The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4608: , eyes glowing

Father Wei Lun obviously did not know about Luo Ji and Henry Boer.

On the night when everything happened, Father Wei Lun, who heard the news, was almost stunned by the whole situation.

However, Father Wei Lun was born in the frontier army after all, coupled with the persuasion of his friends Henry Boer and Harold, he gradually realized the dictatorship and corruption of the Wingmen in power. For the future of the Holy See Kingdom, he finally He chose to stand on their side, and accepted Luo Ji's invitation to participate in such a news program that had little to do with missionary work.

In the program, what Father Weilun said was still very objective and fair, basically stating the facts, without any intention of favoring anyone.

But this is undoubtedly enough for them.

This series of news programs has gained unprecedented attention and discussion from the people of Xiacheng District.

While letting the people understand the Battle of the Long Bridge, it also gradually allowed the people to have a deeper understanding of the Wingmen.

At the same time, under the intentions of the newscasters and Wade, the wingmen group was gradually divided by the people of the lower city into the old wingmen, headed by religious rulers, and the new wingmen, headed by the frontier army, who initiated the revolution. , this division is undoubtedly a good thing.

Of course, in this process, there are also some people in Xiacheng who have extreme attitudes.

But for this type of people, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan didn't really care much.

This time, the purpose of creating such a news program is not only to promote and guide this matter, but also to arouse people's groups to discuss and think about this matter.

So far, their goal has been achieved.

During this period, time passed quietly, and a month after the battle, Henry Bohr came to the door.

Of course, this time, the other party, as the representative of the new wingmen in Shangcheng District, rode a carriage, surrounded by wingmen guards, and came over in an upright manner.

And as early as a week ago, the publicity department and the news department had already announced the news.

However, the propaganda department simply announced it, while the news department made it a part of the series, and invited Guo Jia, the chief of staff of the city defense army, and Father Weilun to discuss the matter together, and asked They express their opinion.

Of course, it also includes the question of 'What is the purpose of the New Wings sending representatives here? ’ various speculative analyses of this question.

For this purpose, Guo Jia naturally knew it for a long time.

In fact, even if he didn't know, he could guess.

In addition, with the permission of Luo Ji, Guo Jia also spoke with confidence in this episode of the show.

At the same time, he made a bold statement, saying that if they can cooperate, it must be better cooperation.

Once this statement was made, at that time, it naturally aroused more heated discussions among the people of Xiacheng District.

Originally, some people were worried that the people in Xiacheng would be very resistant and resistant, and even cause turmoil.

But in fact it didn't. After the program was finished, according to the intelligence statistics that came up, the people in Xiacheng District responded roughly as follows...

I believe that the city owner judged that he did not make a clear personal statement and obeyed the party, accounting for 47.9%.

Thirty-three percent of those who believed that Guo Jia's analysis was reasonable and should choose to cooperate with the party agreed with the party.

As for the opposition parties who oppose cooperation and believe that the wing people are not good things and should be all killed, 18.7% of the opposition parties.

Of course, it is impossible for this survey to ask all the millions of people in Xiacheng District, but the statistics obtained from the survey of tens of thousands of people can also represent some public opinions to some extent.

From this data, it can be clearly seen that following the party, to put it bluntly, means being neutral and not assertive, accounting for nearly half of the total.

And even if this part is omitted, the number of parties in favor of the party is obviously more than the number of parties in opposition.

The reason for such a result is inseparable from the news programs they spent energy on before.

The existence of Father Wei Lun has made the people realize how huge the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light is.

Anyone with a bit of brains should know that they can't compete with the behemoth of Holy Light Holy See Nation to the end, so cooperation is inevitable.

Under this premise, Guo Jia also put forward an ideological and spiritual argument before making a statement that cooperation is better.

In that argument, Guo Jia proposed that the identity and unity of the ideological and spiritual level is above the unity of the race. As long as the ideology and spirit remain the same, even different races can cooperate and even become comrades who advance and retreat together.

On the other hand, if the other party is not of the same mind as you, and at the same time does not agree with your actions, then even if they are both human beings, it is impossible for the other party to advance and retreat with you.

This argument has undoubtedly been recognized by many human beings, and in this statement, it has played a pivotal role.

The above all kinds of foreshadowing, the arrival of Henry Bohr, although a large number of people were onlookers, did not constitute too much stimulation to the people.

After all, the New Wing people are going to send a representative over today to negotiate with their Lord City Lord. They already knew about a week ago.

There was even a week-long intense discussion around this matter. UU Reading

After a week, the things that should be analyzed have already been analyzed, and the things that should be discussed have already been discussed.

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Now that so many people are gathered around here, in addition to joining in the fun, they just want to wait for the result.

During this period, Henry Bohr, who glanced at the streets on both sides and the people through the window of the carriage, could only say that his entire feeling was too strong.

In fact, it wasn't just him, the winged guards who escorted him over felt extremely strong.

The humans in the Xiacheng District in front of them are completely different from those in their impressions, and this Xiacheng District is also different from the Xiacheng District in their impressions.

In the impression of the wing people, the human beings in the lower city are dressed in tatters, unkempt, dirty, like beggars, and they are even more submissive when facing them.

But now, the feeling that those humans brought to them has completely changed.

Is it because your clothes are clean and tidy? It turns out that just a change in clothing can have such a big impact on a person.

At this time, many winged guards couldn't help expressing such emotion in their hearts.

But Henry Bol, who was sitting in the carriage, knew that this was not just a change in clothing, but a change in mental outlook.

The expressions and eyes of the former people in Xiacheng were always dead, as if they were alive like a walking corpse.

But now, their eyes are glowing with light!

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