The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4744: , Qilin Wudi (4)

The Insect King is now gradually falling behind, which is inseparable from the prolongation of the battle time.

Don't forget, unlike Zhong Mo in his heyday, the Insect King has already fought several rounds with Zhao Hao and X-level warriors from the mechanical family.

Among them, the black hole trap designed by the mechanical family almost killed him.

Forcibly getting rid of the black hole, the consumption is not small, not to mention, he also carried out a molting after that.

Regarding the molting, it was explained earlier.

Although the fading of the old shell can smooth out the physical injuries of the Insect King, this process is actually very expensive.

So the Insect King who has completed the molting, although the physical injury has been swept away, the physical strength consumed in the process will not recover.

Under this premise, when encountering an opponent of Zhong Mo's level, once the battle time is prolonged, the consumption of the insect king will become more and more serious, and it is difficult not to fall into the disadvantage.

On the other hand, Zhong Mo, the display of the real body of the **** of war and the maintenance of the incarnation of the unicorn, although to a large extent, limited his fighting time.

However, his own strength is excellent, and he is far from his limit right now!

At this moment, feeling his own state, the Insect King has already raised a little retreat in his heart.

But thinking of the fact that he broke out at full speed before and couldn't get rid of the opponent's pursuit, and Zhong Mo's appearance of killing him step by step, the insect king knew that if he wanted to leave, it might not be that easy.

At this moment, the Insect King's mood can only be said to be too complicated.

Obviously, he never thought that he would have such a day...

While the thoughts were flying, there were several rounds of fights, and Zhong Mo's offensive did not weaken at all. During this process, the insect king's dependence on his super-speed regeneration ability began to become higher and higher.

This means that his state is declining, causing Zhong Mo's attacks to hit him more and more frequently.

Although according to the current fighting rhythm, he still has enough energy to continue fighting with Zhong Mo.

But like I said before, the bug king is just warlike, but he doesn't plan to die in battle.

Knowing that he has fallen into a disadvantage and lost to his opponent, then it is time to think about a retreat. It is impossible to fight Zhong Mo to the end.

However, in the current situation, if he wants to get out, he will definitely need some support.

With this idea in mind, the insect king found an opportunity to get in touch with Balsa through a neural network.

When Balsa received this news, his heart was full of wonder.

It is hard to imagine that there is an existence in this universe that can force His Majesty the Insect King to retreat.

However, as the right-hand man of their Insect King His Majesty, when their Insect King His Majesty has already spoken, Balsa naturally has to do his best.

Directly transfer troops over there?

I'm afraid it won't have any effect, but it is an existence that can force their worm king to retreat, and its strength is at least on par with their worm king.

Generally speaking, with that kind of strength, let alone a troop, even if it is directly facing a swarm of insects, the opponent can come and go freely.

So if you want to have a sufficient cover effect, you must exclude units that are strong enough...

"Bazam, there is something for you to do."

Through the neural network, Balsa directly connected with Bazam.

Needless to say, he planned to leave this matter to Bazam.

Considering the danger of the combat power over there, this mission is undoubtedly extremely dangerous, and even Bazam cannot guarantee that he will be able to come back alive.

Although Bazam is currently the strongest among their Void Zerg, other than His Majesty the Insect King, if Bazam can replace their Majesty Insect King and retreat, in Balsa's view, this is undoubtedly a good deal. of.

However, considering Bazam's temperament, there are certain things that Balsa can't say directly.

"His Majesty the Insect King has encountered some trouble over there. The besieging guys are a little annoying, so that His Majesty the Insect King can't get away for a short time, you go and cover for a while."

With his words, Balza directly summed up the enemy who could force the insect king to retreat as "annoying", and induced Bazam to a certain extent.

Regarding Balsa's words, Bazam did not express any doubts. There is no need to say more about how powerful His Majesty the Insect King is.

In fact, even a brain worm like Balsa with a very rational mind, only after receiving the news of their worm king, and to a certain extent, after understanding the situation, can they believe this is a bit incredible. .

What's more, Bazam, who didn't even know about it, was kept in the dark?

After agreeing to the task that Balsa gave him, Bazam exploded in speed and rushed towards the target location.

Although this battlefield is extremely large, Bazam, who can freely travel through the void, has a very strong perception of space.

To put it simply, which side of the space fluctuates most exaggeratedly, then in all likelihood, His Majesty the Insect King is there.

Following this guideline, Bazam quickly arrived near the battlefield.

At this moment, as a bystander, Zhong Mo and the Insect King are fighting with each other and are inseparable.

Therefore, Bazam did not find anything unusual.

What he had to say was that the human's strength was a bit beyond his expectations.

But if you think about it carefully, if it weren't for this, His Majesty the Insect King wouldn't feel troublesome.

Although I don't know what their Insect King is going to do next, considering the reckless nature of their Insect King, Bazam doesn't think much of it.

With this thought in Bazam's attention quickly turned to the surrounding environment.

A whole piece of space, unsurprisingly, was completely shattered, and his space shuttle ability was completely useless here.

However, because of his speed, Bazam still has some confidence.

After passing through the neural network and passing air with their Insect King, Bazam saw an opportunity, burst into the fastest speed, rushed all the way, and launched a sneak attack towards Zhong Mo, who had his back turned to him!

Basically, as soon as the other party makes a move, Zhong Mo has already sensed the other party's existence. Like their peak powerhouse, the success rate of Bazam's sneak attack is basically zero.

The Insect King was undoubtedly aware of this, so he seized the right moment, burst out with all his strength, and launched a fierce attack on Zhong Mo.

Facing this sudden situation, Zhong Mo remained calm and did not panic at all.

While defusing the insect king's onslaught, his thoughts drifted to Bazam who was attacking.

The speed and some characteristics displayed by the other party reminded Zhong Mo of some of the things mentioned in the previous front-line battle report.

Immediately, an icy killing intent, like a tsunami, burst out from Zhong Mo's body, which shocked the insect king who was fighting against him.

Immediately afterwards, Zhong Mo's eyes swept away, and he directly locked on Bazam who was attacking.

"It was you who killed Yu'er?!"

Before he finished speaking, Zhong Mo stepped out.

In an instant, Bazam who attacked had no room to resist, and was instantly crushed into a cloud of blood by Zhong Mo's foot!


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