This time, let alone other representatives, even Dominique Adolph, who was the party involved, was a little confused.

If Dominique Adolph had expected some of the votes from Marshal Philip, then he did not expect such a straightforward vote of number 4327.

And more importantly, under this special situation, the Mechanics are recognized as the most fair, objective and rational clan among the coalition forces. Their judgment results are quite reliable for other coalition representatives. of.

In other words, some representatives who were still swaying left and right were easily affected by the representatives of the mechanical family!

Not to mention that it just happened to collide with the vote of Marshal Philip.

Invisibly, the influence has become greater.

Sure enough, after these two votes were cast, some representatives were influenced by them and made a choice.

After a round of voting ended, the results came out, which made the meeting site quiet and strange.

At the beginning of the vote, the guesses in everyone's heart were actually biased towards opposition.

Who would have thought that the result was more support votes, and the vote advantage was extremely obvious, which made the expressions of the opposition headed by Lombar complicated.

As the host of the meeting, seeing this result, Delke was secretly relieved in his heart.

Of course, this meeting cannot be declared over yet.

As the moderator of the meeting, his main responsibility is not to call everyone together, and when there is a matter of debate, just vote, and after the vote is over, it is over.

After all, if you have a problem, you can vote. Who wouldn’t do this kind of thing? Anyone can do it.

What he, the host of the meeting, really needs to do is to make adjustments on the basis of voting to make this result acceptable to everyone.

It's not that you lost the vote, and no matter how unhappy the result is, you can only admit it.

Doing so will only deepen the conflicts within the coalition.

In this way, after the general direction is confirmed, Delke will still take care of Lombard and their emotions and thoughts, and make some small adjustments.

For example, to recognize Zhou Yi's previous ideas, in the next battle, the tactics of divisional operations are allowed.

In fact, in a large-scale war, partition tactics will be adopted. On the one hand, it is limited by space, and on the other hand, it is more convenient to command.

It's just not as extreme as it is now, throwing one faction in one war zone and then concentrating all other forces in another war zone, the whole configuration will be more balanced.

However, considering the special circumstances now, there is no way to adopt an extreme deployment.

In addition, in response to this situation, Delke also said that he would send an inspector to the troops of the Dark Iron Empire, and the inspector allowed other forces to provide it.

These inspectors will follow the generals of the Dark Iron Empire headed by Dominique Adolph in the whole process for a period of time in the future.

To put it bluntly, it is to keep an eye on them.

These measures proposed by Delke made the opposition, including Lombar, feel a lot better.

At least these measures can make their safety a little more secure.

And Dominique Adolph, the party involved, also accepted all these measures.

In fact, after something like that happened, he wouldn't be surprised if he was directly attacked or imprisoned.

Today, the coalition forces only send monitors to monitor them, but do not directly restrict their freedom, which is already a lot of face.

If you refuse even this, it only shows that you have a ghost in your heart.

In this way, through this meeting, under the mediation of Delke, the representatives of all parties finally reached a consensus.

The bitterness in this heart must not be eliminated so quickly, but at least on the surface, their coalition has been successfully reorganized.

However, after this great change, their original plans have been completely disrupted.

At the same time, the state of each army is also very bad, and it is obvious that there will be no good results.

Therefore, out of prudence, the coalition forces decided to release part of the planetary territory in the frontline area first, and through appropriate retreat, strive for an opportunity for their own adjustment.

This is one of the simplest and most effective ways.

In this process, the Void Zerg, as the attacker, faced the coalition forces that directly avoided the battle and gave up their territory and retreated all the way, even Balsa had no choice.

The opponent doesn't even want to fight, what else can you do?

In this process, it is not that Balsa did not try to use the neural network to contact the parasites that successfully infiltrated the coalition forces in order to obtain information.

However, the communication of the neural network will also be disturbed by the magnetic field.

The positions of the coalition forces are basically shrouded in a powerful magnetic field barrier. Those parasites who want to get in touch with Balsa must first find an opportunity to get out of the interference range of the magnetic field.

But in the current situation, this move is likely to expose their existence.

It is not easy for the parasites to sneak into this level. After the first battle at the frontier, Balsa kept the parasites from being exposed, but kept them focused on hiding and did not launch any action, in order to strike a fatal blow at a critical moment.

It is precisely because of the parasite's previous lurking that it has brought about the current defeat of the coalition forces.

The coalition forces had obviously been split and defeated before, and now they are retreating all the way, which is also the result of being unable to fight.

In this situation, there is no need for the parasite to risk exposure to pass some insignificant information to him.

Moreover, the parasite, as a branch of their cerebral worm, also possesses good wisdom.

In other words, if they have obtained some incredible information, they themselves have a very good ability to make independent judgments.

So Balsa really doesn't need to worry about providing information.

In this way, under the command of Balsa, the Zerg army advanced all the way, while the coalition army retreated all the way. By constantly paying the territorial price, they exchanged a chance for adjustment and respite for their own side.

At the same time, the other end...

Facing the Void Zerg who are not good at defensive warfare at all, the Holy Light Holy See Kingdom's expeditionary force has been going all the way since the expedition.

The news here, Insect King and Balsa are not clear.

But the current situation has caused Balsa to have a little entanglement.

From the perspective of the situation, the coalition forces here have already collapsed because of his previous lore, and now they can only retreat blindly, unable to fight at all.

On the other hand, the appearance of the opposite 'God' and the loss of another of their generals have caused the gap between the two sides to continue to widen.

At this stage, it is not an exaggeration to say that the other side is being pressed and beaten.

Looking at it this way, the other side of the battlefield is undoubtedly in urgent need of support.

But if his Majesty the Insect King were to rush over immediately, Balsa hesitated a bit.

The fundamental reason lies in Zhao Hao.

Being hit by Bazam's attack, it should be the fierce Xu Yu, not to mention whether Zhao Hao is still alive or not, it is still a mystery to this day.

If the other party is still alive, then His Majesty the Insect King is gone, Bazam is not Zhao Hao's opponent at all, then they will lack the means to restrict Zhao Hao.

The situation that was originally good may change because of this.

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