The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4562: ,very expensive

Although Barenke's management ability is average, he is very capable. At the beginning, he thought that Barenke was a reckless man, but he didn't expect that he was still a sensible person, which saved him a lot of trouble. thing.

"The price depends on what kind of weapon you want."

While speaking, the man spread his hands, then glanced left and right.

Barronk immediately understood, and then waved his hand to signal everyone present to exit.

Barenke, who is still very confident in his own strength, is not afraid that the other party will be disadvantaged to him after everyone goes out.

After the younger brothers all retreated, Barenke asked again...

"what do you have?"

Between questions and answers, the man quickly reported the types and prices of weapons he had.

In the process, Barrenk's eyelids jumped.

While horrified at the fact that the other party has so many types of weapons, he is also horrified by the price the other party offers.

At this moment, Barenke has made a rough calculation in his mind, my dear, is this going to hollow out his old bottom?

Barrenk was even a little suspicious, did the other party know how much money he had in his pocket?

Of course, this suspicion is a bit far-fetched.

Throwing away some superfluous thoughts, Barrenk said in a deep voice…


"Your Excellency should also know how difficult it is to make weapons in this lower city. A blacksmith who is capable of making weapons has a good income. Under this premise, you must have enough courage. It's hard to find a blacksmith."

The man who said this obviously did not intend to make concessions on the price.

But Barrenke also does not eat this.

"Even so, it's expensive. With that money, wouldn't it be good for me to spend the rest of my life comfortably? Why do I have to be slaughtered by you? After all, even if you buy a weapon, the guys on the opposite side are now With territory, hands, and weapons, I have little chance of winning."

After being attacked at night by the gang of offal, Barenke was like a lost dog and escaped with the people under his command. Do you think he was willing to admit it like this? how is this possible? !

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In Barenke's mind, he thought of killing him for revenge more than once, but his reasonable mind told him that doing so was no different from sending him to death.

As he said now, the other party now has territory, hands, and weapons, but what about him? What does he do to fight the other side?

The appearance of this weapon merchant in front of him, at most, is to increase the odds of winning a little for him, who had no chance of winning at all.

But in Barrenk's heart, he is still not optimistic.

The reason why he didn't directly drive the man out in front of him was purely because he was really unwilling in his heart, and he still had a little desire to fight, but it was limited to a little...

In the face of such Barrenke, the man took out a knife from his arms after hesitating for a while and put it in front of Barrenke.

"Look at this, Your Excellency."

His eyes fell on the knife, and Barenke's expression was subtle.

A small knife like this is also used for self-defense. In a large-scale armed fight, everyone wears very thick clothes, and your knife may not be able to stab in it.

But Barenke took it up for the time being.

He pulled out the blade at will, and the blade instantly left a gap on his rough thumb.

Accompanied by bursts of stinging pain, blood spilled from it...


This situation undoubtedly surprised Barrenke.

Not because of the fact that he was injured, but because of the sharpness of the knife.

Due to the forging skills, the private goods in the hands of the various gangs are often not so sharp.

The flesh on Barenke's thumb is very thick and tough, just take the machete he pulled out before to deter the opponent.

Every time he pulled the machete out, due to some weapon design and stance, his fingertips would often rub one side of the blade.

Some children with thin skin and tender meat may be easily slashed, but like him with rough skin and thick flesh, even with calluses, basically there is nothing that will be slashed at once. situation.

Of course, the fundamental reason is that their weapons are generally dull and brittle. If they are polished too sharply, the edge will be thin, and it will easily collapse after two or three strokes, and even the entire blade will be completely broken.

With this in mind, when sharpening their weapons, they also take care not to sharpen the weapons too sharply, in order to reduce the risk of the weapons breaking in a fight.

But at this moment, the knife in his hand gave Barenke a strange feeling.

Needless to say about the sharpness of this knife, according to Barrenke's idea, such a sharp blade is often very fragile.

However, the moment his eyes and fingertips touched the blade, his inherent concept was shaken, because he vaguely felt that this knife might not be as fragile as he expected.

Barenke couldn't say why he felt this way, but the man who sold the weapon knew it, because it was the difference in the texture of the weapon.

The difference in texture between really good weapons and bad weapons is huge.

Just like this pocket knife and the machete in Barenke's hand, which one is better is almost at a glance.

"Can you try it?"

While speaking, Barrenk raised the machete and knife in his hand at the same time, which meant that he wanted to touch it.

In this regard, the man is not nervous.


With permission, the next second, the blades on both sides collided suddenly, making a muffled sound.

Barenke temporarily controlled his strength, but it still wasn't much lighter.

After one blow, look at the blade again. The blade of the knife is almost intact, but his machete has a direct crack!

Seeing this result, Barenke couldn't help taking a deep breath, but the man looked calm, as if he had expected it.

"As a new guest, how about I can add a weapon of this level to your Excellency in this first business?"

While speaking, the man unhurriedly took the knife back from Barrenke's hand.

Obviously, this knife was not meant to be given to him like that.

Barrenke, who had recovered his senses after that, looked at the man's eyes, obviously becoming eager.

If there is such a powerful weapon, let alone revenge, it seems that it is not impossible to regain the territory.

With this idea in mind, Barrenke has completely stopped worrying about the previous price issue, and has turned to another issue.

"Just add one?"

Obviously, with this level of weapon, he wants more.

In this regard, the man who sold the weapons just replied indifferently...

"very expensive."

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