The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4588: , the curious Henry Bohr

Luo Gide admitted that Henry Bol was an excellent orator.

While he is ambitious, he also has a pattern.

Be able to quickly see the essence of a thing, and look at a thing from a longer-term and fairer perspective.

At the same time, through this speech, the other party threw a huge temptation to him invisibly.

Considering the Holy Light Holy See, the previous treatment of human beings, and considering Henry Boer's plan, if he wants to stabilize human beings and establish human trust in him, then he must not be able to directly manage human beings.

Because in that case, humans will instinctively feel that he is no different from those who were in power before.

Under this premise, for Henry Bohr, the best way is to let humans manage humans.

And according to his words, the human manager he identified at the moment was undoubtedly the one who created the Scarlet Group in a short period of time and ruled the Scarlet in the lower city, namely Luo Ji.

Considering the number of human beings in Holy Light Holy See Kingdom, this position is not light.

Once Henry Boer succeeds, even if the other party will not hand over all the human beings in the Holy Light Holy See to him, at least he will be able to manage a large part and become one of the human managers of the Holy Light Holy See. Status, of course, is also a step up to the sky. Simply speaking, this is basically a 'song of the dragon'.

You must know that this Holy Light Holy See country is a super-large cosmic country at the star cluster level. Even for Ye Qingxuan, this temptation should not be underestimated.

But right now it's Luo Ji standing here, so let's talk about it...

"What Mr. Bol said is quite good, so let's do it and see. At that time, our Scarlet Group will naturally look at the situation and act according to the circumstances."

While uttering these remarks, Luo Ji undoubtedly emphasized the words 'act by chance'.

That means, it can be said that it could not be more obvious.

At that time, if you really do it, and I think it is reliable, then I will follow you, but on the other hand, if I think it is not good, then it will not happen.

Obviously, Luo Ji didn't plan to get on Henry Boer's pirate ship so casually.

As for Luo Ji's answer, Henry Bol was actually quite satisfied.

To put it bluntly, just say it with his mouth, and the other party can't see anything real. If the other party doesn't even think about it and agrees directly, Henry Boll will feel that there is fraud, or Luo Ji His thoughts were not meticulous enough, his actions were not careful enough, and even made him want to reconsider his cooperation with Luo Ji.

And now Luo Ji's statement has further proved that he is indeed a reliable partner.

"It doesn't matter, you can 'take the opportunity'."

Looking at the calm Henry Boll, at this moment, Luo Ji couldn't help but have a thought in his heart that 'this thing might really happen'.

But it's time to talk about everything.

With this question clarified, the dialogue between the two sides has basically come to an end.

"Before I leave, I have one last question. What did Mr. Bol say to the public about our whereabouts?"

"Of course, it's dealt with."

Hearing this, Luo Ji thought to himself, "It really is."

Thinking about it, according to the situation of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, even if Henry Bol allowed them to be put into the lower city, the other wingmen would not allow it.

At that time, before they left the penitentiary, they were already wrapped in robes, and then until they arrived at the Xiacheng Church, they sat in the carriage the whole time and never showed their faces at all.

During the whole process, apart from Father Wei Lun, basically no one knew who was sitting in the carriage.

In fact, Father Weilun didn't ask much about Luo Ji and the others.

Coupled with the fact that Father Willon and Henry Bol are close friends, and Harold of the Frontier Army is an old comrade-in-arms, it is even more impossible to say anything more.

With the proper operations of Henry Bol and the Frontier Army, as well as follow-up reports, just like this, the human beings found on the spaceship have been 'handled' by Henry Bol on the bright side, while Luo Editing them, they became residents of Xiacheng without knowing it at all...

In other words, even if the bishop wanted to investigate Luo Ji and the others during this period, he would never be able to find out this level of identity.

As for the question of whether Henry Boll will go to the church in the south of the lower city, will the other party have associations.

Actually not.

Henry Boll and Father Wellon are good friends, and this matter itself is not a secret, so he basically visits his good friend whenever he is on vacation.

And because the church itself accommodates refugees, there are really a lot of people who come in and out every month.

It would be a bit far-fetched to speculate on Luo Ji's identities on this basis.

In addition, there is no record of this kind of thing. Luo Ji and the others have moved out of the church for a long time. How many people in Xiacheng know about this?

Even if there are, they are all human beings, the only winged people, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is Henry Boer and Father Willon, no matter where the bishop comes from, it is impossible for the bishop to obtain the information he wants.

After confirming the news of their expected death from Henry Boer's side, Luo Ji, who had come to an end for the time being, didn't stop any longer, and quickly left and returned to Xiacheng.

Back at the headquarters of the group, at this moment, the sky is in a state of being too bright.

Logically speaking, Ye Qingxuan should be sound asleep at the moment.

But what Luo Ji didn't expect was that Ye Qingxuan opened his eyes quickly when he came back.

Now that he was awake, Luo Ji simply told Ye Qingxuan what happened that night.

Most of them were within their expectations, but Henry Boer's style and pattern still made Ye Qingxuan a little surprised.

This is like a child born in a feudal family in a feudal country with a democratic and open mind.

Considering the sheer number of environmental and educational factors, this is really unusual.

However, after omitting that bit of surprise and emotion, the current situation, no matter what Henry Bolt is going to do, at this stage, it has no effect on the Scarlet Group.

The most important thing for them now is to develop.

Of course, whether they can engage in development will depend on the response of Shangcheng District tomorrow.

If the bishop thinks wildly and changes his mind again at dawn, the trouble will undoubtedly be big...

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