The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4594: , please come to the door

Humans are creatures who are very afraid of being compared, but are invisible and like to compare.

Originally, when the days were so sloppy, everyone had trouble with each other, and they naturally didn't have any ideas about each other.

But once you find that the people around you are living a better life than you, your mood may start to get a little complicated.

Especially when that person is relatively familiar with you, and even often appears under your nose...

In the Xiacheng District, the current tax payment is once a month. In the latest month, the tax collected has basically increased by nearly 30% compared with the previous one.

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan knew that there must be a lot of people evading taxes. However, given the limited conditions, it is unrealistic to solve this problem at one time. Continuing to struggle with this problem will only be a waste of energy.

Anyway, this tax is also rising month by month, and if they save more, they can start a big project.

And that is, in the process, the season has quietly entered autumn.

Like the universe they knew, autumn was the harvest season, and it was also the busiest season for farmers in the Xiacheng District.

And this season, for Luo Ji, there is a difference from usual, and that is the transaction with Yiren in Shangcheng District.

Like humans, winged people also need to eat.

But you can't expect those winged men in the upper city to raise their hands, wave their hoes, and cultivate the land, that's unrealistic.

But to be honest, it's hard for Luo Ji to imagine that the Wingmen would be completely handed over to humans for such important work as 'food production' that is closely related to the survival of the race.

Even now, it is impossible for Luo Ji to know if it was like this from the beginning, or if the wing people above loosened up and became what it is now.

Perhaps in the eyes of the wing people, as long as they have absolute military power in their hands, they are not afraid of human rebellion in the lower city.

In fact, this is indeed the case. On the Holy See Nation side of the Holy Light, the suppression of the military power of the wing people is too strong.

On the human side, if you want to challenge the Yiren by grabbing the food, then the Yiren will send a regular army to pacify the lower city, which is basically a matter of a day or two.

During this time period, the food issue has no impact at all.

Of course, the Xiacheng District under Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan's governance now has far more military power than before.

But even so, they did not have the capital to challenge the wing people.

To be honest, although Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan have prepared a lot of weapons and equipment behind the scenes just in case, on the surface, although they are training soldiers, they have not upgraded their weapons for a long time. Equipped.

The equipment of their soldiers in the lower city was actually very small compared to when they were just independent.

This is undoubtedly what Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan did deliberately.

The bishop in Shangcheng District, for his own future, although he has made a great deal of concessions, even at the expense of part of the interests of the country, this does not mean that he is a fool.

The premise that the other party is willing to give in is because he has an absolute military advantage.

To put it simply, the bishop reached an agreement with Luo Ji on the premise that he could destroy the entire lower city at any time when he wanted to do something.

And once the military power in the Xiacheng District begins to rise sharply, and the Bishop realizes the threat, then 100% of the other party will not hesitate to tear up the verbal agreement with Luo Ji, send troops to Xiacheng District, and completely destroy them. exterminate.

Being able to destroy them at any time is the bottom line of the bishop, and it is also the tacit understanding between them.

Now back to the topic, just as Luo Ji had indicated when he negotiated with the bishop, their lower city would continue to provide the upper city with productivity and daily supplies.

But unlike the "exploitation" in the past, today's materials, Shangcheng District needs to obtain from them through a more reasonable "transaction".

In fact, their 'deal' with Uptown has been going on long before.

Among them, the food transaction is undoubtedly a very important transaction.

In this transaction, Luo Ji didn't say anything, it was a normal price to sell food to Shangcheng District.

After all, they don't want to cause trouble on this issue, they just want to develop in a low-key and peace of mind.

But even so, this situation still aroused the dissatisfaction of some wingers in Shangcheng District.

After all, these resources, they used to be cheaper than the price of cabbage. Although the price of food is normal now, in the eyes of the Yi people in the upper city, it is already too expensive.

But this matter, there is no need for Luo Ji to worry about it, the bishop will settle it.

In this city, the bishop itself is equivalent to the existence of a soil emperor, and even in a certain period of time, even those in power in the upper city area are not able to speak the words of the bishop.

At present, the transaction between the two sides continues to be maintained stably. From this, it can be seen that the bishop has settled this matter very well.

Now Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan are familiar with these food transactions.

Originally, they thought that the grain trade this autumn could be successfully completed, but they didn't expect that an accident would happen ahead of time before the two of them could trade.

This accident did not come from the bishop in the upper city, but from Henry Bol!

That Henry Bohr, who never moved after throwing an olive branch to Luo Ji, took the initiative to find Luo Ji on this day...

"Lord Bol came here so suddenly."

Sitting in his private meeting room, Ye Qingxuan was listening in the booth next to him. At this time, Luo Ji looked at Henry Boer with a somewhat meaningful look in his eyes.

In this regard, Henry Boll smiled slightly.

"Scarlett, you are a smart person. You should have guessed the purpose of my visit this time."

"Ha ha…"

Hearing this, Luo Ji let out a chuckle.

But this time, he didn't intend to play stupid and stupefied. It's mainly for this sake, and it's not interesting to play that set again.

"Master Bol, I almost forgot about you, why do you have to remind me?"

At this moment, Luo Ji's subtext can be said to be very clear, that is, 'If you want to fight, fight, it hasn't started yet, and there is no result at the same time, at this juncture, why drag me in? ’

In the light laughter, Henry Boll undoubtedly heard the trace of Luo Ji's dissatisfaction.

Faced with this situation, Henry Boll was not at all embarrassed.

"Because we want to win easier and faster at the same time, so hopefully you can cut off the food uptown."


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