The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4581: , side start

In this matter, it can be said to be overwhelmingly disadvantageous to the regular army of the Wingmen of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, their Scarlet Group, and at the same time they do not have any dominance at this stage.

So there is only one thing they can do now, and that is to act as soon as possible, and while preparing for the worst, try to solve this problem before the regular army of the opposite winger officially starts to act!

There is no doubt that Luo Ji and the others have already figured out how to solve the problem. There will be no results if you face it head-on, so you can only start from the side...

After they all received the notification from the Scarlet Group and entered the first-level combat readiness state, Luo Ji, who had changed his face in the dark of night, quietly left the headquarters of the Scarlet Group and sneaked into the upper city.

The clean and tidy Shangcheng District is actually much smaller than the Xiacheng District in terms of floor space. After all, the population base of Yiren is far from that of humans.

But even so, every winger in the upper city lived in a spacious and comfortable life, and that life was enough to make countless people in the lower city envious.

Luo Ji couldn't be more clear about the layout of Shangcheng.

After all, his miniature reconnaissance robot has already turned around here and there.

The only undetected area is the Cathedral of Holy Light built on the mountain deep in the upper city.

Due to the fact that the energy and magnetic field contained in it are too strong, the micro reconnaissance robot cannot work normally, so it has not been detected until now.

But this problem, after Luo Ji's main body came over, was no longer a problem.

Although Luo Ji's own combat module does not include stealth, but after the self-consciousness has been fully developed, Luo Ji is no longer a machine that only relies on combat modules and individual main brains to fight and act. clan.

During the days in Xiacheng District, relying on his self-consciousness, he gradually mastered a lot of skills.

Of course, it also includes 'sneak'.

According to Luo Ji's body performance, before the winged man approached, he would be able to detect it in advance, confirm where to avoid, and make effective use of his various functions, which made Luo Ji's infiltrating mission easy and smooth quickly. Infiltrated to the target location.

Under the night, the illuminating stone exudes a soft light. As the highest authority in the city, although the bishop was demoted from the holy city, his life here is obviously also related to 'hardship'. The two words have nothing to do with each other.

Leaning on soft cushions filled with goose feathers, the Bishop shook his crystal glass and sipped his bedtime wine.

In front of the wine table, there are also a variety of cheeses, smoked bacon, and pickled vegetables and fruits as side dishes. These days, even among the winged people, are quite luxurious.

Taking a shallow sip of the expensive wine he brought from the Holy City, the bishop straightened up his slightly chubby body and walked unhurriedly to the table next to him.

There were two weapons on the table.

Of course, these two weapons did not come from the regular army equipment of their wingmen, but he ordered them to get them from the lower city, and they were the weapons used by humans.

Although he is arrogant, he is not stupid. After things have gotten to this point, it is impossible for him to not think about anything and directly issue the extermination order with his eyes closed.

For the whole thing, he still has some understanding for the time being.

Under this premise, if he wants to annihilate the Scarlet Group, the most direct factor that will affect this action, needless to say, is the armed forces of both sides.

Here, what needs to be confirmed is that the bishop didn't think that their regular army of the wingmen would lose at the beginning, that is simply impossible.

So the focus this time is on how little loss and consumption he can settle this matter.

At the same time, this matter must be done beautifully, so that he can fight for the opportunity to be transferred back to the Holy City.

In terms of training, the human beings in the lower city have nothing to say.

In addition to training, an important indicator to measure the strength of an armed force is the number of troops.

In terms of number of people, from the perspective of the population base, there must be more humans in Xiacheng District. If he wants to overwhelm the other side in terms of numbers, I am afraid that he will have to apply for reinforcements from other cities.

Their bishop obviously didn't want to do this.

After all, as soon as reinforcements from other cities arrive, his achievements will be divided among the reinforcements.

At the same time, the presence of reinforcements would prevent him from beautifying his achievements smoothly.

Fortunately, on their side, the impact of the number of people is not large.

From the bishop's point of view, although the Scarlet Group has gathered together into a large force, it is still a mob in the final analysis.

Although the number of people is large, the combat power is limited. Under this premise, he has confirmed the weapons and equipment just now.

Although the human beings in the lower city can make weapons of this level, he is quite surprised, but the weapons of this level are still unable to compare with the regular army of their wingmen.

Compared with each other, as long as the fight starts, the regular army of their wingmen will definitely have no possibility of defeat.

Thinking of this, the Bishop of UU Reading is also completely relieved. While drinking the remaining wine in the crystal glass in his hand, the Bishop is about to turn around and pour the wine. An unfamiliar figure appeared!

This situation shocked the bishop, and his first reaction was to shout for help and call the winged guards outside the door to come in. At the same time, he himself began to perform magic, trying to launch an attack.

However, the other party's action was a step faster, and before he could speak, he had already grabbed his neck.

Luo Ji's force control was very precise, interrupting the bishop's movements and making the other party speechless, but at the same time not suffocating the other party to death.

The next second, the already processed voice sounded...

"Don't make a sound, don't try to call for help, and don't act rashly. I'm sure I'll kill you instantly before you make any suspicious actions. It's definitely faster than the outside guards rushing in. Just blink your eyes when you understand."

Hearing this, the bishop, who was strangled by Luo Ji's neck, hurriedly blinked twice.

Seeing this, Luo Ji unhurriedly let go of his hand.

At that moment, the bishop hurriedly took two breaths, the thoughts of asking for help and self-help flashed in his mind quickly, but the two sights he felt afterwards made his heart shudder.

At this moment, the bishop is very clearly aware that his every move is under the gaze of the other party!

The more prestigious the existence, the more often he cherishes his life. Thinking of the other party's elusive methods, the bishop really didn't dare to act rashly...

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