Wade, who didn't have much business experience in his stomach, obviously had a hard time understanding Luo Ji's words.

However, he has been slowly learning recently.

Anyway, if you don’t understand, just ask, and Luo Ji will usually answer him.

Luo Ji actually knew that Wade was not very talented in business, but since Wade wanted to be his confidant and one of the important members of the company, he had a series of development policies for their company's business. , even if you are not good at it, you must understand it anyway.

At this point, Wade himself can be said to have shown full consciousness.

It can make people clearly understand the other party's uneasy status and want to continue to climb!

This is also a point that Wade satisfied Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan.

"Wade, although the number of human beings in the Xiacheng District has not been officially counted, there are at least one million people, and these millions of human beings are basically the most basic labor force in Holy Light Holy See, and more than 90% of them are The population, their jobs, actually need these tools.”

"And this huge population are all potential users of our tools. In front of this huge customer base, the durability of our tools will only become an advantage, because even if everyone only buys one tool, it can give us Bringing huge profits!"

"As for your concerns, let's talk about it one by one, let's talk about whether our business will get worse in the next period of time..."

While speaking, Luo Ji had spread out the plan in front of him, motioning for Wade to read it.

"In this month, every tool we sell will be transformed into the influence of our 'Scarlet' brand, our reputation, will spread out in circles, in other words , In the next few months, or even a year, there will only be more and more people who know our brand and want to buy tools!"

"After that, the quality of the tool is too good. Users can use it for a long time after buying one, and there is no need to buy a second one."

In response to these issues, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had clearly discussed them internally, so Luo Ji's thoughts were clear at this time.

"This is actually a question that needs to be considered comprehensively. After all, no matter how good the quality of the tool is, when it is used at a high frequency, the longer it is used, the greater the loss will be. Most of the human beings in the lower city are It requires high-frequency labor for such tools, so the loss of tools is actually relatively large.”

"Even if you ignore this issue and don't consider it, just assume that the tool bought by each user has never been broken because of its high quality, but it does not mean that they will not come to buy new tools."

When he was young, Wade did some work for the time being, and didn't start messing around as soon as he came up.

Therefore, after Luo Ji raised a few points on this matter, Wade quickly reacted.

"We have tools of all kinds!"

"Yes, this is it!"

For the answer given by Wade, Luo Ji affirmed it very succinctly.

"Depending on the situation, the right tools can make them do more with less. Although considering their own economic problems, many laborers in Xiacheng would choose to use a tool before, but ah, there are many things in this world, the most afraid of Just to compare..."

While speaking, Luo Ji casually threw a sample tool that he had just sent by his desk to Wade.

"Our tools are characterized by being very light and efficient to use. After using our tools, workers will definitely compare them in their minds when they use ordinary tools, and have ideas to use their other tools, It’s also ours. After all, it’s easy to change from thrift to luxury, and it’s difficult to change from luxury to thrift. After people have used better things, it is difficult to use poor ones again.”

"After confirming this, there is only one factor that influences them to buy more tools, and that is the money in their pockets, but our tools have improved their work efficiency and allowed them to earn more Money, in other words, they have more money in their pockets than before, so the possibility to buy more tools naturally becomes greater.”

"There is no problem with the logic of spending money on better tools and improving your work efficiency to make more money."

"Under this premise, even if workers don't buy all the tools, basically, there are three most commonly used tools."

Looking at the plan and listening to Luo Ji's explanation, Wade at this time really couldn't admire it or not.

According to this logic, their business will not be a problem to maintain for several years, and after several years, considering the intensity of work, some tools should be replaced with new ones, right?

Moreover, judging from Luo Ji's reaction and his understanding of his new boss during this period of time, it is absolutely impossible for his new boss to open only one tool shop, and there are definitely other development plans in the future.

Thinking of this, Wade felt that his future had become brighter, and he was full of energy even with the whole person!

In the days that followed, I don't know if it was because of the famous shop in Xiacheng District, 'Scarlet Tool Shop', that attracted a large number of residents of Xiacheng District to come here~www.wuxiaspot.com~ and even the business of a whole block of merchants. , showed a relatively significant improvement.

There is no need to say more about the reason. With more people, the business will naturally improve.

And once the business was good, considering the new plans made by Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan before, the amount of protection fees they received also increased significantly.

Recently, Wade is really about to wake up laughing from a dream.

On the other hand, those merchants who chose to leave because of the protection fee before, after leaving, the life is not so good, and it is not an exaggeration to say that the business has plummeted.

In this Xiacheng District, many black bosses eat people without spitting bones, which only accounts for a small part of the reason.

There is also a very major reason that these stores are not necessary for their original customers.

On the Holy See Nation's side, the traffic is obviously not convenient.

Therefore, if the residents of Xiacheng District want to buy things, they basically choose the place closest to them, and there are very few people who go all the way to buy something, which is too time-consuming.

This is like the breakfast shop downstairs in your house. As long as it is not too unpalatable, then the breakfast shop downstairs of your house will basically be the one you eat the most, because it is right downstairs in your house, very convenient and convenient. It saves time.

The same is true for the Xiacheng District. Once these merchants move out, the original customer base will be lost on a large scale.

The customers who visit these markets may be a little unaccustomed at first, but will soon find alternatives, unless you are too good to be irreplaceable!

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