The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4672: , The Secret of [Xuanwu Shocking Change]

As a trump card ultimate move that the Northern Xuanwu God will never use easily, [Xuanwu Heavenly Change] is not easy to perform.

This move, in addition to being very difficult to comprehend, is more difficult to some extent if you want to exert power.

And in the previous battle, Zhao Hao directly penetrated the void with a single blow [Xuanwu Shocking Change], which was unprecedented!

Throughout the entire history of the Yanhuang Empire, let alone the ancient Xuanwu generals, Zhao Hao was the only one who could achieve this level even among the four ancient generals in the dynasties.

It is no exaggeration to say that with this battle with the insect king, Zhao Hao directly broke the history of the Yanhuang Empire, and suddenly raised the attack strength of the northern Xuanwu gods to a new level!

Under this premise, what kind of move was the [Xuanwu Shocking Change] that made Zhao Hao attack like this?

This is actually quite simple. To sum it up in one sentence, [Xuanwu Earthquake] is a very typical defensive counter-attack move. Within a certain period of time, the higher the damage, the stronger the counter-attack!

After knowing this, everything is easy to understand.

The one that penetrated the void was not Zhao Hao's power at all, but the power of the insect king.

What Zhao Hao did was to collect all the power that the Insect Dynasty had poured out of him crazily, and then seize the opportunity to burst out.

This power is terrifying to that point.

Seriously, the Insect King completely crippled himself...

As long as the other party knows the doorway of [Xuanwu Shocking Change], he will not make such a mistake.

But in a way, you know it's useless.

Unless you don't attack at all.

But if you don't attack, how are you going to defeat Zhao Hao?

Of course, it seems easy and easy to say now, but in fact, the actual combat process of [Xuanwu Shocking Change] is not so easy, and it can even be said to be extremely thrilling!

The destructive power of each attack of the Insect King can be called destruction level. In the face of such a terrifying attack, if you are not careful, you may not even have the chance to make a move, and you will be bombarded by the Insect King with no **** left.

At the same time, the method of [Xuanwu Shocking Change] to collect power by enduring attacks is not unlimited.

The upper limit depends on the strength of the caster. Needless to say, in addition, the more important thing is the time to collect power. You must first run the exercise before you can start collecting power.

In other words, Zhao Hao's [Xuanwu Shocking Change] has actually been displayed long ago.

And in the process of continuous display, its own consumption will undoubtedly become greater.

There must be a balance between one's own consumption and the limit of tolerance.

In addition, if, like before the bug king, if you hit half of the hit, directly change the target, go to Xu Yu, and Zhao Hao can't catch up with his speed, then if he was beaten before, it would undoubtedly be all in vain. Fighting again, basically have to start all over again.

Fortunately, after the insect king caught him, it was a fierce attack. Even on the premise that good deeds could resolve a large number of attacks and reduce his burden, the insect king's attack still allowed him to completely reach his own limit in a short period of time.

And let Zhao Hao successfully seize that critical point and burst out in one breath.

In fact, if he didn't make a move at that time, he would be blown out alive by the power of the insect king.

Every time he thought of this, Zhao Hao couldn't help but flash a lingering fear on his face.

"so close…"

After completing a round of breathing adjustment, along with the full absorption of the demon power, Zhao Hao's overall state, although he was still weak due to the previous overdraft, was no longer a problem for normal activities.

After that, Zhao Hao undoubtedly learned about Xu Yu's situation from Liu Meng and the others.

When he first heard the news, Zhao Hao was a little bit incredulous.

Because in his impression, he had already given Nanhuang-Jun the 9th-turn Purple Gold Pill, and he even used Astral Qi to absorb a round of medicinal power for the other party. Logically, it should be nothing serious.

As a result, when he opened his eyes, he found that the life and death of Lord Nanhuang were hanging by a thread...

The change from one to the next was too great, and it really made him a little stunned.

It wasn't until he learned that Xu Yu was attacked by a zerg while retreating, that his thoughts were straightened out.

In the current situation, it is necessary for him to force Xu Yuyun to force the poison.

It can be said that his control of Gang Qi has reached a state of perfection, which is nothing to be humble about.

However, according to Huang Jinglue's explanation, the next step for Xu Yu's work to force the poison, in addition to the need for sufficient gang qi, the meticulous control of gang qi also requires a lot of energy.

And Zhao Hao, who has just woken up from a coma, is undoubtedly not up to the standard in terms of energy and qi.

Although it is aided by medicinal herbs, it will probably take a lot of time for Zhao Hao to adjust his breath and recover to the point where he can detoxify Xu Yu.

Fortunately, there is Huang Jinglue, the king of medicine, here, who can help Zhao Hao improve a lot of efficiency.

After giving Zhao Hao a prescription for soothing the nerves and nourishing qi, Huang Jinglue used the "Medicine King's Heaven Repairing Art" to cooperate with the Yang-returning acupuncture method to speed up Zhao Hao's absorption of the medicinal power, and let Zhao Hao obtain the medicine in the shortest time. maximum recovery.


After a period of recuperation, Zhao Hao exhaled a long breath after feeling his state.

"Prepare to force the poison for Nanhuang-Jun!"

All preparations will be ready soon.

The technique of using energy to detoxify the poison is actually simple.

And Zhao Hao has absolutely no problem with his control over Gang Qi.

Therefore, this time, the main work for Xu Yuyun's power to force poison basically fell on Zhao Hao.

On the other hand, Huang Jinglue turned into an assistant, cooperating with Zhao Hao with the Yang Hui acupuncture method to save Xu Yu!

During this process, Zhao Hao's superb control of his own qi made the treatment process, which should have been extremely difficult, a little easier.

Of course, this just looks simple.

It's like a marksman who can easily pierce through Yang with a hundred steps, but try another person? If you want to do it, I am afraid it is more difficult than reaching the sky.

Out of prudence, the two forced Xu Yu to poison him three times. With the cooperation of Zhao Hao and Huang Jinglue, Zhao Hao, who opened his eyes, faced everyone around him with the third mouthful of poisonous blood spurting out of Xu Yu's mouth. With those eyes full of concern and questioning, he spoke unhurriedly...

"The toxins in Nanhuang-Jun's body have been removed."

After getting this affirmative answer, everyone felt a sense of relief, and the heart that had been hanging in their throats could finally be put back into their stomachs.

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