The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4705: , Governance Framework (2)

Just like that, some time passed...

Not to mention the human city districts that were later allocated to him, the economic development of the human city districts under Luo Ji's original rule undoubtedly improved rapidly during this period of time.

Only after this did he start operations on those planets that had the right to pioneer.

The development of construction and construction is definitely not that fast. At this stage, the whole work is still concentrated in the exploration stage, and the appropriate location is determined first.

In terms of terrain requirements, of course, plains are the best, which can facilitate their subsequent construction work.

On the basis of the plain, the amount of nearby materials has become the most important criterion. Among them, water, wood, and stone are the basic materials needed for construction and development, and must be guaranteed.

Taking this as a premise, the more other important materials there are, the higher the priority of development and construction will undoubtedly be.

Although they have already built a lot of detection equipment with the parts they bought from the 'Treasure Mountain', the preliminary work still takes a lot of time.

Fortunately, Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were not in a hurry. Anyway, after the order went on, they quickly turned their attention to taking over the human city.

Luo Ji and his subordinates are undoubtedly familiar with this process.

At the same time, different from the time when he could hold important positions in various departments when he could recognize a word, with the continuous extension of development time, Luo Ji's requirements for the staff of various departments under his command will undoubtedly become more and more over time. higher.

To put it simply, although the ability was originally limited, but because there were too few talents, people who easily took a position in a good department, if they did not improve themselves during this period of time, then they will work hard now. Basically everything was replaced.

People who can only read and write, in Luo Ji's place now, generally can only sit at the window, register for the public and handle some business, or do chores in some small departments.

But for jobs that have more requirements for ability, they are basically out of their turn.

This kind of momentum is undoubtedly good. If the ability is not enough, it will be brushed down immediately, reducing the number of people who eat vegetarian meals, and greatly improving the self-motivation of personnel in various departments.

And Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan can also gain more talents through this.

However, the above positions are only so small after all. As the development of the human city under Luo Ji's rule tends to be stable, there are naturally fewer opportunities for them.

As a result, in the human city under Luo Ji's rule today, it is not so easy for people with ideals and aspirations to get ahead.

But now, with the substantial increase in the number of urban areas under Luo Ji's rule, a huge wave of opportunities is undoubtedly sweeping towards them.

For a time, a large number of department personnel applied for external transfer.

After all, everyone knows that the development of those human cities is now sloppy. According to their abilities, and the support of the consuls behind them, it is absolutely not difficult to make a career in those human cities.

And when those human urban areas develop, they, as the backbone members, will naturally follow along, and they can become petty officials if they are not good enough?

Luo Ji and Ye Qingxuan were undoubtedly very clear about the thoughts of these subordinates.

However, they are not exclusive, and it is not a bad thing to be motivated.

In the developed human urban areas, most of those who have achieved a certain status will not apply, which makes the governance framework of various departments in these cities not shaken by the departure of old employees of these departments. .

Under this premise, the external transfer of the old employees of the department just freed up opportunities for the newcomers below.

From this point of view, it can be said that it is a virtuous circle.

Of course, if there were too many staff members applying for external assignments in this department, it would be impossible for Luo Ji to approve all of them with his eyes closed.

To give a somewhat extreme example, in a department, all the members below the minister have been replaced by new people. Although this department can continue to operate, the smoothness of operation will definitely be greatly reduced, and there will even be loopholes for a period of time.

Therefore, in response to this matter, Luo Ji had to keep at least one third of the elderly in a department.

Such inexperienced newcomers come in, and these old people can still bring them around, so that the newcomers will not be smeared and make all kinds of wrong things.

Relying on the information processing speed of the individual mastermind, Luo Ji quickly checked the personnel files, reviewed all the transfer applications, and confirmed to the transfer personnel one by one the human urban areas that were about to be transferred to assist in the development and governance work.

Luo Ji's super high processing efficiency made it possible to send out letters of appointment very quickly.

In the following period of time, the human city under Luo Ji's rule ushered in a huge wave of foreign transfers.

You must know that this needs to be transferred, but it is not only the management personnel. Within this city, various group companies are also conducting external transfers, and each of them is preparing to open up new markets.

Of course, it also includes the "Scarlet Group" under Luo Ji's name.

In recent years, since the Scarlet Group, along with the economic development of human urban areas, many small and medium-sized enterprises have sprung up like mushrooms after a rain.

However, due to the existence of the behemoth Scarlet Group, even if it is just normal business competition, it is not easy for other small and medium-sized enterprises to eat and drink.

After all, according to the current size and strength of the Scarlet Group, in the existing market, it has definitely reached the level of 'domination'.

Under this premise, those who are small and medium-sized enterprises will turn their attention to those undeveloped human urban areas.

In fact, small and medium-sized enterprises have already tasted the sweetness of this choice. UU Reading

Indeed, the Scarlet Group's capital is far stronger than theirs, and even when developing new markets, they can mobilize even greater capital, as well as human and material resources.

But after all, they are unable to complete the complete **** of the new market in a short period of time, which gives other small and medium-sized enterprises a chance to take a piece of the pie.

Even some small businesses, once in a new market, formed a kind of even-handed situation with the behemoth Scarlett Group.

Before this kind of thing, they really didn't dare to think about it.

But in the new market, this possibility does exist.

Today, small and medium-sized enterprises that have tasted the sweetness seem to focus their entire strategy on new, unexplored markets.

As for those markets that have been thoroughly dominated by the Scarlet Group...

Failed, gave up.

Trees move to death, people move to live!

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