The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4680: , somewhat bullying

Facing General Iverson's remarks, both Luo Ji and Henry Bol fell into a brief silence.

During this time, they exchanged a vague look.

The meaning in those eyes, they naturally understand each other very well.

In fact, only half of the Star Territory under Luo Ji's rule belonged to him, and the other half belonged to the winged man, and that winged man was Henry Boer.

In every city, wingers and humans roughly each occupy half of the city, so Luo Ji, the star region archon, actually does not have complete control over the entire star region.

At the same time, although Luo Ji, who governed the human city, had the right to self-government, the Holy See Kingdom of Holy Light still had to collect taxes from them on a regular basis, and the proportion of the tax collected was 30% of the total tax revenue.

Taxes come up, and after paying 30%, the rest is the development funds for their human city.

Under this premise, the rulers of Yiren directly promised him the right to develop independently for ten years. In short, within ten years, Luo Ji can freely develop and occupy the star field that has not yet been built. Territory, occupy all his own.

Although 10% of the tax is still to be paid on a regular basis, in these territories, Luo Ji can basically enjoy the treatment of the emperor! You can even make laws yourself!

From that alone, it's tempting.

However, is it that simple?

Certainly not!

Make a point, that's in the occupied territory!

In other words, the premise of all this must be after the Winged Legion won the battle, regained the occupied territory, and even completely defeated the Zerg army.

Of course, it's not that Henry Bol thinks that the Holy Light Holy See Nation's army can't win the battle, but the above approach is equivalent to giving Luo Ji a blank check, which is somewhat lacking in sincerity.

At the same time, under the circumstance of hollowing out Luo Ji's economy, he was given a compensation that could not be realized immediately, and even had to invest financial and material resources. From this point of view, it was even more pitiful.

According to Henry Boll's understanding of the above, it is basically impossible to do such a thing.

This wave is clearly the work of the 'chief executive'.

Not only did he safeguard the interests of the above, but he also recognized that Luo Ji couldn't negotiate terms with them.

From the other party's point of view, you can't say that the other party has done anything wrong, but this approach is indeed a bit bullying.

Of course, in response to this, Henry Boll still understood the chief executive.

In the past, when the religious faction held power, the life of the military faction could not be called bad, but it was average.

Basically, once the normal expenditure of internal military expenditure is deducted, there will be no more money.

On weekdays, if you want to add equipment or conduct a military exercise, you have to apply for it, and the above may not necessarily approve it. After all, religious factions account for six votes.

This is destined for members of the military faction to tighten their belts to a certain extent.

However, those generals, with their personalities there, are destined to not be a group of cunning masters, and the extra expenses from time to time make their military faction life even poorer.

The chief executive at the time, in the military faction, was responsible for coordinating all official affairs except military operations, and of course military expenditures were also under his control.

Under this premise, if he hadn't tightened his purse and lived a life of digging, then their armies would have gone bankrupt long ago.

Now after the military faction came to power, he has also changed his body and became the chief administrative officer. His life is definitely not so poor, but the country is easy to change, and his nature is hard to change! After so many years, I am afraid that this character of digging Soso can't be changed. Gu Ting

To be able to sit on the position of chief executive, you must have the ability, and the experience is also rich and old, but this character is really not good.

When you were in the original position, considering the situation, no one would say anything about being stingy.

But now you are sitting in the position of chief consul, to a certain extent, it directly represents the face of their Holy Light Holy See!

To do this again would be too petty.

In fact, since the change of power and the new chief executive took office, this behavior of the other party has aroused the discussion and dissatisfaction of many officials below.

It's not to say that you are profligate, but it is a bit inappropriate to write a bad check like this.

At this moment, Luo Ji definitely couldn't say anything, but Henry Boer stood up with great loyalty.

Of course, it wasn't all because of his loyalty.

The more important reason is that in Henry Boer's view, if the chief executive continues to do this, it may not be good for the future development of the Holy See Kingdom of the Holy Light.

With this thought in mind, Henry Boll boldly asked...

"General Iverson, I would like to know if this matter has been reported to the Thirty-Six Wings Council?"

As soon as Henry Bolle asked the question, General Iverson, who was sitting in the main seat, already knew what the other party was thinking, and then sighed.

"I'm afraid not."

In the Thirty-Six Wings Council, although there is one more Thomp Best, their military faction holds five votes. In essence, they are still the sole voice of their military faction.

And the five adults of their military faction basically don't care about government affairs. All government affairs are handed over to the chief executive officer, and then report to them once a week.

But in fact, this weekly report is more symbolic than practical.

Because they don't know the specific issues here at all. To put it bluntly, they just listened to it symbolically. So far, they have not expressed any opinions.

And many of the reported matters must have been implemented before the report, otherwise the overall efficiency would be too low.

The situation this time is basically the same. The most recent regular report, UU Reading is three days later...

While learning about this situation, Henry Bohr, who had already sorted out his thoughts, naturally explained his thoughts to General Iverson in one breath.

During this process, General Iverson felt a bit of helplessness while feeling "as expected".

In fact, he felt that way too.

But this is not so simple to do.

"I hope the general can convey these words to Lord Rodlin!"

Hearing this, General Iverson rubbed his eyebrows with a headache. Henry Boll really threw him a problem.

However, considering the future of Holy Light Holy See Kingdom, he did feel that it was time to talk about it.

"Okay, Henry, I'll pass on your words, but I can't guarantee whether it's successful or not..."

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