The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4261: Search and rescue

In the next few days, the search and rescue fleets of the Black Iron Empire and the Ye's Chamber of Commerce have already arrived nearby in the outer starfields affected by the tides of the Lost Territory.

Before it was officially approached, the equipment inside the ship sounded a rapid siren to remind them that the equipment was disturbed and abnormal.

"Confirm the condition of all interfered devices!"

"being confirmed…"

At this moment, the interior of the search and rescue fleet of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce was disturbed by an invisible magnetic field, and a large number of equipment was affected.

"Can the communication equipment work properly? Can you get in touch with the fleet of the Dark Iron Empire?"

"The connection was established smoothly, but the communication signal was not stable."

"This is the main flagship of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce Search and Rescue Fleet. Please reply when you hear it!"

Under the high-speed operation of the communications team, they quickly established contact with the fleet on the side of the Dark Iron Empire.

However, the specific communication process is not so smooth...

"Here is the black iron (zizizi), we (zizi...)..."

Due to the special magnetic interference, the communication between the two of them is full of obvious noise. Although they can roughly figure out what the other party said, this situation will definitely cause some cooperation between the two parties in the search operation. Some influence.

"Can the detection equipment be used normally?"

After finishing the communication, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce temporarily turned its attention to the confirmation of the detection equipment.

If even the detection equipment can't operate normally, then their search and rescue work will definitely not be able to proceed smoothly.

In the worst case, they may have to wait for a while, until the lost magnetic field scattered in this star field has completely dissipated, or dissipated to the extent that they are basically unable to interfere with them, and then perform search and rescue missions.

According to the information provided by the Black Iron Empire before the operation, the magnetic field remaining here after the high tide of the Lost Territory would be completely dissipated. It would take a few months, less to say.

But the mission they are performing now is a rescue mission.

Wait a few months for the rescue operation?

Unless the missing fleet can come back on its own, otherwise this approach will not be rescue at all, but the corpse will be collected.

"The detection equipment is able to operate, but it is still interfered. The detection accuracy and detection range may be reduced. The preliminary estimate is about 15% to 20%."

If the extent of the impact can be controlled within 20%, then it is still within their tolerance.

After confirming and explaining the situation with the fleet of the Black Iron Empire, the search and rescue mission continued.

The affected detection equipment has clearly affected their search and rescue efficiency. Therefore, in order to improve the search and rescue efficiency as much as possible, the fleet of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce and the fleet of the Black Iron Empire decided at the beginning to separate. action.

After all, they have never cooperated before, and there is no tacit understanding.

Under this premise, their respective communication devices are also interfered by the magnetic field of this star field, which will further affect their cooperation with each other.

Instead of forcibly getting together and hindering each other's hindrance, it is better to act separately, to be efficient and comfortable.

The scope of a star field is extremely wide, and under the premise of limited equipment, the pressure of search and rescue work is not small at all.

In fact, let alone the fleet of the Black Iron Empire, even the fleet of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce knew that they had already passed the prime time for rescue.

The detection fleet that had disappeared in the tides of the Lost Territory before, there is a high probability that there will be more luck than good luck.

But they must at least take the body back so that they can give an explanation to the family of the deceased.

Maintaining such a heavy heart, search and rescue work is continuing.

In this process, with the passage of time, within the scope of this star field, the influence of the magnetic field caused by the rising tide of the Lost Territory is gradually dissipating.

In contrast, the search and rescue efficiency of the search and rescue fleet is slowly increasing with the dissipation of magnetic interference.

"Confirmed, the search in the D14 area was completed and no rescue target was found."

In the ship's operating room, a crew member of the detection team, while reporting the latest results, became more and more heavy.

After the report was finished, he grasped the period of adjustment, he squeezed his eyebrows, closed his eyes slightly, and didn't even want to waste a second of rest time.

During this period, in order to pursue search and rescue efficiency, each of their ships was performing missions 24 hours a day.

Of course, their internal staff have shifts and rest.

Basically, there are two groups of people rotating, and each group is responsible for twelve hours.

At first glance, they still have twelve hours to rest.

But in fact, in such a continuously operating spacecraft, the quality of rest will be affected. In other words, they need more rest time than usual.

In addition, during the twelve hours of work, their energy was highly concentrated throughout the entire process. After this trip, the energy loss was much higher than usual.

Coupled with maintaining this state for a long time day after day, over time, fatigue accumulates, making their state worse and worse, it is simply an unavoidable thing.

With this momentum going on, and carrying out tasks for at most three to five days, they will have to return to the front-line stronghold and take a break from UU reading, otherwise they will definitely be overwhelmed.

Breathing out a long breath, after closing his eyes for a short period of time, the member of the detection team cheered up and went to work again.

As a result, in less than half an hour, his spirit began to fade away due to fatigue.

Until, the rapid reminder sounded...


"what happened?!"

The rapid reminder made his heart twitch fiercely, and his body, which was already paralyzed in the work position, was almost as tight as a conditioned reflex.

Immediately afterwards, the anxious and nervous voices of the surrounding colleagues penetrated into his ears.

"The device is disturbed and cannot operate normally!"

"Quickly confirm the situation!"

"An unknown magnetic field is detected, it is a lost field! The unknown magnetic field from the lost field is enhanced!"

This situation surprised the captain.

"Detection team! What's the situation now?!"

There is no time to think about it. The hands that rest on the operation interface rely solely on muscle memory to instinctively expand the operation.

In the next second, an image appeared in front of everyone.

I saw at the end of the pitch-black void, there was actually a large area of ​​gray-black, fog-like, and tide-like unknown objects, which were constantly surging, approaching them!

Compared with the Ye's Chamber of Commerce's search and rescue fleet, the Black Iron Empire's fleet is undoubtedly more responsive.

"Lost domain, rising tide?"

"How is it possible? Throughout history, Lost Domain has never experienced two high tides in such a short period of time!"

At this moment, the highest commander of the fleet had completely changed his face, his expression on his face showed a little horror uncontrollably.

"Withdraw, withdraw quickly!!"

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