The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4646: ,chain reaction

The takeover and follow-up governance work on the new planet has been going very smoothly so far.

Mainly based on Luo Ji's current strength, ordinary winged people are already difficult to resist him, let alone the human beings in the Holy Light Holy See?

But that doesn't mean Luo Ji hasn't had trouble lately.

And his troubles, mainly because the New Wing people in power, began to increase the workload for him again.

That's right, just now, the number of planets that need him to take over has increased, and it is two...

This time there was nothing to do with Henry Boll.

Because judging from his performance after taking over the second planet, Henry Boer was obviously overwhelmed and dizzy. The current progress was completely unable to keep up with Luo Ji's side.

Even those in power of the New Wings can see that at this juncture, it is unrealistic to hand over more planets to Henry Bohr.

Luo Ji, on the other hand, has always been more at ease.

This was inseparable from the fact that Luo Ji, being a mechanic, possessed super-strong information processing capabilities.

Of course, there is another very important point, which is that the human population base is very large. Under this premise, Luo Ji can naturally select more suitable candidates from this huge population and entrust them with important tasks.

Not to mention that he also included a large number of captured Imperial humans.

In any case, among the rulers of the New Wings, Luo Ji's current ability is basically higher than Henry Bohr's, at least in terms of efficiency.

But what happened this time was not necessarily a good thing for Luo Ji.

It's not that he is afraid of attracting suspicion from the New Wing people, but because the workload has doubled like this in such a short period of time, even with a huge human population, he will face a man without suitable talents. Dilemma of use.

In addition, Henry Boll couldn't govern these planets synchronously with him, which meant that for the next two planets, he probably had to get in touch with other wingmen.

There is no doubt that this is the most troublesome thing at present.

After all, no one can guarantee that after changing collaborators, his cooperation with the other party will be as pleasant as when Henry Boll cooperated.

Even pessimistically, some unpleasant things may happen. Thinking of this, it will be even more headache.

"Oh, Henry, I will miss you."

Hearing Luo Ji's words, Henry Bolt rolled his eyes.

"Don't tell me it's like I'm dead."

Apparently, Luo Ji was staying with Henry Bol now.

The current Henry Bol was sent exactly as Luo Ji had said before.

This is also the main reason why his work efficiency has dropped significantly.

Henry Boll can probably guess why he didn't take over more planets this time above, but he didn't plan to change it.

The most important thing is to have self-knowledge, and the winged people are the same.

Henry Bol currently lacks subordinates who can act independently. This is a reality that must be faced, and a problem that cannot be avoided at all.

In this case, how can he take over more planets?

If there are more planets for him to govern, then he is very likely to really screw things up.

Instead of taking over a large number of planets in a hurry, and then messing things up, he would rather manage the two planets at hand stably first, so as to better consolidate and improve himself in the new wing people group. status.

"The second planet was handed over to us for governance some time ago. Now, I have been given two more planets. The workload and manpower issues are not mentioned. This move is very unusual."

"The reason should be this."

While speaking, Henry Bohr handed a roll of vellum to Luo Ji's eyes.

Needless to say, this should be the latest news. It will take at least two to four weeks to get the news from the frontline of Henry Boer and to spread the news. After all, considering some situations in the Holy See Nation, the transmission of the news Efficiency is still not that fast.

Not to mention that they are still in the border area of ​​the Holy See Nation of Holy Light, and the border troops have already reached the hinterland. As a result, it will be even slower for the news to reach them.

Luo Ji, who opened the vellum and quickly read the content, immediately understood.

"I see…"

To put it simply, on the battlefield in the hinterland, the attack of the religious legion, although it did not bring a clear threat to the frontier army, was also extremely tenacious.

This thing, think about it, is not a strange thing.

Once the frontier army defeats the defense line in the hinterland and enters the main planet, then the winged people of the religious faction will inevitably suffer a great disaster.

Under this premise, how could they easily give up resistance?

Not to mention that those who can join the religious legion are basically mad believers who have been brainwashed by religious factions for many years. It is impossible to surrender. Depending on the situation, there is only one way for the border army to go now, and that is to forcefully enter!

However, what is more troublesome is that due to the tenacity of religious factions, the border army has not been able to show a clearer advantage for the time being.

This has led to the fact that the six-winged holy-winged seed of the official faction is still in a state of closed door thanking guests.

This approach, to put it bluntly, is ‘I can’t see who will win on both sides of you now, so I will continue to remain neutral, and you should treat me as non-existent. ’

This approach may seem like the two do not want to help, but in fact, both sides are offended.

As for this side, as the highest ruler of the official faction, it is impossible for the six-winged Saint-winged to be unclear.

The reason why he dared to do this was that he had already figured out the matter.

You must know that he is a six-winged holy-winged species, and he is considered to be the highest-ranking existence in the winged human race.

In the case of him not helping each other, even if both sides feel uncomfortable, but after the incident, how can the other party take his six-winged holy-winged?

At most, it will be suppressed for a while, so what can it be? As long as he remains a six-winged holy winged species, it will be a matter of time before he makes a comeback.

On the other hand, if he hastily stood in line when the situation was still unclear, if the team he stood on had the last laugh, then of course everything would be fine.

But what if you lose? !

Once he loses, his previous actions are equivalent to treason!

At that time, even if you don't die, you have to be skinned!

The two prices are compared before and after, how do you choose?

This delicate situation and the tenacious performance of the religious factions are bound to make the battle last longer.

And the longer the battle lasts, the more variables there are.

In order to reduce the variables and at the same time increase their confidence in winning, the military faction naturally wants to improve its own chips and confidence.

To this end, continuous support from the rear is crucial.

After all, a well-developed and impregnable rear can greatly improve the combat confidence of the front-line army and stabilize the morale.

And if you want to develop power, of course, you have to look at human beings.

With this series of chain effects, those two planets were smashed into Luo Ji's forehead...

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