The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4643: , blueprint in the brain

Luo Ji and Henry Bol, who had successfully arrived at the new planet, naturally the first thing they did next was to personally confirm the development in the city.

On the way to their respective City Lord's Mansion, both of them walked very high-profile.

The purpose of this is undoubtedly to make the residents here clearly realize that from today, the boss here has changed!

On Luo Ji's side, the whole situation was basically inseparable from what he had expected.

It was a mess anyway.

Those New Wing people chose a native human who had no previous experience and was unlikely to have experience to manage millions of people. This is like finding someone who has never played games before. A high-difficulty game that abuses players for fun, and directly opens the **** difficulty to him.

Unless the other party is really talented, otherwise, he will perform well if he does not collapse.

There is nothing to say, the team that Luo Ji brought over quickly took over the work of the original team. After that, Luo Ji's super-high processing efficiency for the work was shown again.

And his efficiency is faster than before, because a lot of work in the past has allowed him to successfully accumulate considerable processing experience, and these experiences will become his current data samples, making his individual master brain's calculation efficiency. become higher.

Under this premise, although the management team he brought over can be regarded as an experienced person, in terms of work ability, it can be said that the original management team has completely exploded, but in terms of efficiency, if he wants to be comparable to Luo Ji, that is also true. Unrealistic.

Under the premise that their work on Luo Ji's side has come to an end for the time being, they are undoubtedly still busy.

Taking advantage of this time, Luo Ji called Barenke, brought his accompanying guards, and quickly came to the plain outside the city...

As he said before, he wants to build a signal tower on this plain.

The work of the engineering team started immediately after their spacecraft landed on this plain.

The components needed to build the signal tower were made in advance on the main planet. After transporting it here, they basically only need to splicing these components together.

But even so, the workload is still quite huge, and it takes a lot of time.

By the time Luo Ji came over in person, the entire construction work was undoubtedly basically completed, and the next step, to put it bluntly, was the debugging work.

In the process, he glanced at Henry Boll, who arrived later, unexpectedly.

"I really didn't expect you to have the spare time to join in the fun, Henry."

You know, at this point in time, Luo Ji had just finished the work at hand.

Although theoretically speaking, the workload of the Yiren urban area is definitely less than the mess in the human urban area, and these Yiren urban areas are governed by the wing people themselves, and the governance is definitely better than the human urban area. This wave of Henry Boer was equivalent to being parachuted down and became just the boss of these city lords.

But even so, according to Luo Ji's expectations, at this point in time, the other party should be extremely busy.

In the face of Luo Ji's ridicule, Henry Bol casually spread his hands.

"There is indeed a lot more to do, but isn't that what you called someone to invite me?"

"My invitation was just a polite invitation, but if you can come here, maybe you can help me with some troubles that may happen."

"for example?"

"For example, I may need to take a spaceship next and fly to the orbit of the planet to place a communication satellite."


The thing about artificial satellites, in the early days of scientific and technological civilization, probably in the era of nuclear energy and earlier, when scientific and technological civilizations placed artificial satellites, they had to rely on rocket launches to send them to designated locations.

But at this stage of them, you said that it would be a bit troublesome for them to build a transport rocket and launch satellites.

And sink down and think about it, they don't seem to need rockets!

In the early days of technological civilization, transport rockets were needed to send satellites into planetary orbit because they had no other means of transport.

But now, they can directly use the spacecraft to send satellites up. As long as the spacecraft can hold it, you can install as many artificial satellites as you want at a time. Why do you need to use rockets so troublesome?

And the "probable trouble that needs to be solved" that Luo Ji just said was undoubtedly this.

Although the New Wing Man has officially stated that he is allowed to move in the spaceship by spaceship, but it is actually possible, he has not tried this after all, right?

With that in mind, if Henry Bol could come over, it would save him a lot of trouble and save him a lot of time at the same time.

Of course, before the debugging of the signal tower was completely completed, Luo Ji briefly introduced Henry Boer about their facilities.

As the core main body of the signal tower, needless to say.

Ugly is a little ugly. After all, they made it by picking up materials, but according to the current test results, the effect is absolutely no problem.

Of course, just having a signal tower is useless, and an energy station is definitely needed.

So they were nearby again and simply built a light energy conversion station. UU reading At present, a large area of ​​this plain has been covered with light energy collection boards.

In addition, in order to facilitate the maintenance and confirmation of the situation of the signal tower and the communication satellite that is about to be launched, a special command base has been set up.

On this plain, the core buildings are these three.

At this stage, in order to pursue efficiency, they are relatively simple, but these three core buildings will definitely be improved in the future.

In addition to these three core buildings, there are other buildings that will be added in the future. For example, for the convenience of traveling, they need a parking lot where the spacecraft can take off and land. At the same time, Luo Ji also has to build a military camp, as well as various Plant facilities, all of which have been planned in Luo Ji's individual master mind.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the future, this plain will become the core of their technological development on this planet!

This was also the fundamental reason why Luo Ji needed such a large plain.

And just as Luo Ji was introducing Henry Boer, a staff member came over quickly on a moped.

This plain is big after all, and it is really inconvenient to move without a means of transportation.

After riding a bicycle to a position 20 meters away from Luo Ji, the staff who got out of the car, passed through the guards, and quickly came to Luo Ji.

"Report, sir, the signal station and satellite have been adjusted, and the satellite can be deployed at any time!"

"Okay, let's go and get ready to deploy satellites!"

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