The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4716: , Dead Game (2)

In this kind of group battle, and the commanders of other forces have already raised their minds to retreat, the impact of General Laiyin's speech is not only that the troops of the Republic of Vanega give up Fight, leave the battlefield' as simple as that.

To put it bluntly, everyone is waiting for someone to open this mouth.

And in the 'Fourth Cosmic Strategic Alliance', the Republic of Vanega occupies a pivotal position. When General Laiyin opened his mouth, the commanders of other forces in the alliance naturally responded and immediately followed. .

General Laiyin is undoubtedly clear about the consequences of his own words, so when he speaks out, his heart is particularly heavy.

Since General Yin took the lead, listening to a series of apologies from the countries of the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance' in the communication channel, at this moment, Zhou Yi could only be silent.

After the situation on this side changed and the command fleet that he was in was locked by the Zerg, the retreat of other forces in the 'Fourth Cosmic Strategic Alliance' was undoubtedly a matter for Zhou Yi and the Far Eastern Federal State troops under his command. Huge bad news.

But what right does he have to condemn General Reyn and the others?

Now the situation is very clear, it does not mean that they can win if they stay.

In fact, from the current point of view, if other troops stay, the biggest change is that the troops surrounded by the Zerg army will increase a lot.

Each of these commanders represents the words, deeds and interests of their countries on the front line.

To put it bluntly, it is duty to leave, and it is love to stay.

What qualifications do you have to ask people to bring their own troops and let countless soldiers die with you?

How big of a face does it take to say this?

However, General Lai Yin himself was very benevolent and righteous.

From his own standpoint, he had to go, but based on his relationship with Zhou Yi, before his troops left the battlefield, he specially commanded the fleet, found a suitable output position, and directly hit a wave of full firepower. , a wave of suppression was carried out on the forces of the insect tide.

When the other forces of the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance' saw this, they also followed suit.

After a wave of full firepower broke out, he didn't stop, turned his head and left.

For this situation, Zhou Yi was actually quite grateful.

This wave of explosive output can clearly reduce the pressure on them.

Considering the position of the other party, this can only be said to be the best of benevolence and righteousness.

Afterwards, in the face of the rapid withdrawal of other troops in the 'Fourth Universe Strategic Alliance', the Zerg army really did not go to intercept and kill. At this moment, Balsa, who has already taken over all the command rights here, has all his thoughts on Zhou Yi's. On the body, he has no interest in managing other troops at all.

But it was undeniable that the explosive output of those troops before they left did cause him some trouble.

The large-scale loss of troops caused the encirclement that was about to take shape to collapse again.

To this end, he must draw more troops to come.

In fact, after he guessed Zhou Yi's identity, the order to deploy troops had already been issued, and it shouldn't take too long for the follow-up troops to arrive here.

For this situation, Zhou Yi, who was busy commanding the battle at the time, was of course very clear in his heart.

But he has no other way. What he can do now is to suppress the surrounding insect tide as much as possible and reduce their pressure before the opponent's follow-up troops arrive.

Thanks to the last wave of General Lai Yin and the others before they retreated, the worms that were blocking their back roads were basically wiped out at this stage.

After this, Zhou Yi did not include the lake, and quickly mobilized his troops to start focusing fire on the insect tide on one side.

The insect tide that was originally outflanking from both sides, because he sensed the dark mine and cooperated with the firepower of a part of the containment fleet, the propulsion efficiency dropped significantly, giving Zhou Yi room to operate.

In addition, before the troops of the Fourth Universe evacuated, they helped him to suppress him for the time being.

With a bit of luck, the worms on both sides might be destroyed one by one by Zhou Yi.

On the other hand, on the side of the Zerg army, the follow-up troops have not yet arrived, and the loss of his troops caused by the explosion of other troops' firepower made Balsa command a little uncomfortable.

In the final analysis, it was caused by the command error of the previous brain worm commander.

But at the moment, Balsa is not in the mood to hold the other party accountable. At the same time, although the command is a bit uncomfortable, his whole mentality is still quite good at this time.

Because in Balsa's view, in the current situation, all the actions of the other party are, to put it bluntly, a dying struggle. It is only a matter of time before he is completely destroyed. He does not need to be annoyed by the enemy's dying struggle.

Of course, there is a more important reason, whether he is annoyed or not, all this has already happened anyway. Annoyed can't change the reality, but will affect his commanding state. It is better to correct his mentality and put more If you focus your energy on the battle at hand, it will be better to come.

Just like Balsa can confirm Zhou Yi's identity through his command style.

In the process of gradually deepening the fight, Zhou Yi undoubtedly confirmed the identity of Balsa.

After all, in each other's camp, there is only one person who will make them have the urge to 'want to kill each other'...

At the same time, it also made Zhou Yi clearly realize why he was being treated like this.

Obviously, the other party can't wait to kill him.

Of course, it is also possible that he wanted to capture him alive, and he might be more uncomfortable than death by then.

Anyway, Zhou Yi is already mentally prepared.

You have already reserved a glorious bullet for yourself.

At the last moment, he will directly kill himself by drinking bullets, and he will never be captured by the enemy!

The battle is still going on, with the commanders on both sides holding each other in the air, each commanding the troops under their command, and they are attacking and defending each other along the way.

It stands to reason that the Zerg side, who had just experienced the explosive suppression by General Laiyin and the others, and the follow-up reinforcements had not arrived, and the Void troops could not enter, should be slightly at a disadvantage.

According to Zhou Yi's method, he has an advantage, at least in a short period of time, he will definitely be able to press the opponent to fight.

But in fact, Zhou Yi's fight was not easy.

After all, the commander opposite, UU Reading is that Balsa!

In the process of constantly negotiating, Balsa, who was firmly on the winning side, waited for his follow-up reinforcements to arrive to seal the victory.

Zhou Yi, who did not intend to lead to the slaughter, was also desperately resisting, buying time, and looking forward to the emergence of a turning point.

During this process, the fighting between the two sides continued.

Until a certain point in time came, I saw that at that moment, the troops of the Far Eastern Federal State, under the command of Zhou Yi, suddenly feinted a shot.

Let the Zerg troops mistakenly think that they are going to launch a fierce attack, but in fact they turned their heads and left, rushing towards a direction!


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