Leaving the mountain area where they almost completely lost their vision.

The fire of the human camp outside, let Besson breathe a sigh of relief.

Of course, there are no humans in this camp.

Of course, the orcs will not leave.

Decisively turned the camp to the bottom, and the search was awkward.

But in fact, there is not much in this camp except for a small amount of food.

Playing guerrilla warfare itself is about a maneuver.

The location of the camp will be transferred at any time.

How can it bring too many things that affect their efficiency?

Basically, important things are brought directly to the soldiers.

So that they can stay at any time and start playing at any time.

In this way, the harvest of the orc troops is destined to be very limited.

The spare arrows have found a lot.

The problem is that they don't work well at all.

The value in hand is too limited.

On the other side, after the pursuit of the orc troops, the pursuit.

The fox guerrillas and the fast wolf warriors quickly left the forest with other soldiers without night vision.

This wave is what they care about.

But they will never be so good.

At this moment, every soldier’s body is still carrying an arrow that has just been added.

The next morning, they decisively took back the initiative.

With a ‘still color’ mentality, the advancing orc troops were again attacked.

In the roar of the orcs, a wave of soldiers who ended the attack quickly retreated.

This time is really a retreat.

It was originally expected to be harassed all the way to the North Mountain City.

But at this moment, the arrows in their hands have been exhausted and they have to be withdrawn.

Two days later, the orc troops apparently did not dare to delay.

Although they have suffered many days of harassment, they are already exhausted.

But in order to get rid of this terrible situation as soon as possible.

They know that they must get out of the forest as soon as possible and arrive at the outskirts of the North Mountain City.

Looking at the towering walls in the distance.

The heart of all the orcs is a pump.

Although they have heard about it from the reports of the fox people before.

But the simple words, how can you actually see the impact?

In the face of such a huge fortress, are they really likely to break?

Beside and Wade, the face is quite ugly.

Obviously, they are all aware of the hardships of the next one.

And Cassin is trying his best to rack his brains.

Have already reached this point, can not be persuaded by a wall?

The sight was swept from a group of orcs.

Anyway, what they need now is rest.

The rush of the day, coupled with the previous harassment, made their state worse.

It is impossible for them to maintain such a state to fight.

In this way, Cassin made a rather bold decision.

That is, let the orc troops rest directly under the enemy's eyelids.

Through the telescope, watch the orc troops resting outside the city.

The fold between Zhao Yu's eyebrows was obviously deeper.

He did not think that he was actually a hostage by a group of orcs.

The position of the orcs at the moment is on the open space outside the North Mountain City.

In this environment, the Elf Ranger and the Foxman guerrillas are hard to shoot.

In other words, if you want to stop them from resting, then he can only take the soldiers out of the city and launch an offensive.

Once this is done, it will be inevitable to be positive with this orc army.

In this way, the advantage of the wall as a defending city can be lost.

"General, what should we do next? Go out to meet the city?"

At this moment, Wang Kai, who chose to stay in the city to help out, was wearing a armor and asked Zhao Wei.

In this regard, Zhao Wei shook his head.

"Out of the city, it is like the will of this group of orcs."

During the conversation, Zhao Wei raised his hand and recruited a soldier on the wall, then said to them...

"Every hour, let the three bows slam the fire at the orc camp. It’s not so easy to rest in my eyelids!"

In history, the highest range record of the Three Bows is more than 1,500 meters.

Of course, the effective range of power can actually be guaranteed, only between 400 meters and 500 meters.

With the development of the times and the advancement of technology.

Ye Hao has already improved the three-bow bed of Wanjie civilization to the full version.

At this moment, the orc camp outside the city, although it is outside the effective range of the three-bow bed, but from time to time to the opposite side of the lively and lively, there is no problem.

According to the meaning of Zhao Wei.

The soldiers on the wall who were responsible for the operation of the three-bow bed were quickly loaded with special heavy-duty arrows for their respective three-legged bed.

That efficiency gap is enough to make the opposite fox people shy to death.

The four three-bow beds on the wall were fired one after another.

The heavy arrows that smashed the air and screamed, gave Bethan a big ‘surprise’.

Faced with such a 'surprise'.

Every orc in the camp has a face full of shocks. www.wuxiaspot.com~ Fortunately, after the effective range, the head and power of the three bows are greatly reduced.

They did not cause any serious casualties to them.

But the nerves that the orcs have just slackened before are tightened again!

Beginning to guard against subsequent attacks from the opposite side.

But the result is gone.

The orcs were wary of the air for a long time.

But the humans on the opposite wall are not working...

At this moment, standing in the camp, Kasin.

His face was obviously cloudy and uncertain.

The other side's posture is deliberately consuming them, even if they can't hit it, it doesn't matter, because the light is the movement, it is enough to make them unable to rest in peace.

In the face of this situation, Kasin was once again called by Besson without any surprise.

At this moment, the means of both sides can be said to be a conspiracy against conspiracy.

Just look at who can't hold it first, like the other's wishes.

After talking about the stakes here, and Bessen said.

Besson’s face is undoubtedly ugly.

"What do you do? How does this make us rest?"

"The current situation can only be ignored. The orcs are divided into two batches. When one group is resting, the other group is vigilant. The two groups of orcs take turns to guard against each other and take turns to rest."

In this regard, Besson nodded.

The main reason is that he can't think of a better way.

After the matter was told, the orc camp was quickly implemented.

Standing on the sentinel tower at the wall, I noticed the sentinel in this situation.

Naturally, the first time to report the other party's response to Zhao Wei.

In this regard, Zhao Wei means to continue to launch attacks.

At the moment, the fight is to see who can't hold it first.

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