The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4749: , turmoil and turmoil (3)

In the void, the battleship that came to support directly collided fiercely with the fleet that asked for help.

If this can be explained as an accident caused by a malfunction, then the subsequent self-destruction can't be explained.

This scene made the chasing fleet, who was not far away at the time, look a little dumbfounded.

For a moment, I had no idea what was going on.

In fact, let alone the chasing fleet, even the dwarf fleet that came to support, the whole state was stunned.

As early as the moment the vanguard ship suddenly rushed out, the command ship that noticed the situation here had already started to issue a reminder.

At this stage, no one expected what would happen next until it was truly presented in front of their eyes.

At the same time, it is known that on this side of the universe, due to the fact that the distance between the front line and the rear is too far, even in a cosmic country with highly developed technology, there is a considerable delay in the transmission of this news.

So at this point in time, the information about the Black Iron Empire's 'betrayal' has just been transmitted back to the known universe, and the subsequent situation is unknown to the known universe.

After this information was sent back, even the Black Iron Empire, which was a superpower of the second universe, was instantly pushed to the cusp of the storm!

In the latest international interview, as the emperor of the Dark Iron Empire, Barry Rand, who was already full of white hair, expressed emotionally that the Dark Iron Empire never did such a thing.

However, many forces in the world are undoubtedly skeptical.

Mainly because the news came back this time, saying that the army of the Black Iron Empire had betrayed and attacked other coalition troops with ground nuclear cannons, not one family or two, but the vast majority.

Although the remaining small part did not directly use the word 'betrayal', the fact that the Black Iron Empire's ground nuclear artillery launched an attack on the coalition troops has long been fully confirmed and cannot be disputed at all.

Under this premise, the guilt of the Dark Iron Empire has almost been nailed to death.

At that time, the emotional video of the old emperor Barry Rand was maliciously edited by netizens from all over the world after the event into funny videos and even ghost videos.

The old emperor Barry Rand was already very old. In addition, he worked **** government affairs all the year round. In recent years, his health has been deteriorating. Now that this incident came out, it was not a big blow to Barry Rand.

I heard that Barry Rand fell ill as soon as the international interview was over. After a period of time, he never appeared in public again. All official business was handed over to Pompeii Rand, the first heir of the empire, and let the chief The consuls assist from the side and handle the affairs of the empire.

However, the voices of various international condemnations will not stop because of this.

As a matter of fact, the attitudes of the countries alone are quite easy to say.

After all, the spokespersons of these countries still have to take their identities into account.

But on the cosmic network, there is a lot of fish and dragons, and many people do things and talk, but there is absolutely no lower limit.

As the sole heir of the Dark Iron Empire, Pompeii Rand is not young, but as a dwarf, he is definitely not old, and he is in the golden age of a dwarf.

And the dwarves in the golden age are often full of vigor, and Pompeii Rand has always respected his father. Now, when he looks at the insults to his father on the international network, how can he swallow that breath?

During this period, he went off a few times, but it did not make the situation any better. Instead, some unscrupulous media and Internet celebrities caught him to rush traffic and rhythm, causing the situation to intensify.

In this process, although there are also powerful forces like the Ye's Chamber of Commerce, who have restrained the people under their respective governance at the beginning of the incident, they cannot prevent some forces from not only unrestrained, but even sneaky. mixed in.

The purpose of those forces is too obvious. To put it bluntly, they want to take advantage of their large and powerful people to smash the black iron empire.

But it is also a fact that the Black Iron Empire's ground nuclear cannons did open fire, and at the same time they did attack the coalition forces and brought tragic losses to the coalition forces.

Therefore, even if you know that those forces are taking the opportunity to make a big deal, the Black Iron Empire can basically only suffer, get through this wave, the compensation that should be compensated, the apology that should be apologized, and when things are slowly turned over, will be much better.

However, Pompeii Rand's impulsive actions made the situation worse.

However, to a certain extent, there is no way, after all, the dwarves themselves have this kind of character.

At the same time, I really want to say that this move of Pompeii Rand has received the full support of the people inside the Dark Iron Empire.

His father, Barry Rand, has been in power for many years. Throughout the entire history of the Dark Iron Empire, Barry Rand may not be the greatest emperor, but he is definitely a good emperor and is deeply loved by the people.

Now, in terms of age, Barry Rand can be said to be abdicating soon. Under the circumstance that there is basically no suspense about the heir, the people naturally hope that this old Barry, who has worked hard for the empire for most of his life, can have a successful ending.

In the end, who would have thought that such a thing would happen during this period.

The dwarves of the Dark Iron Empire would not believe in the fact that the army of the Dark Iron Empire 'betrayed' on the front line.

Under this premise, the existence of the king of a country is equated with the dignity and face of a This time on the universe network, their emperor was so insulted, the black iron empire's Citizens, of course, are also filled with righteous indignation.

At the beginning of the incident, countless citizens of the Black Iron Empire had already poured in, and they had been online with netizens from all over the universe.

However, according to the dwarves' style of doing things, they try not to force themselves, hiding behind the network and typing on the keyboard is not their area of ​​expertise.

In addition, compared with so many cosmic countries, the population base of their Black Iron Empire is really limited, and it was quickly completely overwhelmed by netizens from all over the world.

During this process, the representative of Ye's Chamber of Commerce took the lead in speaking internationally, expressing that a more cautious attitude should be adopted towards this matter.

To put it simply, they maintain a neutral attitude towards whether the Dark Iron Empire has betrayed or not.

Under the premise that it has been confirmed that the Black Iron Empire's nuclear artillery has indeed attacked the coalition troops, the Ye's Chamber of Commerce is able to make this statement, which is definitely very face-saving.

And many cosmic countries that have always been advancing and retreating together with the Seven Star Alliance have also made the same statement.

But this obviously does not change the public opinion that is completely brought up in the universe today.

During this period, in the past ten years, the Elf Kingdom, which has just been connected to the international network, undoubtedly has a full understanding of the current situation.

Under such circumstances, the old elf king Jason Rust openly expressed his support for the Dark Iron Empire.

He even further stated that in the next meeting between the representatives of the two countries, he will personally send the Dark Iron Empire to show the friendship between the two countries.

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