The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4632: , blond man

Compared with religious factions, there are undoubtedly many wingmen of the military faction in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light.

Basically, they don't mind reusing you as long as you show enough ability.

After all, on the side of the military faction, the future development policy has long been confirmed. They want these humans to serve their Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light more thoroughly. For this reason, they want to make humans their Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light. legal citizens, and let human beings truly integrate into it.

In this way, it is definitely not enough to distinguish themselves from the 'old winged people'. As the 'new winged people', they also need to release some kindness to human beings in order to erect themselves. image of.

With this in mind, reusing some humans is a more realistic approach.

But the more important reason is that they have absolute military power. Even if a human is in a high position, it is difficult to shake their wingmen's dominance in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light. This is the most core point.

Taking this as the premise, so far, Luo Ji's ability has basically been shown, and there is basically no need to say more.

Among the group of humans who were selected by the New Wings to be in charge of governing the human city, there should be no one whose abilities could rival Luo Ji.

In this stall where they need to continue to strengthen the stability of the rear, Luo Ji's ability, they naturally have to make good use of it.

For this reason, the New Wing people who received the report did not hesitate to give Luo Ji more control over the human city.

Of course, this is just a relatively nice way of saying it, and to put it more bluntly, those high-level executives of the New Wing people, to put it bluntly, treat Luo Ji as a wage earner.

Giving Luo Ji power, in the final analysis, is to create benefits for them.

And as long as they want, with the powerful military power in their hands, they can take back this power at any time.

Let's not talk about what Henry Boer thinks, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan definitely cannot think too well of those in power in the winged group.

For the thoughts of these guys, their hearts are basically clear.

But it doesn't matter, anyway, in their view, this matter is nothing more than mutual use.

It is better to be able to take this opportunity to gain the power to develop now than it was before.

That wing man is not a charity, many things, you still have to rely on your own means to win!

In the following period of time, the number of cities under Luo Ji's rule increased in a straight line.

With the increase in the number of cities under his control, although some people under Luo Ji's command can still use it, they still have to face some more troublesome problems.

For example, the vast majority of the people who are now in charge of governing the city are prisoners of war that he has taken out of the mines.

From this point of view, those people should be somewhat grateful to him.

But in the final analysis, their relationship with each other is still based on mutual benefit. It is hard for Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan to believe how loyal these people are to them.

Under this premise, as the territory they govern becomes larger and larger, it is inevitable for individuals to generate some ideas and do things beyond their control.

At this moment, in Luo Ji's office, another batch of work documents was just delivered to him. With a 'work priority' attitude, Luo Ji quickly processed the documents. In ten minutes, Luo Ji had already reviewed the last copy.

During this process, on the sofa in Luo Ji's office, a blond man in his sixties or seventies sat stiffly.

In the quiet office, Luo Ji's sound of flipping through documents, invisibly, constantly stimulated every nerve of the man, making him feel like he was sitting on pins and needles.

He didn't drink or eat the tea and snacks on the coffee table in front of him. It took him less than thirty minutes, but it made him feel extraordinarily long.

At this moment, Luo Ji, who had finished processing the last document in hand, let out a long breath. The sound of his exhalation caused the blond man sitting there to shudder. He looked up subconsciously. , saw Luo Ji pick up a document from the table and walked towards him.

After approaching, looking at the untouched tea and snacks on the table, Luo Ji asked casually...

"What? Are tea and snacks unpalatable?"

"No, no."

Following Luo Ji's opening, the blond man's whole heart hung directly to his throat.

"My subordinate has a bad stomach recently."

"It turns out that the stomach is not good."

Luo Ji didn't think much about it, just nodded casually.

Then, he directly put the document in his hand in front of the blond man.

"I won't ask you why, let's see, it should be all there."

Hearing this, the blond man's heart thumped violently, he took a deep breath subconsciously, then picked up the document and opened it to see that his name was written on the first row of the document!

Immediately looking down, the names one after another, as well as the events listed below, made the blond man's face turn pale, and beads of sweat began to appear on his forehead continuously.

The blond man, who had only seen half of it, already realized that he was in danger, did not dare to look down at all, and fell to his knees on the ground in embarrassment.

"Sir, Lord Governor, please forgive me! This subordinate has absolutely no intention of betraying Lord Governor!"

While speaking, the blond man kept kowtowing to Luo Ji, trying to ask for Luo Ji's forgiveness.

Seeing this, Luo Ji picked him up without hesitation...

"Don't be afraid, UU reading really wants to say, I have to thank you."

Luo Ji's soft tone, combined with the 'lifting up' action, made the blond man a little dazed, and for a while, his mind was a little bit hard to turn, until Luo Ji said the second half of the sentence...

"If it weren't for you, I really don't know. There are so many ungrateful people under my hands. Thanks to you, I have found a lot of people this time and saved a lot of time."

At that moment, Luo Ji's soft tone only made the blond man feel a bit of icy coldness, his legs softened, and he fell to his knees again with a 'pop'.

"My lord, forgive me, my lord! My subordinates are only greedy for some money, and I have never betrayed my lord! Please believe me in my subordinates, please believe me in my subordinates!"

At this moment, the blond man, who was already in complete disarray, kept moving towards Luo Ji, kowtowing his head heavily, making a 'dong dong' sound. meaning to stop.

"Please give your subordinates another chance! The subordinates are willing to serve the adults and be their loyal dogs..."

Having said that, the blond man's voice stopped abruptly. It was Luo Ji's hand, and he didn't know when, it was placed on the other's chin. This touch was like a pair of steel pliers, making the blond man completely unable to speak.

Immediately afterwards, an unstoppable force made his already tearful face lift slightly, and his eyes full of fear met Luo Ji's calm eyes.

"Loyal dog? Can a dog that has betrayed be counted as a loyal dog?"

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