The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4548: , new scheme (2)

As they worked more and more and got busier and busier, a new problem soon came to Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan and others.

That is whether to move out of the church.

It was said earlier that the church is a good place. With the identity of the church, they can save a lot of trouble in the lower city.

But on the contrary, living in the church itself will bring them some trouble.

Now, on the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, they can be regarded as people who have a career to pursue, and their status is relatively special. Running back and forth is not only time-consuming, but also accompanied by some dangers.

For example, during the recent period, Luo Ji had clearly discovered that the surrounding forces were investigating them, and even on their way back, people from other forces would appear.

Within the scope of the church, the other party should not do anything, but once they leave the church area, judging from the current situation, they may be attacked.

According to Luo Ji's strength, of course they are not afraid of attack, but the attacks of other forces will bring them some trouble.

Of course, a similar situation is the same for the bosses of other forces.

Therefore, the bosses of the various forces basically live in their own territory for a long time, and will never leave their own territory easily, in order to ensure that they will not be killed by other forces.

Also in order to avoid these troubles, the best way is undoubtedly that they collectively move from the church to their own territory.

What you have to face, you have to face.

As development progressed, it was indeed impossible for them to live in the church forever.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were also completely determined to move out of the church.

Sister Mana was undoubtedly a little sad about the fact that they were going to move out, and Father Wellon was not as calm as expected, and felt a little melancholy in her heart.

It must be said that Luo Ji, Ye Qingxuan and others were more pleasant to get along with than other residents in the past.

In those days, not only Sister Mana, but Father Wellon himself was also very happy.

In response to this question, Father Wei Lun himself has actually thought about it well, and why is this happening.

In the end, he came to the conclusion that the root cause was actually because the other residents who lived here in the past had basically fallen into the bottom of their lives, which gave people a gloomy state, but Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan They are different. The feeling they give people has always been optimistic and positive. It gives people the feeling that a ray of light suddenly shines in the originally dark world.

This made Father Wellon and Sister Manna even more reluctant to part with them.

But the move of Luo Ji and others has now become an established fact, and it will not change because of this matter.

In fact, during this time, the beds on this side of the church were already a bit crowded.

Judging from the current situation, even if they don't move now, in ten days and a half months, they will still have to move out obediently.

In this way, after this matter is completely confirmed, there is nothing to worry about.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, who had officially moved from the church to their own site, this time, they were able to fully devote themselves to their development.

During this period, on the side of the church, Father Willon temporarily conveyed the latest situation here to Henry Boll.

"Have you finally moved out of the church?"

In the office of the Confession House, Henry Bohr, who understood the situation, fell into contemplation while muttering to himself.

Just like that, half a month passed quietly...

The group of people that Wade picked out, under the guidance of Ye Qingxuan, all performed fairly well.

Now that the financial accounting is also available, the time is just past the end of the month, which is the best time to invest in the new plan.

As soon as this new plan came out, some merchants in the black market were naturally happy and some worried.

For those merchants with ordinary or even poor business, the new plan can allow them to reduce the expenditure on protection fees, and they naturally agree with both hands and feet.

However, for those merchants with relatively good business, once this new plan comes out, the protection fee they have to pay will increase again. Many merchants who make more money are obviously not willing to pay more protection fee.

In this way, among this batch of merchants, many chose to leave, but some chose to stay here.

The group of merchants who stayed here had a very simple idea, they just wanted to take another look at the situation.

At the same time, they generally have one thing in common, that is, they have stayed on the territory of other forces before.

So they know what the black bosses are in this Xiacheng District.

When Wade was the boss and covered this black market, his work and the merchants here were actually very satisfied.

In this group of black bosses, Wade is already a reasonable and principled black boss.

As for the other black bosses...

At least the ones they've encountered before are a group of downright stinky hooligans. They see that you have made a lot of money. They ask you for a card and overcharge protection fees when they come to your store, and they still need to reason with you? Think more about you!

On Wade's side, although the position of the boss has been changed before, but after a while, there seems to be nothing bad, so these merchants want to check the situation again.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were undoubtedly aware of this.

At the same time, they also expected in advance that as soon as this plan came out, there would definitely be a group of good people who would leave, but it didn't matter. Those stores with good business had no shares, so they didn't feel pain when they left.

Not to mention that Luo Ji has already investigated and asked Wade, not Wade boasting, his site is in the business circle of Xiacheng District, UU reading www. is still very popular for the time being.

These merchants left, and some merchants were willing to come in anyway.

In this matter, Wade is rarely calm and confident.

In addition, the security service launched with the new plan...

Those merchants who set up street stalls are definitely not needed.

Anyway, they only have a stall, and there is no cost. Even if they encounter a street fight, they are a stall, turn around and run away, there is no need to spend money to hire people.

Therefore, the main customer groups for security services are those with storefronts.

However, in this customer group, the initial results of security services cannot be said to be bad, but they are not too good. Anyway, they maintain an ordinary state.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had no idea about this either.

Because this kind of service itself can only show its value when an accident occurs.

Anyway, their service has been launched, and it is up to the merchant to buy it or not.

And just like that, a new month came quietly.

The introduction of the new plan has caused a considerable drop in the protection fees they received at this stage, which directly affected the income of Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

With the arrival of a new month, the heads of the three garbage mountains spent a total of thirty silver coins, making their hands suddenly tense again.

In the past few days, their few days have been a pain in the ass.

Fortunately, two meals a day can still be maintained, but it is not so poor that I can't eat at all, and I am hungry...

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