The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4251: , Ignorance and arrogance

At the same time, Ye Qingxuan, who had already returned to the residence at the Luster residence, had just ordered all the things that needed to be ordered.

And now, she is enjoying the afternoon tea delivered by the elf attendant in the mansion without hesitation.

Since on-site inspection is required, it must be carried out more comprehensively. It is impossible to inspect the main planet of the Elf Kingdom alone.

Under this premise, Ye Qingxuan would definitely not be able to investigate so many planets and cities alone.

In fact, even if there is only one main planet, it is difficult for her to inspect it in a short period of time. At most, she will inspect the situation of the Elf King City.

As for other planets and cities in the Elf Kingdom, they have to send other professional investigators from the Seven Star Alliance.

After this matter was ordered, she didn't need to worry about it in a short time.

At this moment, Ye Qingxuan is more concerned about another issue.

After this interview with the Elf King Jason Last, the other party will definitely summon the Elves to conduct internal discussions for this interview.

With this as a premise, what Ye Qingxuan would like to know is...

"I don't know if Prince Ivan can participate in this meeting."

Whispering to herself, Ye Qingxuan looked at Luo Ji, who was leaning on the balcony railing, absorbing solar energy for charging.

"Luo Ji, what do you think?"

"Based on limited information and taking into account the identity of the "Prince" of the other party's elven kingdom, according to the calculation of this machine, the probability of the other party participating in the meeting is 56.73%."

Luo Ji gave Ye Qingxuan the result almost instantly.

But for this Prince Ivan, the information Luo Ji had obtained was too little, and the limited information made Luo Ji unable to perform a high-precision calculation.

The result of this calculation is nothing more than a result based on the identity of the other party's prince as the core, combined with some small intelligence.

To be honest, there is not much reference value.

Ye Qingxuan is undoubtedly clear about this, and at the same time, this is not the answer she wants.

"I'm asking what you think, Prince Ivan can attend the meeting? Or can't? I didn't let you calculate the odds."

In front of the small table, Ye Qingxuan, who was speaking, wandered lazily in the tea with the teaspoon in her hand, looking quite boring.

In response, after the electronic eyes of the secretary robot flashed twice, Luo Ji's voice sounded again...

"I think it can."


Ye Qingxuan nodded thoughtfully when she got this answer.

"If Prince Ivan can participate in the meeting, the'seed' I planted in advance should be able to exert some effects..."

And when Ye Qingxuan was on the balcony of the Rust mansion, while scooping the teaspoon in her hand, while chatting with Luo Ji in a daze, on the other side, the meeting room of the Elf King’s Castle, including the Elf King Jason Rast. All the elves, the unfamiliar vocabulary proposed by Prince Ivan, aroused some interest.

"international influence…"

For the elven kingdom without diplomacy, this is undoubtedly an unfamiliar and brand-new vocabulary, but it does not prevent the elves present from understanding it.

Needless to say, facing Ivan, a curious baby who holds 100,000 why, Ye Qingxuan was not just answering the other party’s questions in the past few days, she also seized the opportunity to appropriately mention some situations and ideas to the other party. .

Ye Qingxuan was still more skeptical at the time as to whether the curious baby had listened to her words.

And now, with the emergence of the term ‘international influence’, it is undoubtedly sufficient proof that the other party is still listening.

"International influence is simply the influence that all cosmic nations have in the world."

"And this kind of international influence needs to be demonstrated and expanded through long-term diplomacy."

"Brother Wang said just now that the battle at that time had nothing to do with casualties. We had to fight it. We had to show our strength in this way and deter other cosmic nations. The fundamental purpose was to increase international influence. But for this I don’t fully agree with the argument."

Facing Ivan's words, Ajel furrowed his brows deeply, and just about to speak again, to say something, but was interrupted by Jason Laster with a gesture, and then motioned to Ivan to continue speaking.

Obviously, through simple words, the elves present have become more and more interested in the question of what Ivan will say next.

The support of his father, and the sight of the elders and ministers of the clan, made Ivan feel some pressure, and at the same time, it also aroused a bit of confidence and made his speech smoother.

"What do you think of the strength of the Black Iron Empire?"

Ivan, who asked this question, fell on Ajel again.

Among the elves in the crowd, Ajel, the only army with the Dark Iron Empire, who has had formal experience in fighting against each other, is the one who has the most say on this issue.

Feeling the sight of everyone, Ajer said two words solemnly.

"Very strong."

He couldn't say that the Dark Iron Empire was a weak country. Such lies are meaningless and will only make others think he is a fool.

The Dark Iron Empire is very strong. At that time, the elf army that broke out at the end of the fight immediately felt the pressure from the Dark Iron Empire army. According to the momentum at the time, UU Reading went on to fight again, and the result was really not true. Easy to say.

After getting an answer he wanted, Ivan secretly breathed a sigh of relief.

"Yes, the Black Iron Empire is very strong! How many powers like the Black Iron Empire are there in this world?"

Following Ivan's words, the elves began to gradually fall into thinking.

"At least the Seven Star Alliance is one. Among the members of the alliance, there is at least one, or two, or even more cosmic nations whose strength can rival the Black Iron Empire. If this were not the case, the situation at the time was the Black Iron Empire that was attacked by our side. , Don’t be so jealous of the opponent, and stop chasing!"

"Our elven kingdom has been disconnected from the outside world for too long. For a long time, the outside world has undergone earth-shaking changes. We used to be very strong, strong enough to completely ignore other cosmic nations, but we must now We have to recognize a reality, that is, there are many cosmic nations that we can directly ignore, and the strength is already comparable to ours, maybe even above us!"

"Combined with this information, you guys think, how much deterrence could our behavior at the time play?"

"Don't say anything else, just talk about the Black Iron Empire. If it weren't for the intervention of the Seven Star Alliance, the Black Iron Empire would definitely have the strength to fight us to the end! They may be afraid of us, but they are definitely not afraid of us!"

"I can say that this decision was impulsive from the beginning. On the surface, it was the result of impulse and lack of intelligence, but in my opinion, the more fundamental reason is our'ignorance' and ' arrogant'!"

"Under the premise that we don't know where the other cosmic nations in the outside world have developed, we think that they are as weak as before, and arrogantly think that we still have the decisive power!"

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