The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4163: , There are always people who want to harm me

Huo Qiguang's thoughts sometimes seem naive, but fortunately, the whole person is not a dead brain.

He quickly accepted what Ye Qingxuan said, which also made Ye Qingxuan secretly relieved.

They and Huo Qiguang are, in the final analysis, just a cooperative relationship.

Although they had observed it for a long time before the cooperation, they ensured that Huo Qiguang was a person.

However, even if there is no problem, if it is a dead brain, it will be very unfavorable to Ye Qingxuan for their long-term cooperation.

Even this time, if she can't reach a consensus with Huo Qiguang.

Then, she might start to consider changing her personal choice.

Even if she wouldn't directly kick Huo Qiguang away, she would definitely prepare alternate candidates in advance.

Just like before, Huo Qiguang exists as a backup candidate for Congressman Garren.

After Huo Qiguang wanted to understand, Zhang Tang basically didn't have any comments.

Even Zhang Tang agreed with Ye Qingxuan's words from the beginning.

Compared with Huo Qiguang, Zhang Tang's personality is more calm, introverted and rational. When he weighs something, he is basically not affected by any personal emotions.

From this point of view, Zhang Tang is simply a more suitable candidate than Huo Qiguang.

Unfortunately, Zhang Tang has a fatal flaw.

Zhang Tang is a man who can do things, and his ability to do things is also top-notch, but he is not good at standing in front of the stage and his expression skills are also very average.

For a member of the Council, this is a fatal injury.

As I said before, as a member of Parliament, you can’t do things low-key. If you don’t publicize, who knows what you have done? From this point of view, Huo Qiguang is much better.

After all, it was a serious election, and there is no problem with the expression ability of the public.

In the next few days, there are Huo Qiguang and Zhang Tang who are busy with things, and they are undoubtedly busy.

Relatively speaking, the most leisurely, without a doubt, is Ye Qingxuan, who spends all day playing games in the hotel.

Although this does not prevent her from paying attention to her whole plan, it is also true that she has been very salty in recent days.

Clicking on the next round, Ye Qingxuan directly grabbed the fish and chips on the table on the side with her hands, wrapped it in the Thousand Island sauce, and stuffed it into her mouth happily. Junk food always makes people feel happy.

However, she didn't wait for her to be more happy.

Luo Ji, who was acting as a game console, said lightly...

"Qingxuan, compared with last week, your body fat rate has increased by 0.73%. This machine recommends that you increase your effective exercise for more than 30 minutes every day and stop the intake of fried food... …"

"Stop, stop, stop!"

Leaning on the soft sofa, Ye Qingxuan stopped Luo Ji's friendly reminder with a headache.

Now she regrets a little bit about the whim and asked Luo Ji to remind her of her health status every day based on the data.

"Luo Ji children's shoes, you won't have a girl like you like this!"

Hearing this, Luo Ji, who didn't know why, tilted his head and didn't answer directly in words.

I don’t know if it’s because of being close to Ye Qingxuan and the others for a long time, and collecting more information from the daily bits and pieces. Now, some of Luo Ji’s responses are basically no longer rigid at the beginning, even in the near future. Gradually, I will often respond with some body movements and become more and more flexible.

And Ye Qingxuan, really eat this set!

Because the body of that beggar bear is really so cute!

Recently, Ye Qingxuan has wiped out a lot of peripheral products of Beggar Bear on the e-commerce platform.

But obviously none of them are better than Luo Ji.

As a limited edition, the overall workmanship of this beggar bear is needless to say. More importantly, Luo Ji's serious voice and state, coupled with her cute movements from time to time, completely choked off her preferences. of.

Sometimes Ye Qingxuan couldn't help but wonder if she, a member of Luo Ji, had calculated this action specifically and launched the action there in a targeted manner.

Think about it, this possibility is really great! It is fully in line with the logic of action of the mechanical race.

But she didn't care much, after all, doing things like what they liked was an effective means of communication, and they did not do less human beings.

Looking at the unfinished fish and chips on the table, Ye Qingxuan licked her lips, and the taste was quite good.

The main reason is that junk food brings people's happiness, which can't be replaced by other foods.

But after touching her belly, which gradually exceeded the range of ‘sensuality’, Ye Qingxuan still gave up the idea of ​​eating it up, but she didn’t plan to waste it like that.

"Well, leave it to Char."

After happily deciding where to go for the remaining fish and chips, Ye Qingxuan shut down the game, stood up and stretched, and said...

"Luo Ji, help me make the most efficient weight loss plan."

With sufficient data to support Luo Ji, formulating such a plan is a matter of a moment.

During this period, Ye Qingxuan also changed into a sportswear neatly, brought Luo Ji aggressively, and walked towards the hotel It was quite a bit like killing three thousand calories. .

The elevator descended all the way. After reaching a certain floor, the elevator door opened. Outside the door, a middle-aged man wearing a casual clothes walked in without any haste, and then pressed the floor he was going to.

When the elevator door was closed again, looking at the middle-aged man who naturally put his hand in his pocket, Ye Qingxuan, who was standing in the elevator, suddenly got into trouble. As soon as he got up, he directly used his yin leg and tried to make the other person incapacitated instantly.

During this process, the opponent reacted very quickly, and was about to make an evasive action, but never thought that at the same time that Ye Qingxuan shot, Luo Ji's stun gun also fired immediately.

The strong electric current caused his whole body to twitch uncontrollably, but he didn't directly put it down. It was enough to see that the other party was not easy.

Fortunately, Ye Qingxuan's yin leg was here afterwards!

The two sides cooperated seamlessly, and in a very short time, they forced the other side down.

As the middle-aged man fell to the ground, a small black pistol fell out of the opponent's pocket.

During the period, Ye Qingxuan was also unambiguous, as she went up to a set of grabbing hands to restrain it. After ensuring that the opponent could not move, she made a slightly meaningful sound.

"Hehehehe, in the whole universe, there are too many people who want to murder me. Uncle, you are a little bit too good!"

Although this is not something worth showing off, it must be said that Ye Qingxuan was humble in the face of assassinations and various attacks.

When this middle-aged man entered the elevator, although he hid it very well, Ye Qingxuan still felt the unnaturalness of that moment.

As for Luo Ji, under the capture of his ultra-high-precision camera of the machine clan, even the slightest changes are invisible!

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