The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 4773: , great change

After all the things that need to be ordered are completed, the returning fleet that Marshal Philip is in enters the warp passage, and with the closure of the entrance of the warp, Marshal Philip has the opportunity to breathe a sigh of relief while staying in his own In the lounge, Marshal Philip's face gradually showed a sad look.

After learning of the death of the Elf King Jason Rust before, Marshal Philip has always been very calm, orderly and orderly to the front-line army, directing operations.

To others, it seems that the death of the elf king Jason Rust did not affect him much.

But in reality, Marshal Philip just suppressed the deepest grief in his heart.

Because Marshal Philip at that time knew very well that there were still many things waiting for him to deal with.

It was not until everything was done, in this lounge where he had only himself, that the grief that had been suppressed for a long time was gradually released.

In fact, when Marshal Philip led the expedition this time, he was already mentally prepared for a 'farewell'.

Because the front line is dangerous and various variables are elusive, and at the same time, I don't know how many years it will take, even if it is him, there is a possibility of his death.

So every time before the expedition, Marshal Philip would find Jason Rust for a drink.

Jason Rust understood what he meant, but they didn't say much, they just went glass after glass, everything they had to say was in the wine.

But Marshal Philip never thought that on this trip, the one who left first was Jason Rust at the back...

On the grounds of 'rest', Marshal Philip told his officers and men not to disturb him for the next period of time unless it was an emergency that they could not handle.

Now leaning in the lounge, grief constantly poured out of his heart, Marshal Philip pulled out a bottle of wine, but he didn't drink a lot, just had a drink, as if he was giving his good brother a gift Procedure.

A few days later, Marshal Philip, who appeared in front of his subordinates again, couldn't see any strangeness on his face.

I confirmed the situation of the fleet in the past few days. Generally, in the subspace channel, basically there will be no unexpected situations.

At present, Marshal Philip is more concerned about Ajer and Ivan without a doubt.

Both are his sister's and Jason Rust's children, that is to say, his own nephews.

His sister died of a serious illness when Ivan was eighty-nine years old.

When he was dying, he specially told him to take care of these two nephews.

Therefore, for Marshal Philip, his two nephews are really meat on the palms and backs of their hands.

The relationship between Ajer and Ivan, their two brothers, has always been very good.

But this time, Jason Rust's death has brought them a huge stimulus after all. Under this premise, Ajer's character is still very impulsive, coupled with the provocation of those supporters...

Today's Marshal Philip is really afraid that they will get confused and do things like brothers.

Thinking of this, he even couldn't help but complain a little bit about the late Jason Rust.

Originally, if you let Ajer, the eldest son, succeed him, nothing will happen.

Of course, this thought didn't last long, at most it was just a whim.

Calm down and think about it, according to Jason Rust's description in the correspondence, Ivan may really be more suitable to be the Elf King than Ajer, the elder brother.

Jason Rust wants Ivan to succeed, which is essentially for the future of their elven kingdom.

But ah...

"You really left me a big trouble..."

And just as Ajer and Marshal Philip confirmed the news one after another and started to rush back with all their strength, it is known that on the side of the universe, under the mediation of Mia, the Elf Kingdom and the Dark Iron Empire have reached an agreement for the time being. The elves and dwarves who stayed within their respective borders exchanged.

For the sake of safety and justice, the two sides exchanged the coordinates of the tribe, which was provided by Mia, secretary-general of the Alliance Committee.

And just when the transport ships of the other clansmen were loaded on both sides, they were completely close, and when they were about to exchange the two clansmen, the hatch of the transport ship on the side of the Black Iron Empire showed a malfunction, and it took a little time for testing.

This news was first passed on to the staff of the Alliance Council as the intermediary, and then the staff conveyed it to the elf fleet that came to exchange the tribesmen.

In the middle, it will inevitably take some more time, and it is during this time slot, outside the waiting area of ​​the elf fleet that came to meet the clansmen, a dwarf battleship maintains the environmental mimicry, gliding all the way at a low speed, approaching the normal A fleet of elves in a state of waiting.

Perhaps it was because of the fact that the Alliance Committee was in the seat, so in this operation, the elven fleet did not show too much tension.

At this point in time, the contact from the Alliance Committee had just come over to inform them of the failure of the hatch of the dwarf transport ship.

At the same time, the elven fleet officially entered their attack range.

At this moment, the surrounding void environment was easily torn apart by the scorching energy rays, tearing apart the camouflaged dwarf fleet, with their signature fire weapon thermonuclear energy cannon of the Dark Iron Empire, towards the elf fleet that was on standby in the distance, launched With the merciless firepower sweeping the ****** Spirit Fleet, the response was fairly timely, and the defensive shield quickly unfolded.

But they were attacked by the dwarf fleet. At this time, they had already lost their first hand. In addition, the wave of the dwarf fleet was clearly prepared. The intensity of the entire firepower was extremely accurate. The firepower was poured out, and a large number of elf battleships were immediately destroyed.

At the same time, the dwarf transport ship, which had been unable to open the hatch due to a malfunction, slammed into the transport ship of the Elf Kingdom. Forcibly broke the outer hull of the elf transport ship.

Immediately afterwards, the 'faulty' hatch of the dwarf transport ship opened quickly, and in the next second, a large number of fully armed dwarf soldiers rushed out of it.

In order to control the order in the ship, there is a certain size of troops deployed in the elf transport ship.

But how can an elf army of that size be comparable to the entire transport ship's army on the dwarves' side?

When things have developed to this point, with the unfolding of the dwarf army's operations, the outcome of this incident is completely predictable.

All the dwarves in the elf transport ship were sent to the dwarf transport ship to be rescued.

At the same time, the elven fleet on standby in the distance and several ships of the Alliance Council who arrived at the scene as notaries were all destroyed by the firepower of the dwarf fleet!


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