The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4766: , lore also see lore

Chapter 4767 Lore and lore again


The serious consumption brought about not only the decrease in speed, but also his resilience.


That super-speed regeneration ability, which can be called metamorphosis, is a major advantage of the insect king, and it is also the biggest rely on the insect king to fight with Zhong Mo so far.


Otherwise, in the face of Zhong Mo, who has mastered countless top martial arts and turned his hands, various moves are combined with each other, and the insect king should have been completely overwhelmed by the accumulated injuries.


But now that his resilience has been affected, facing the long-range pursuit of Zhong Mo's lore sword array, the speed of recovery of the wounds on the Bug King's body gradually began to fail to keep up with the frequency of Zhong Mo's attacks.


In such a blink of an eye, the Insect King seemed to be covered in bruises and bruises.


The decline of the state leads to the decline of the resilience, and the decline of the resilience makes the injury too late to recover. It starts to accumulate, and the state of the insect king begins to get worse and worse.


This is like a perfect closed loop, after a gap is suddenly opened, the whole loop collapses with it.


The current bug king has already been dragged into a vicious circle that cannot be escaped.


"what to do?"


Looking at Zhong Mo, who was chasing after him, there was already a seriousness that couldn't be concealed on the insect king's face.


"According to Balsa, the opponent's state cannot continue indefinitely, and every time this method is used on the battlefield, it will disappear for a long time, which shows that this state has side effects. After the release, the opponent should be weakened, so as long as the opponent's state is released, I can turn defeat into victory..."


As for this information, the Insect King only knew about it from Balsa's mouth, but he didn't personally confirm it.


Because in the battles so far, those humans were basically defeated by him before the state was lifted.


But Balsa couldn't lie to him, so this information can be confirmed to be true.


But the question now is, how long can this fighting state last for this human being chasing behind him?


Did the opponent reach the limit first and the state was lifted, or was he defeated first?


"Damn it! What the **** am I thinking?!"


The birth of this idea made the insect king feel startled.


Investigating the reason, the essence of this idea is that he is escaping the battle with the human behind him.


Is it because the human behind him made him feel the approach of death?


"What are you kidding?!"


Hand over your own destiny to the state where the other party may end? This is not his style.


Not to mention, does the other party have no idea about their own state?


When the state is about to end, the opponent will definitely retain a certain amount of combat power and withdraw in advance.


Now the other party is still chasing him all the way, and has no plans to withdraw at all, which is enough to prove that the other party's state is far from reaching the limit.


With the flash of this thought, the worm king's eyes burst into fierce light, and when he waved his hand, the worm's hand burst out directly toward the rear!


Facing the sudden attack of the worm hand, Zhong Mo didn't care what the other party went through.


Without saying a word, he directly used [Qiankun Qilin Step] to decipher the move.


During the period, while continuing to control the lore sword formation to surround the insect king, Zhong Mo's footsteps were unexpectedly continuous.


Just when the Insect King subconsciously thought that the [Qiankun Qilin Step] would be continuously crushed, and made psychological preparations for this, the result was completely beyond his expectations.

I saw that the clock was silent, and every time I stepped out, a terrifying vortex of Astral Qi formed under my feet.


In terms of power alone, this turbulent vortex may be weaker than the [Qiankun Qilin Step] shown before, but this clock is silent, but it is a turbulent vortex with one foot and one turbulent vortex. At the same time as the distance between the insect king, those turbulent vortices, in the process of each stirring, will actually generate an amazing suction.


The feeling it brought to the insect king was as if there were multiple weakened versions of small black holes, constantly sucking and pulling his body in the distance.


Although its pulling force is far from comparable to that of black holes, its properties are obviously different from those of black holes.


From the Bug King's point of view, it was more like a powerful way of moving.


However, while allowing the caster to move at a high speed, it also formed some suction force along the way, restricting the target's movement.


And this is the second form of Qilin [Go to the sky! ], also known as [Kirin Ascension to the Sky! 】


When Zhong Mo reached this point, he handed over this move, of course, to ensure that the insect king was killed.


After all, there are many moves that are exposed in advance, so there is no way to catch the opponent by surprise.


Fortunately, the [Qiankun Qilin Step], which is the first form of Qilin, is the most potent oil, enough to allow him to cope with the previous battle, and save the key lore until now!


Now, as soon as [Kirin Ascension to the Sky] comes out, just relying on the suction force of the turbulent vortex, it is of course impossible to forcibly pull him in the face of a powerhouse at the level of the insect king, but it can also play a certain limiting role. .


Leaving these aside, the second Qilin style itself is still a set of movement techniques. With the skyrocketing speed and the limitation of the turbulent vortex, the distance between them is rapidly shortening.


In the blink of an eye, the Insect King, who knew that he was unavoidable, was also mentally prepared to face it head-on.


A pair of worms, combined with the three worm tails behind them, directly formed a death zone that was sure to kill. Even if they were as strong as Zhong Mo, once they entered the attack range, they would definitely have to suffer a combo of destruction!


During the period, UU reading www. Even if the other party uses the [Qiankun Qilin Step] to suppress him again, the strength will not be able to completely suppress him, let alone break this move.


In this wave, the Insect King counted everything he could think of.


Never thought about it, but Zhong Mo didn't play cards according to common sense at all.


Facing the situation in front of him, Zhong Mo, who had just opened the trump card of [Kirin Ascension to the Sky], was followed by another trump card!


【Shake the world! Unicorn step! ! 】


In an instant, the third form of the unicorn burst out with a momentum sweeping the void!


The terrifying destructive power actually caused the black void covered by the space barrier to violently distort.


Under the maddening force of destruction, the insect king's two worm hands and the three attacking worm tails behind him were completely crushed into blood mist in an instant.


Then the unparalleled power crushed the insect king in the next second.


At that moment, the carapace covering the insect king's whole body cracked one after another. Under Zhong Mo's [World Shaking Kirin Step], he was completely crushed into pieces, and the entire body collapsed in an instant.


And because he had never seen such a move before, the Insect King who was caught off guard, had no time to react at this time, and was crushed to pieces by this [World Shaking Unicorn Step]!


(End of this chapter)


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