At this moment, in the penthouse suite of a hotel in Serrington, the capital of Karen Bell, a certain war machine has been completely reduced to a game console by a certain lady...

   "Luo Ji, Luo Ji Luo Ji!!!"

In Ye Qingxuan’s increasingly urgent urging sound, Luo Ji’s eyes shimmered. At that time, Ye Qingxuan, who was experiencing a certain fighting game in a completely immersive state, caught the character controlled by her in a **** state. A momentary flaw in the other character on the opposite side, with a perfect combo, directly hit the character with more than half of the blood to death on the spot.


   In the next second, Ye Qingxuan's obviously triumphant laugh echoed in the living room of the presidential suite.

   Immediately after that, it was Char's unhappy voice.

   "If you don't play, don't play anymore!"

  While speaking, Char angrily shut off the nerve connection device on his body and backed out.

   "Miss, you ask Luo Ji to help. What's the difference between that and opening the hang-up directly? No! That's too much than opening the hang-up!"

   "You can call it if you can, and see if Luo Ji will answer you."


  Ye Qingxuan's team, Li Ke, Ye Feixing, Jessica, and the others, obviously don't know how to play games, and now only Char can accompany her to play games to relieve her boredom.

   Seeing that Char quit now, Ye Qingxuan simply changed the game.

   "Forget it, play another game, Char, are there any new games lately?"

   For people like her who often travel around in spacecraft and go out, it takes ten and a half months on the road. For people who are even longer, playing games to relieve boredom is one of her necessary entertainment methods.

   This also led to a situation, that is, she basically played all the games on the market.

   Hearing what Ye Qingxuan said, Char held back for a long time, only then did he hold back...

   "Business Tycoon 29?"

   "Oh? Has this series been released until the twenty-ninth?"

   As a sequel to the twenty-nine super series, it is impossible for Ye Qingxuan to not know.

   Of course, I sigh and sigh, but in this series, Ye Qingxuan has never played a single game.

  The reason is...

   "Do you think I need to play this?"

   Business tycoon put it plainly is a simulation business game, the content of which can basically be summarized in the five words ‘doing business to make money’.

   And Ye Qingxuan herself has been living such a life, how can we still need to play this kind of game to experience?

  As the situation in Surrington got worse and worse, since Ye Qingxuan bought coffee beans from the coffee shop and returned to the hotel, she has completely started her life as an otaku.

   Daily life can basically be summarized as ‘eating, sleeping, playing games, watching the news’, apart from that, she has nothing to do in a short time.

   At the same time, if she goes to'playing games', then her current life will be boring to death.

   Based on this premise, Luo Ji’s current sub-processor was removed from the best game console on the market.

   Chaer also anticipated this situation when he was reconstructing Luo Ji's body at the time, so he specifically retained its functions as a game processor.

   After this, when they want to play games, they only need to connect Luo Ji to the game console without the processor, and then the game console can operate normally.

   A day like this has lasted for more than half a month.

   On weekdays, if Ye Qingxuan has accumulated a lot of games and has not cleared the levels, it would be a good opportunity to work now.

   However, the game market has been sluggish recently. Although there are many new games, there are not many new games that she can see and want to play.

   Only two of the two new games, she had already cleared the levels some time ago.

   After all, she has really had a leisurely life for more than half a month.

   Now, there is really no game to play.

   Just when Ye Qingxuan wondered whether or not to land in "The Fierce Girl Picking Up Branches", which he hadn't posted for a long time, to flatten his island and redesign it.

   With a knock on the door, Li Ke walked in.

   "What's wrong? Uncle Li?"

   Ye Qingxuan glanced at Li Ke from the corner of his eye, and then asked without looking back.

   Li Ke talked about the situation concisely and clearly. After listening to it, Ye Qingxuan said directly without even thinking about it...

   "Luo Ji, please monitor the front door of the hotel."

   This chain hotel itself is the property of their Yip's Chamber of Commerce, and all aspects have already been taken care of. Therefore, Luo Ji's monitoring is also very familiar.

   Without a word, in Luo Ji's eyes, the three-dimensional virtual projection quickly unfolded.

  Considering the chaos in Surrington at the moment, the hotel has also begun to restrict outdoor use due to the safety of residents.

   Even now the door outside the hotel is closed 24 hours a day.

   And doubled the number of security personnel to ensure the safety of residents.

   At this moment, outside the hotel gate, there is a group of ‘Zero Yuanbu’.

   Good fellow, have all the targets moved from the storefronts of the shopping malls on the streets of the city to the hotels?

   The hotel chain that they bought by the Ye's Chamber of Commerce is already a hotel of a considerable level among the same type of hotel.

   In the eyes of those ‘zero-yuan purchase’ groups, those who can live here must be fat sheep, so that’s why they moved their goal here.

  Looking at the scale, there are sixty or seventy people.

   The number of thugs who want to find a hotel is actually enough.

   However, the outer wall of this hotel is still very tall, and it also has the highest level of civilian security system. It is not so easy for those thugs to get in through the wall.

  Relatively speaking, the best thing to turn over is the metal gate that is a little bit bells and whistles, with all kinds of hollow carvings.

   However, the large-scale increase in the number of security teams is not good-looking, there are doors blocking them, and they want to deal with it, it shouldn't be difficult.

   But just in case, Ye Qingxuan still asked Li Ke to go down to see the situation.

   During this period, Ye Qingxuan did not show much concern about the situation outside the hotel, but quickly boarded the Internet, and then began to search for things that interest him with the help of Luo Ji's search efficiency.

After more than half a month's work, through some feedback on the Karen Bell network, Ye Qingxuan was able to know very clearly ~ those'zero-yuan purchase' groups have become more and more unscrupulous in doing things. Up.

   From the store specializing in capital grabbing, to later grabbing all stores, and now, their goals have become broader.

   Before eyeing high-end hotels, they eyed various residences earlier.

  From this point of view, their goal should be those luxury houses.

   But the reality is not the case. Of course, luxury homes are also patronized, but the most frequented are ordinary houses.

  The fundamental reason is that, relatively speaking, luxury houses have more complete and advanced security facilities, and the difficulty of looting is higher. Relatively speaking, ordinary houses are much easier to rob.

   At the beginning of these ‘zero dollar shopping’ groups, many people expressed doubts about their behavior.

   In addition, there are many people who lost their jobs because of their behavior, so the behavior of this group of people, the evaluation on Karen Bell's network, was initially polarized.

   And now, things have developed to this point. At first, the gang, under the banner of revolution, said it was a ‘zero dollar purchase’ group that wanted to target capital and high-level executives. Basically, it can be said that he has completely exposed his ugly side.

   As more and more people are implicated, Karen Bell’s network is already full of complaints, and the originally polarized evaluation has gradually begun to become one-sided.

During the period of   , these ‘zero-dollar purchase’ groups have been dubbed ‘thug’ and ‘bandit’ one after another!

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