The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4540: , talk about business (2)

Looking at the smiling Luo Ji, the other party's easy-going attitude made Capa feel a little uneasy for some reason.

But driven by the greed in his heart, that unease was soon completely overwhelmed.

What are you kidding? What's so uneasy about him? The opposite is just a mere human being. If he hadn't had concerns about Father Wei Lun, he would have already started.

Now that the other party took the initiative to send it to the door, he has no reason to do nothing.

In the process, he caught Kapana's greedy eyes, and Luo Ji could roughly guess what the other party was thinking.

But he didn't panic, he still followed his own rhythm and spoke in a leisurely manner...

"Sir, we can give you ten silver coins every month, you just need to..."

However, Luo Ji was only halfway through his words, and Kapa, ​​who had no intention of listening to what he was going to say next, slapped the table and interrupted him.

"Ten silver coins? I'm afraid that's not enough, right?"

Unsurprisingly, Ye Qingxuan had anticipated the scene in front of her in advance.

Considering the status of human beings here and their situation, after the other party discovered their wealth more clearly, it would be a ghost if the lion opened his mouth.

At this time, Capa's expression seemed to have eaten Luo Ji to death.

"Look at Father Wei Lun's face, your income, we share ninety-one, I nine, you one, relative, here, I will give you enough convenience, not embarrassing you."

Good guy, a mouth is the mouth of the abyss, it's really not polite at all.

Looking at it like that, it seems that giving them 10% of the profit is already giving Tianda face.

In this regard, Luo Ji's smile did not change, but he silently took out a small piece of cloth from his arms and slumped on the table.

At first, Capa didn't pay much attention to it, but after seeing the pattern of the fabric, his expression suddenly changed.

Then he immediately grabbed the small piece of fabric in his hand and looked at it carefully.

Different from the linen cloth worn by most of the residents in Xiacheng District, this small piece of cloth is made of a finer material, and the edges are also woven with beautiful lace, which is not something that people in Xiacheng District can buy. up.

And at this moment, Luo Ji's voice with a bit of a smile rang out again...

"What a beautiful wife, and a lovely daughter, I remember her name seems to be..."

"Shut up! Shut up for me!!"

At that moment, Capa was furious on the spot.

After realizing that his voice was too loud, Kapa took a deep breath and forcibly controlled his emotions. While staring at Luo Ji with his bloodshot eyes from not sleeping all night, He kept his voice as low as possible...

"You lowly human, how dare you?"

That piece of fabric is exactly the same fabric as the dress he bought for them in Shangcheng District when he took his wife and daughter with him and spent a lot of savings when he celebrated the 'Holy Festival' a year ago!

Although Capa is a gambler and an **** at the same time, it must be said that he still loves his wife deeply.

Because of the transfer of his position, he had to go to Xiacheng to guard this **** garbage mountain, but his wife, without any complaints from beginning to end, followed him silently, from the tidy Shangcheng to this place. The streets are dirty, and even the air is turbid in the downtown area, and even gave birth to a lovely daughter for him.

And at this moment, this damned human being in front of him dares to touch his wife and daughter? !

Capa, whose eyes were red with rage, looked like a wild beast.

But unfortunately, this beast didn't have the slightest resistance in front of Luo Ji.

He didn't even have time to react when he found that his head was grabbed, and Luo Ji pressed it **** the cold table in front of him.

During this entire process, Luo Ji still had a smile on his face, and even his tone of voice didn't change at all.

"My lord, this is what you chose first. I originally wanted to solve this problem in a more peaceful way. It was you who pushed this matter to this point."

Following these words, Luo Ji's smile seemed to Capa at this time, only horror remained.

"What exactly do you want to do?"

Kapa's voice trembled slightly. While speaking, he tried to break free from Luo Ji's palm, but found that the opponent's strength was so great that he couldn't move, and finally he could only change to a threat.

"Believe it or not, as long as I shout now, the guards outside will immediately rush in and stab you to death on the spot!"

In the face of Capa's threat, Luo Ji remained calm.

"Sir, do you think I'm not prepared at all when I'm sitting here now?"

Luo Ji didn't clearly say what he was going to do, and the consequences were left to the other party's imagination.

This situation made the atmosphere in the guard room instantly reach freezing point.

However, it was at this point that Luo Ji, who was originally imposing, suddenly let out a burst of cheerful laughter after a stalemate for three seconds, and then released the hand that was pressing on Capa's head.

"Just kidding, liven up the atmosphere, don't care."

After Luo Ji let go of his hand, Kappa, who slowly raised his head from the table, turned ashen.

joke? How much joke could there be in it?

At the same time, it was at this moment that Capa clearly realized that in the current situation, he was completely controlled by the human being in front of him.

"State your terms."

Hearing this, Luo Ji smiled even more.

"It's simple."

While speaking, Luo Ji put the ten silver coins in front of him into his purse, and stuffed them into Capa's hands with a sincere expression.

"You allow my people to take things from this garbage mountain at will, but on the contrary, no one except my people is allowed to take anything from this garbage mountain, and as a reward, every The month will give you ten silver coins."

While speaking, Luo Ji blinked at Capa.

"Look, it's very simple, isn't it? You just need to move your mouth and give an order. You can easily earn ten silver coins every month."


"Don't worry, we won't take away a lot of metal to make you embarrassed. We mainly take some worthless scraps. At the same time, we can choose a convenient time without attracting too many people's ideas."

Luo Ji's remarks made Capa secretly relieved. If Luo Ji wants to take away a large amount of metal, he will face huge trouble, but if the other party only takes away some scrap, and the time is set in the middle of the night If so, he is not unacceptable.

As Luo Ji said, he didn't actually have much to lose. He could easily earn ten extra silver coins every month.

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