The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4568: , borrow a donkey

In the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, when did the human beings in the lower city become so strong in the face of the winged people?

With the sound of that angry shout, not only the winged guards over there were shocked at that moment, but there were also countless thousands of merchants who were hiding in the store, quietly watching the merchants here and the customers who were too late to leave.

The angry shouts sounded like thunder on the ground. On the street, the thousands of security forces of the Scarlet Group, standing still, and the winged guards who were so scared that they immediately retreated, almost formed a kind of sharp contrast.

The countless people who were quietly watching the situation here had their hearts racing, their scalps tingling, and goosebumps all over their bodies. Invisibly, the emotions of these "spectators" became violently excited!

The scene in front of me has already planted the seeds of resistance for the humans in the lower city who have been oppressed by the winged people for countless years!

This day, this moment! Destined to be remembered in history!

As for the other side of this history, the faces of the winged guards standing there at this time were a little pale.

They never thought that one day they would be afraid of human beings.

But judging from the current situation, this seems to be inexcusable.

In the face of human beings, the vast majority of wing people are indeed proud, but this does not mean that they are stupid.

Compared with the security forces of the Scarlet Group, their weapons and equipment are indeed better, but on the contrary, in terms of numbers, the opponent has a crushing momentum, completely surpassing them!

The gap in the number of people can no longer be made up by the gap in equipment alone.

For the first time since being dispatched to the Lower City, these Winged Guards felt remorse for their usual lack of training.

But in fact, this problem does not seem to be solved by their diligent training...

This situation couldn't be worse, and the captain of the guards didn't know what to do.

Seeing that the situation was about to be completely deadlocked, at this moment, a commotion came from outside the block, and a group of winged guards headed by the captain of the guards subconsciously thought that their reinforcements had arrived, and hurriedly looked back.

At the same time, the members of the Scarlett security force who were about to block an entire street slowly dispersed, making a way in the middle of the street.

The next second, a carriage appeared in front of the winged guards.

Looking at the carriage, the joy on the captain's face quickly dissipated. It was not their Supervision Bureau's carriage. Their Supervision Bureau's carriage had corresponding markings, but this carriage did not.

Under this premise, there are only a handful of people who can afford a carriage in this lower city.

Considering the street where the headquarters of the Scarlet Group was located, the captain of the guards already had some guesses about who was coming.

Following the road vacated by the security forces, the carriage moved forward slowly, and came to them unhurriedly.

However, the person who got off the car later surprised the captain of the guards, and it turned out to be Father Weilun!

In Lower Town, Mrs. Scarlett was a devout believer and was keen to assist Father Willon in his mission, so it was well known that the relationship between them had always been good.

Therefore, when Father Wei Lun appeared here, the captain of the guard knew that he was completely unable to do this.

But at this moment, facing this result, not only was the captain of the guard not annoyed, but a bit of secret joy rose in his heart.

Needless to say the reason, looking at the battle in front of him, he could not have accomplished the task that the inspector had given him.

But what was embarrassing just now was that, according to the state of the inspector, if he messed up this matter, he would have to shed a layer of skin even if he died, and there was no way to go back and deal with it.

But now, things are different.

As a priest of the clergy, even if the Ombudsman is here in person, he has to be polite.

To put it simply, as soon as the priest appeared, in the Xiacheng District, no one could do it, and it was useless for the Ombudsman to come, so they could withdraw naturally.

Of course, before that, the process that should be taken still has to be taken.

After noticing Father Wei Lun's sight, the captain of the guards hid the secret joy in his heart, made a serious appearance, and then stepped forward...

"Father, we are carrying out official duties here on the order of the Inspector. I don't know what the priest is here, what is the matter?"

Father Weilun was born in the military. Although he has been a priest for so many years, his personality still tends to be straightforward. When he knew the question of the captain of the guards, Father Weilun frowned, and his face was a little displeased. .

"I know what your purpose is for you to come here. Go back and tell the Ombudsman that the Scarlett and his wife have been praying in the church for the 'Prayer Week' these days, and they have never left. It is impossible for them to do this. of."

As soon as Father Wei Lun said these words, the captain of the guard standing there didn't care whether the words were true or not, and immediately got off the donkey on the slope, and after receiving these words, he led the team to retreat.

During this whole process, the Scarlett security forces gathered on the street did not intercept the retreating wing guards.

As mentioned earlier, their main purpose this time was to push back the winged guards, not to fight with the winged guards.

The difference between the two is very big, and the possible consequences are also different, and cannot be generalized.

After confirming that the winged guards had withdrawn, Father Wei Lun didn't stay here any longer, turned around and sat back in the carriage, and began to return to the church.

At the same time, UU Reading did not know who started it, and violent cheers rang throughout the entire block in a short period of time!

Hearing the cheers coming from the rear, Father Weilun had long known about the mighty security force of the Scarlet Group.

After all, he wasn't stupid. It was impossible for him to know what was going on in Xiacheng. If Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't have any power in their hands, it would be impossible for the business to achieve this level.

Compared to this faction, they were able to do this in the Xiacheng District in such a short period of time, but Father Weilun was even more horrified.

In Father Wei Lun's view, the latter is far more difficult than the former.

Sitting in the carriage, on the way back to the church, Father Wei Lun did not stop thinking about this matter in his mind.

The Inspectorate was attacked? It has to be said that this time, it is indeed completely beyond his imagination.

Although Father Wei Lun despised the group of wingmen who ate vegetarian meals in the Supervision Bureau, it did not mean that he would agree with the attack on the Supervision Bureau.

Therefore, when a subordinate of the Scarlet Group rushed to the church and reported this to Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan, Father Weilun was also surprised.

At the same time, the next actions of the Supervision Bureau clearly showed that the Superintendent had already locked Luo Ji as the mastermind behind the scenes.

Of course, Luo Ji denied it right away.

However, didn't Father Wellen have any doubts at all?

No, he doubted...

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