The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4762: , Summit Dialogue (3)

Chapter 4763 Summit Dialogue (3)


After the representatives of the Elf Kingdom and the Dark Iron Empire ended the first round of speeches, the general ins and outs of the whole thing were basically clarified.


The main focus of the following discussion is undoubtedly to focus on those suspicious points.


After all, according to the descriptions on both sides, the Elf King Jason Rust sent the Dark Iron Empire out of good intentions, for the sake of a longer-term alliance between the two countries, and the Dark Iron Emperor Barry Rand was also very grateful for this, Even when he was sick in bed, he held his body and personally received the visiting Elf King Jason Rust in order to show his sincerity.


During this period, Pompeii Rand wanted to replace the sick father to receive the Elf King, and was even reprimanded by the old emperor.


So far, the Elf Kingdom and the Dark Iron Empire can be said to be a model of allies. The two sides are going both ways. After that, a thousand-year covenant is formed, which is a logical thing.


But what no one thought was that the whole thing that followed was completely violent...


In the private talks between the two sides, the elf king Jason Rust died. Afterwards, the old emperor Barry Rand immediately held a press conference, claiming that the elf king Jason Rust attempted to assassinate him, and not only turned his head but mobilized the troops , wiped out the elf mission, and at the same time made a very obvious declaration of war against the elf kingdom! Make a whole universe completely fried!


Under normal circumstances, if you want to understand the content of an article, it must be related to the context, but if you compare this incident to an article, the context of this article is simply contradictory!


Everything is so strange.


It's even weird to the point where it doesn't make sense logically.


It's like two people who were in love and intimacy one second ago, but stabbed each other the next second, it's too abrupt!


At the same time, Prince Ivan has also made a very clear statement that their elven kingdom has no intention of assassinating the Dark Iron Emperor at all.


After all, if they wanted to assassinate the Dark Iron Emperor, why did the elf kingdom let the elf king go there in person?


You know, the Elf King Jason Rust is not good at force!


So the core of this meeting is to clarify these strange things.


And the source of all these strange things started from the meeting room of the Dark Iron Empire...


With this thought in mind, Mia's eyes fell on Pompeii Rand.


"Prince Pompeii, just in case, let me confirm for the time being. Was there no monitoring equipment in the interview room that could record the images at that time?"


Faced with this question, Pompeii Rand, who lifted the mute, shook his head directly.


"The content of this meeting is top secret. In order to ensure that the content of the meeting will not be leaked, there is no monitoring equipment in the meeting room, and even later, according to the request of the other party's accompanying guards, the equipment in an entire area was stopped, saying that it was our security. The system will conflict with the other party's security measures."


"On the other hand, the elf mission allowed us to increase the number of banned troops, so we didn't think much about it. After all, the number of banned troops deployed in that area at that time was three times that of other areas. At the same time, outside the area. , the entire security system is functioning normally, and anyone entering or leaving will leave a record."


While Pompeii Rand was making this narrative, Ivan's inner activity was no small thing.


Will the security system on the technology side conflict with their security methods?


As an elf prince who is very keen on studying external things, Ivan has never heard of such a thing.

Of course, it would make sense if it was because of the large number of automatic enemy search weapons in the security system that would restrict their movements, or accidentally injure them in the event of an accident.


But in fact, according to the technological power of the Dark Iron Empire, unless it is an extremely chaotic scene, the possibility that the security system will accidentally injure friendly troops is very small.


On the other hand, in such an extremely chaotic scene, even their own people may be accidentally injured.


However, the situation of their elves is rather special, because their elves have only been in touch with these technological things for a short time, and many old-fashioned elves do not trust these things very much.


This mistrust manifests itself in various ways.


For example, they obviously have a very efficient and wide-ranging border security system, but their elven kingdom is still more willing to dispatch elven sentries to patrol.


And his father's bodyguards were actually basically composed of veterans, and they were very typical old-fashioned elves.


Considering this, it makes perfect sense that there are guards in the guards who request to close it.


And according to some of the meanings revealed by Pompeii Rand, at that time, the Dark Iron Empire undoubtedly considered the special situation of the elves, so they made some accommodation.


But to be honest, this matter still sounds strange to Ivan at this time.


After all, the act of his father going to the Black Iron Empire in person had already left his life in danger and handed it over to the other party.


In other words, he showed 100% trust in the security system of the Dark Iron Empire.


Taking this into account, the guard's approach is undoubtedly in conflict with this point.


And now, Ivan is a little hesitant to bring this up.


Because it was the silver-armored guards of their Elf Kingdom who made this abnormal move, considering the current situation, I am afraid that this point is not good for him...


After suffering the unexpected death of his father, although he has not been able to get rid of his grief and anger, Ivan has undoubtedly begun to pay more attention.


During this process, I don't know if I saw something from Ivan's Mia suddenly threw the topic over...


"Does Prince Ivan have anything to say about what Prince Pompeii just said?"


Hearing this, Ivan's body unconsciously felt a little tense, but the expression on his face remained unchanged for the time being.


"I want to confirm the identity of that bodyguard."


"Prince of Pompeii?"


After receiving Ivan's question, Mia turned her attention to Pompeii Rand again.


"According to our knowledge, the guard's name is Gerald, and he is the deputy head of the guard of your country's elf king."


"Prince Ivan, do you have anything to add to this Gerald bodyguard?"


During the meeting, Mia, who was constantly seeing information, began to connect the two sides to obtain information.


"His father and my father are old comrades-in-arms. He was wounded in the front line and retired from service. Later, he was promoted by my father and joined the Guards. When Gerald joined the army, he was in the army and served as military management. He has good management experience and ability, and it is precisely because of this that my father recruited him into the Guards."


Speaking of which, Ivan paused for a while, as if he was sorting out what he just said, and after confirming that it was correct, he made a thorough statement...


"He can't possibly have a problem."


(End of this chapter)


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