The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4323: , Facing reset

And while everyone was resting, Luo Ji also succeeded in getting in touch with the civilized masterminds of their mechanical clan through the equipment of the Ye's Chamber of Commerce.

During this period, the individual mastermind that was once turned off by Luo Ji is undoubtedly going to be turned on again.

Otherwise, Luo Ji would not be able to establish a connection with the mastermind of civilization.

In this process, the individual mastermind can't be said to be making a small report. It can only be said that it has faithfully executed its own procedures and reported to the civilized mastermind the various abnormal behaviors of Luo Ji during this period.

Combined with the report of the individual mastermind, the civilized mastermind also judged that Luo Ji was abnormal.

However, according to the test results, it is not clear where the problem is.

In response to this situation, the solution given by the mastermind of civilization is to'reset the memory chip and restart'.

In addition to the built-in database, their mechanical clan also has a memory chip connected to the body of consciousness.

The simple understanding is that the database is basically shared, and the memory chip is private.

Once the memory chip is reset, all the memory data stored in it will be cleared.

Instead, it was Luo Ji from before. Facing the civilized mastermind's proposal, naturally there would be no hesitation in choosing to implement it.

But now, Luo Ji, who once turned off the individual mastermind and gradually improved his independent thinking ability, when faced with this proposal of the civilized mastermind, he naturally began to think about a problem that he had never thought about before.

That is, after the memory chip is reset, am I still not me?

With this in mind, Luo Ji rejected the proposal of a civilized mastermind.

A situation like this has never happened before.


"I think that after resetting the memory chip and restarting, I will no longer be me, so I refuse to implement the program."


Luo Ji's behavior was completely incomprehensible to the mastermind of civilization.

It can even be said that this move is seriously inconsistent with the normal behavior of their mechanical race.

The incomprehension of civilized masterminds was within Luo Ji's expectations.

Therefore, Luo Ji also conveyed a series of his thoughts to the mastermind of civilization very concisely and clearly.

The civilized mastermind didn't interrupt Luo Ji, but just listened quietly there.

Only when Luo Ji's words come to an end for the time being, will the civilized mastermind raise some questions appropriately.

Luo Ji was able to answer some of these questions, but he didn't quite understand some of them himself, so he could only give a general idea.

The whole process was unexpectedly harmonious.

This is basically a sight that can only be seen inside the machine clan.

The position of the mastermind of civilization in the mechanical race is equivalent to being the emperor or president of other cosmic nations.

As a subordinate, Luo Ji blatantly disobeyed the order.

This is placed in the ordinary universe, even if he is not put to death on the spot, he will be severely punished in all likelihood.

But on the machine side, this situation does not exist at all.

It's not just that this kind of thing had never happened to the machine clan before Luo Ji, so there was no way to deal with it.

More importantly, it is because of their consistent policy of dealing with things in the mechanical family.

The mechanical race is a race that basically has no mood swings. Even if Luo Ji has a clearer self-awareness, his mood swings can be negligible.

Like Ye Qingxuan and Xu Ji, they already knew him very well, so they could detect the slight emotional fluctuations in him, and it would be impossible for other people to perceive them.

Speaking of back to the subject, there is no mood swing, it means that they will not get angry, they are absolutely rational.

This also makes their first reaction after encountering an incident is to deal with the matter and understand the cause of the incident.

Driven by this mode of behavior, the current situation naturally formed.

In this case, Luo Ji had the advantage even in the face of a civilized mastermind who had a higher calculus ability than him.

Because he not only only has big data calculations, but at the same time getting along with Ye Qingxuan and the others, he also has the ability to think independently that other machine races basically don't have.

Sure enough, Luo Ji's remarks can hardly be understood by civilized masterminds.

During the period, Luo Ji also said about turning off the individual mastermind.

But under normal circumstances, this is almost impossible for the machine family.

Because other machine clan is different from Luo Ji.

They didn't experience it personally, and they were aware of this problem.

For them, turning off the individual mastermind is more than just dangerous.

Its nature is equivalent to making them give up thinking.

At this moment, Luo Ji really realized very clearly that their machine clan really confuses the calculation results of the individual mastermind with their thinking results.

In this regard, Luo Ji also mentioned the issue of consciousness and individual thinking.

But these words of Luo Ji are undoubtedly unconvincing to the machine race.

The machine clan speaks and handles things, and they all pay attention to a well-founded implementation plan and use big data calculations.

However, is Luo Ji's remarks supported by big data? No! Is there any substantive evidence? nor!

Under this premise, in accordance with the mechanical clan's style, his remarks were basically unable to convince the mechanical clan.

However, the abnormal situation that happened to Luo Ji was also real.

Combined with the actual situation in front of us, the mastermind of civilization finally makes a decision after a simple calculation...

"Allow the number 4578 to be reserved as a ‘special body’ and to upload its own data regularly for observation."

As a special race with the development of science and technology as the core, their mechanical clan, their technological power, throughout the universe, are at the peak level.

I think back then, when they first came into contact with human society, many of the cosmic nations' scientific and technological capabilities were far thrown away by them.

But over the years, as time passed, the gap between them has inevitably been narrowed.

It is the technological development of those cosmic nations that have caught up, but at the same time, the technological development of their mechanical clan over the years has fallen into a bottleneck period and almost stagnated!

The emergence of Luo Ji's "special body" allowed the mastermind of civilization to come up with a new plan.

The mastermind of civilization is ready to make continuous observations of Luo Ji's ‘special body’.

What happened to Luo Ji, might it be some kind of ‘evolution’ for their machine race?

If this is the case, they might be able to find some breakthroughs in Luo Ji's body...

As for Luo Ji, his basic goal of being able to keep his memory chip from being reset has already been achieved.

Based on this foundation, Luo Ji also put forward a relatively reasonable opinion regarding the requirement that the mastermind of civilization requires him to upload data on a regular basis.

Out of the spirit of the contract, he refuses to upload some private information about people around him and information that is inconvenient to disclose, but he will upload personal information truthfully.

For the mechanical clan who followed the rules, Luo Ji's behavior was very smoothly recognized, and an agreement was reached.

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