Time goes by, winter is coming to spring.

The two are only used as a link to the territory and are simply built in a short time.

Of course, it cannot be said that it was completely completed, but the territorial judgment has already come out.

If these two stations are to be officially launched, it will take another one or two months for the subsequent improvement.

However, Luo's current projects are relatively fast, obviously there is no time to spend too much time on the two stations.

After confirming that an entire northern territory has been connected, Luo Ji decisively transferred the manpower of the two construction teams to the sentry camp.

Let them assist in the construction of the sentry camp.

On the other side of the sentry camp, there is no doubt that it will be a drastic transformation.

Let's not say anything else. As a border fortress, how can the front wall rise to more than fifteen meters?

If this is the case, it will take a lot of time.

By the way, the footprint of the camp will have to be expanded by one to two times.

In this way, more troops and resources can be accumulated in the camp.

In this way, in order to speed up the construction efficiency of the guard post camp, Luo Ji directly transferred the construction team that was originally responsible for the construction of Beidi Mountain City to the side of the sentry camp.

After having enough people, the efficiency can obviously be greatly improved.

At the same time, the Werewolf patriarch Wade and Kasin, who had already taken the position of the patriarch, returned to the sentry camp with their respective ethnic groups.

Although this time, they spent a lot of time, but the changes in the guard post camp still let the two orcs look at each other.

I saw that in this camp, in addition to humans, there are many green dwarfs.

They are holding some strange tools and climbing up and down in some buildings in the camp. They are also very busy when they knock and beat from time to time.

A whole camp is completely different from the time they left.

Below the camp, a wild boar, is very diligent to help carry a heavy weight.

The scene made Wade feel incredible.

What happened during the time when they were not there?

In fact, there is nothing.

After the drastic construction of the sentry camp, it is inevitable that a lot of manpower and material resources will be used.

During this time, there were a bunch of wild boars with enough strength to sit there.

How could they not use it?

In this way, it is natural to call the wild boar people to help.

At the beginning, the wild boar people simply banned human forces, so they chose to follow.

After a while, they found that the accident was not bad.

Although they are tired from moving from morning till night, they can have enough to eat.

Moreover, they can eat three meals a day!

Can this be believed?

Did you eat three meals? !

This is incredible.

The orcs are not stupid, they can also get good or bad.

Work here, then eat three meals a day, and you can eat all the time, why don't they do it?

What I have to mention here is another batch of wild boars among the Wanjie civilization.

After the Western Expedition, they were captured and then worked hard.

It was distributed to various mining sites to collect ore.

At first, they were naturally unwilling, resisting, and even thinking about running away.

After a few meals, I finally couldn’t avoid saying the ‘真香~’

After that, I never thought about running away.

I have to say that the words of several orc patriarchs were right.

The wild boar is a well controlled race.

As long as they are given enough to eat, they will basically not make any trouble, let alone rebellion.

As for the problem of food intake, the food they eat for a meal is indeed far more than an ordinary human worker.

However, when they are carrying building materials, they work more efficiently than human workers.

A wild boar can basically be used by four or five human workers.

With that in mind, the food they ate was nothing.

Now in the winter, Luo Ji looks at the report about the wild boar in his hand.

He was thinking about it, and it was time to change the job for the wild boar.

In the past year, their civilization has suffered too much damage due to various wars.

Although the total number of wild boars is not much, it is also a force.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji decisively issued an order for them to transfer the well-behaved wild boars to the military camp and receive military training.

At the same time, with the change of seasons, it is time to give a reply on the grassland.

After all, this matter, Luo Ji has been delayed.

According to the report sent back from the grassland on a regular basis, the messengers of the Chaer Khan Prairie State will come to them to ask for results, and the wind and snow will not be directly stopped.

In this regard, Bai Ze and Bu Ri Gu De are already annoying.

Calculating the time, they can be regarded as a breathing time for the Hanal tribe for a winter.

During this period, I also sold two batches of grain to them.

Luo Ji is tempted to continue this way.

It is impossible for Siqin of the Chalkhan Prairie Country to wait until it is ~www.wuxiaspot.com~.

It’s not the plan of Siqin, but his own plan.

Thinking of this, Luo Ji decisively called Lu Yang to write a ‘request for 檄文’.

Lu Yang, who heard this, looked awkward.

"Your Majesty, how can I write this essay?"

Obviously, he had never written this before.

In this regard, Luo Ji is also ambiguous, directly indicating that...

"Tianqin will develop the Chaer Khan Prairie State to such a scale. During this period, it will inevitably invade and engulf a large number of other grassland tribes. Taking this as a breakthrough, he said that he is cruel and indiscriminate, and condemns him to me!"

After all, Lu Yang is a wise man. After listening to such a description, it can be said that it is a bit thorough.

They are a civilization.

A symbol of civilization, in addition to a prosperous city, is also reflected in the moral, quality, culture, and knowledge of the people.

Without these, you are at most a group of barbarians or indigenous people.

And those who have these will have a standard in mind.

They will use this standard to measure everything.

For example, right or wrong of one thing, good and evil of one person, etc...

They need a reason to use the soldiers of the Chalkhan Prairie.

This reason is not to say to the people of the Chalkhan Prairie Country.

It is to say to the people of their own.

Let the people know why he is going to attack the Chalkhan Prairie Country.

He did it for a good reason.

In this case, his move can get the most support.

At the same time, it will not affect the loyalty of His Majesty!

It can only be said that this is the art of war and politics.

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