage of these guys has become bigger and bigger. Now they have launched an indiscriminate "zero-dollar purchase" campaign, even with many self-employed businesses None of them escaped the scope of their'zero-dollar shopping' campaign, and the store was patronized by'enthusiasm'.

You know, many self-employed businesses who set up a store and start a small business basically lose money at the beginning.

After opening for a period of time, it is not bad to be able to maintain a balance of payments.

In this case, once the shop is ‘patronized’ and the balance of payments is broken, then they may not even be able to pay the next month’s shop rent.

In the past few days, many shopkeepers who have been affected on Karen Bell's network are confiding in blood and tears, and they have also attracted the sympathy of many Karen Bell's rational netizens.

But these sympathies obviously cannot change the current situation.

Even while they are making these remarks on the Internet, things like this are still happening...

The rent of the store on Third Avenue in the East Side of Surrington, although not as expensive as on the First Avenue, is quite a bustling commercial street in Surrington.

In the past, on this third avenue, it was also crowded with people. On both sides of the street, various shopping malls were enough to dazzle people.

And now, all that is left is chaos! Occasionally, pedestrians pass by and leave in a hurry. I don't want to stay around here for another second at all.

Compared with these hurried pedestrians, on the sidewalk on the side of the street, a middle-aged man wearing a linen workman's uniform with a little gray hair, looking like a middle-aged man in his 50s or 60s, just so dumb. Standing there, looking at everything around him, it looked particularly dazzling.

At this moment, across the street, the actions of a group of people attracted the attention of the middle-aged man.

I saw the group of people, all wearing thick coats, covering their faces with masks or face towels, holding steel pipes or baseball bats in their hands, and they were quickly approaching a shop.

That shop did not open. In fact, because of the riots during this period, most of the shops in the alleys of Surrington Street have been closed.

In some stores with valuables, all the items were urgently transferred away, and they were afraid to put them in the store.

In addition, many stores have directly lowered the rolling shutters, firmly protecting an entire storefront under the metal rolling shutters.

This makes many ‘revolutionary groups’ who want to carry out ‘zero dollar purchase’ activities have to look elsewhere.

Whether there is a rolling gate or not depends mainly on the financial resources of the shopkeeper. Obviously, it is impossible for every shop to have it on the whole street.

There is no doubt that there is no store that they are eyeing at this time.

Although this shop looks rather poor from the outside, for these “revolutionary groups” who are busy with the “revolutionary struggle” and don’t have time to earn economic income, they don’t care about more money and less money, as long as they have it, that’s what they want. .

Who would have thought that when they were approaching this shop, behind the glass of the shop, there was a figure rushing over.

He also held a baseball bat in his hand, and shouted at them, this is not a capitalist's shop, let them leave immediately.

But unfortunately, not only did this group of people not leave, they looked at the shopkeeper who was obviously overly nervous, and couldn't help laughing.

During the laughter, UU read www. A man at didn't care about the shopkeeper standing on the other side of the glass window. He strode directly and rushed up with several sticks.

The shattering and splashing of the glass made the shopkeeper pale, and the whole person retreated subconsciously.

As a result, one of his feet was unstable, and he just sat down on the ground.

At this moment, the group of people outside laughed even more exaggeratedly.

At this moment, a voice rang from afar...

"Hey! What are you doing?!"

At this moment, a middle-aged man wearing a workman's uniform standing across the street was yelling with an ugly face, while walking towards this side.

At this moment, anyone with eyes can feel the anger of the other person from the blood-red face of the other person. It looks like the meridian violent on the forehead is about to explode.

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