The World Civilization Million Lords

Chapter 867: 1 person 1 horse

The one-eyed dragon cloth that fell from the horse back, and that whole heart can be said to instantly hang over the eyes of the blind man.

However, he is also a general of Si Qin.

Although this wave caused a stun in the rush, it led to a desperate situation.

But it is not so much that he will give up his resistance, so he will die.

I saw the one-eyed dragon cloth and the moment of landing, it was actually the opposite.

Not only did not escape to the distance, but a lazy roll, and actively approached Battelle riding on horseback.

Any cavalry has an absolute attack dead angle, which is directly below.

That position was that they couldn’t get on the horseback.

At this time, the one-eyed dragon cloth and the mind are also the mind to win.

While rolling, he picked up the dagger that had been swept away by Battelle.

I plan to roll to the bottom of the opponent's mount, and the result is Batel's mount!

However, this thing is simple, but how can it be so simple?

At this time, the horse that Battelle rode was a horse with him for many years. The tacit understanding between the two sides is beyond doubt.

With a sound of a long beep.

I saw that the two forefoot horseshoes suddenly swelled, then slammed toward the one-eyed dragon cloth and stepped on it!

This is completely out of his unexpected situation, so that the one-eyed dragon cloth and the big surprise.

I didn't have time to think about it. In the midst of a thousand miles, he quickly hugged his head and protected his head.

Then, accompanied by a sound of broken bones.

The two horseshoes that should have fallen on his head were stepping on his arms.

Even the whole person was flung out for several meters.

In the screams, the one-eyed dragon cloth and the unacceptable face, and quickly called for help, recruited the men to besiege Battelle.

The strength of Battle is indeed strong, but even if it is strong, can it still be a ride?

After the Hanal tribe was washed in the blood, the grassland cavalry scattered around them quickly gathered.

In a blink of an eye, hundreds of cavalry gathered and launched a charge attack directly against Batel, who was single-handed!

This wave, their king, but the order of death, Batel must die! !

Shouting and killing sounds in the ear.

The rich and suffocating **** smell constantly stimulates his sense of smell.

Wait until Bai Ze and Bu Ri Gude led the 3,000 cavalry to this place.

This battle is undoubtedly already long since the curtain has been drawn.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} Among the entire camps of the Hanal tribe, it can be said that the corpse is everywhere.

The body can be seen everywhere.

A lot of footprints left by horseshoes.

And one person and one horse falling in the middle of the camp...

Taking a deep breath, Buzhe Gude, who confirmed his identity, nodded.

"It’s Butler."

The atmosphere is inexplicably heavy.

Even if they are unrelated people, after seeing Battelle's death, the whole breath is a stagnation that cannot be controlled.

I saw Batel, who was there, and the whole person was at least twenty or thirty long guns running through the body.

There are countless counts of arrows and stab wounds on the body.

It is totally unimaginable, what kind of battle he experienced before he died.

After a few seconds of silence, Bai Ze slowly opened...

"He is also a personal thing, cremation."

After that, he walked directly outside the camp.

There was no living in the entire camp.

A large number of horseshoe prints on the outskirts of the camp showed the direction of the steppe cavalry.

However, Bai Ze did not plan to pursue it.

Looking at the number of horseshoe prints, you know that the other side's strength is definitely not in the minority.

Now the Hanal tribe has been destroyed and people are dead.

What is the point of chasing it now?

The bodies piled up together and piled up directly into a corpse.

After the cremation, Bai Ze ordered a man to dig a pit and buried the ashes.

They did not have a monument and did not stop.

Only a small earthen bag and a wreck were left as proof that they had survived on this land.

At the same time, the other side...

Si Qin, who received the report, sighed with regret.

He and the Wanjie civilization are obviously going to tear the face.

I originally wanted to take this opportunity to solve some of the cavalry of the other side.

I did not expect that the cavalry general opposite was also cautious.

It was actually taking away all the three thousand riders who did not stay.

If this force is dispersed, he can figure it out.

But getting together, it's not good to start.

Thinking of this, Siqin is also a bit depressed.

Then, just as he wondered how to go next.

Another bodyguard rushed in.

"Report, report king! The frontline communications officer is back!"

When I heard the words, I was excited and nervous.

Try{mad1(\'gad2\');}catch(ex){} But on the surface, he still maintains the calm look.

Then after waving, I said...

"Let him come in."

The communications officer walked in quickly.

Then, after knowing from the news that the Hanal tribe had been completely destroyed, and that Battelle had already been killed, Siqin could not help but hold the hand he placed under the table to show his heart. Excitement.

Finally, finally!

That Battel finally died in his own hands!

This one made him uncomfortable for so many years of nails and stab in the flesh. At this moment, he was finally pulled out by him! !

However, he is not waiting for him to be excited.

Looking at the confusing communicationsman, Siqin quickly noticed something wrong.

Then the two eyebrows were obviously wrinkled.

"What else?"

In the face of this question that the communicationsman was in a tight heart.

After a short hesitation, I saw him daring and said something...

"Reporting the king, things are like this..."

During the talk, the messenger said carefully to Siqin with the part that had not been reported.

It was awkward to let Siqin’s original excitement feel bad.

As far as he knows, after several defeats in the Hanal tribe last year, there were only a few hundred troops left.

And he sent three thousand grassland cavalry to annihilate.

Under this premise, he even folded more than 500 talents to destroy the Hanal tribe? !

Is this a joke with him?

At the same time, what is worse is that the generals of his majesty and the two hands have been abolished! ?

At that moment, Siqin was a little crazy, and even almost smashed the table.

Strong pressure on the fire, after all the waiters around him retired, he made a few deep breaths.

Then he slammed the table in front of him to the ground!

“Waste, it’s a bunch of waste!!”

After a slap in the face of a snoring, the mentality of the mentality was adjusted, and the attendants who had been removed from the battle came in to clean up the hall that had become a mess.

And with a few guards, he rushed in one direction.

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