The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4636: , unexpected joy

"Scarlett, I'm a little curious about what you did in the past? I feel like you're better at governance and development than I am."

Henry Bohr, who said this, was really curious in his heart, but at the same time, he also wanted to find out the details of Luo Ji.

In this regard, Luo Ji looked calm.

In this kind of matter, he really has a lot of experience, because he used to be Ye Qingxuan's secretary robot, he had experienced the period when Ye Qingxuan was very busy with work, and he also knew how Ye Qingxuan at that time properly handled the huge workload and self-regulating.

But at this time, he certainly couldn't say that.

"As you can see, I'm a businessman. To put it bluntly, I used to do business in various places in the universe. The issue of governance and development actually has a lot in common with a business development company."

Speaking of which, Luo Ji paused.

"In this matter, to put it bluntly, you want money. If you have money, you will have people, and if you have someone, everything will be easy. What do you think?"

After a few words, Luo Ji kicked the ball at will and kicked the ball back to Henry Bol, but it caused Henry Bol to ponder.

In fact, Henry Bohr has been studying Luo Ji's development strategies and various means, and even has many references.

In the various policies of the winged city under his governance, the shadow of the human city can often be seen.

Although Luo Ji was just saying it casually, Henry Bohr, after thinking about it, realized that it was really the case.

Thinking about it carefully, the development of Human City and Luo Ji's various development strategies are all based on the huge economy created by the Scarlet Group.

If the human city run by Luo Ji is likened to a skyscraper, then the Scarlet Group is the foundation of this skyscraper.

If the foundation collapses, the entire skyscraper will naturally collapse along with it.

"Okay, let's talk business."

Although Luo Ji's life has been a lot more prosperous recently, it doesn't mean that he intends to spend it at will.

If he had a choice, he'd still rather get down to business than drink tea at Henry Ball's.

This time he came here, and he mainly talked about the cooperation between the Scarlet Group and the Winged City.

In fact, this can be regarded as cooperation with the New Wings represented by the military faction.

During this time, the powers of the New Wingmen undoubtedly saw the abilities of Luo Ji and Henry Boer, so they continued to increase their workload.

After going back and forth, they were stunned to be promoted all the way in a short period of time and became the planet's consuls.

But as a result, I can see that Henry Boer was busy and confused because of the above obviously ill-conceived approach, and Luo Ji was relatively better, but not much better.

The human city that he took over to manage can only be said to be basically stable at present, but the development is still far from it.

This time, the cooperation with Yiren City is mainly to promote the economy between the two sides of the city, so as to bring them better development momentum.

small book booth

Originally, it was enough to let the people under my command discuss this matter. After all, it is not the first time that the two sides have cooperated.

However, due to the rapid increase in the number of governance cities, the scale of this cooperation has suddenly become too large.

Therefore, out of prudence, Luo Ji and Henry Bol also planned to discuss this matter in person.

"This is a specific plan."

The cooperation proposal and the content of the agreement have already been prepared. The Yiren side is generally only responsible for investing and giving Luo Ji permission. The specific operations are basically carried out by Luo Ji, so the content of the proposal and agreement is Naturally, it also came from their side.

By the way, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were also happy to do this. After all, letting a bunch of laymen intervene indiscriminately would only make things a mess. It would be better to give them full authority and save effort by letting them play freely.

Anyway, after the development, the benefits are also indispensable.

Henry Bohr, who has experience in cooperation, is basically clear about the regulations in the proposal, but the scale of cooperation this time is large, so he still reads it very seriously.

After all confirmations, he nodded and signed and sealed, indicating that the agreement was reached.

Recovering the documents, Luo Ji was about to leave when he was stopped by Henry Boll.

"Anything else?"

"It's like this..."

Without dawdling, Henry Bol quickly explained the whole thing to Luo Ji while he was talking.

Because the New Wing people wanted to grant Mrs. Scarlet the status of "Honorary Bishop" to Ye Qingxuan.

Not that they didn't think about it at first.

But according to their expectations, even if this thing is going to come, it can't come so fast.

After all, in the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, how noble the status of the clergy is, there is no need to say more.

Under normal circumstances, even offending low-level clergy such as priests and nuns is a serious crime, but if it offends the bishop...

If there is no accident, it is directly the death penalty. UU reading www.

Although a position with the word "honor" in general, basically has nothing to do with real power, it is a typical virtual position.

But aside from the issue of real power, the word 'bishop' behind her gave Ye Qingxuan a real status. Although she did not have the real power of a bishop, she was able to enjoy all the treatment a bishop should have.

Under this premise, even those winged officers and officials of the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light, and even the clergy under her position, had to bow obediently when they saw her, let alone those ordinary winged people.

To put it simply, as long as Ye Qingxuan does not commit suicide in the future and does not provoke clergymen above her, then in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, with the title of 'Honorary Bishop' on her head, she can basically walk sideways.

And it is precisely because of this identity that he possesses such a huge amount of energy, so although Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan had thought about it, they did not expect that the New Wing people would hand over this identity so quickly.

And according to their original expectations, the other party should at most be given the title of 'honorary priest', but they did not expect the other party to be much more aggressive than they expected, so they directly gave it an 'honorary bishop'.

Unlike priests, in the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light, bishops are already high-ranking clergy.

Although the word 'honor' in the front makes this identity a bit less meaningful, compared with the 'honor priest', it is really much stronger.

You know, how many priests are there between the bishop and the priest?

The clergy with the title of bishop or above only account for about ten percent of the total number of clergy in the Holy See Nation of the Holy Light! Click to download this site APP, massive novels, free to read!

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