The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 105 Omniscient and omnipotent

"O omniscient and omnipotent one, is everything really under your control? Can you create a stone that even you cannot lift?"

Accompanying these words was the sneer of the dark thing whose appearance could not be seen clearly.

"You once said that I am not your creation, but you called those angels that were created by your own hands and those that were not created by your own hands as your creations. In other words, as long as they were originally created by you, They are all your creations, so... I am not your creation, does it mean that the thing that goes back to the original source and is my creator was not created by you? In other words, it was not created by you who is omniscient and omnipotent. Who created it?"

"In other words, Omniscient and Almighty, can I think so... that you are not the earliest creator, or even that you are the creation of something?"

"If you were created, who created you?"

The upright snake pupils shrank slightly, revealing some kind of madness, and the deepest part of the madness was a bone-chilling calmness.

This monster has always been arrogant and arrogant. Because it lacks a sense of fear, it lacks awe for everything in this world. Destiny, life and death, order, everything is not taken into account by it, and it scorns everything. It is too arrogant and lacking. The arrogant attitude of awe will also make it fall into the trap when it is sometimes arrogant, but when it becomes completely serious, it is unexpectedly calm, but often no one is really qualified to make it serious. .

He didn't care whether the all-knowing and all-powerful one answered, the dark thing just kept talking to itself.

"And if we go back to the starting point, then there is no doubt that my predecessor, the human named Meng, has indeed heard the story about God's creation of the world in seven days and Adam and Eve. Then... what does this world mean? Is it just Is it happening again? Or, even as an omniscient and omnipotent person, do you have to be forced into a certain cycle? So, are you really omniscient and omnipotent..."

As he spoke, the pupils of the dark thing became colder and colder.

After all, it is not content to be an angel here. He is trying to guess the scope and limitations of "omniscience and omnipotence" and estimate what the limits of God's power and ability are.

But the omniscient and omnipotent person sitting on the high throne did not interrupt its words, but quietly allowed the dark thing to speculate, and only spoke after the dark thing stopped talking.

"Rachel, I can tell you that, as I said, you are indeed not my creation. However, you have fallen into the limitations of logic and do not understand what it means to be omniscient and omnipotent."

"I am omniscient and omnipotent. There is nothing you can list that I can't do. Even if I create a round triangle or a cat that is both dead and alive, I can't do it. All kinds of things that go against common sense and logic are just under my control, because logic and thoughts are just my creations and servants."

"In one thought, I can create thousands of universes, and in one thought, I can erase thousands of universes. All time, space, worlds, and gods are meaningless to me, because I can do nothing. I am omnipotent, omniscient, and cannot be limited by logic. I am omniscient and omnipotent.”

But listening to the words of the Omniscient and Almighty, the monster, shrouded in darkness, just laughed and didn't care, but continued to ask.

"I have indeed seen your power. It is true that all time and space except this world have been wiped out by you, but I am very curious... If what you say is true, it should also exist in my predecessor. A God who has already created the world, what will happen between two omniscient and omnipotent beings? It’s really interesting.”

The dark thing spoke word by word, but his eyes became calmer and calmer.

Even though it has seen with its own eyes the scene where this omniscient and omnipotent person erased countless time and space in a single thought, it does not have any awe at all. On the contrary, it is still trying to estimate the abilities and limits of this omniscient and omnipotent person.

And the voice that responded to it remained calm and calm.

"Rachel, you are still trying to use logic to limit me, but I tell you bluntly that logic cannot limit the omniscience and omnipotence. In my eyes, there is no such thing as strength or weakness, life and death, existence or non-existence, etc. Concepts, because these are just tools I created to formulate and measure the world. The past, future, present, or another God have no meaning to me."

The dark thing's pupils shrank slightly, as if it was keenly aware of something.

"Compared with your doubts about me, Rachel, you should have noticed something at this moment..."

At this moment, the leisurely voice of the omniscient and almighty came.

The dark thing did not speak. It could not see its face clearly, and there was no movement in its erect pupils, because it knew very well what the omniscient and omnipotent one was referring to.

Monsters want to eat.

Even though it swallowed the entire Nordic universe, including Ymir, in one fell swoop, with its ever-growing body, one day, the entire Nordic universe will be completely digested by it. At that time, it will inevitably meet again. Come that never-ending hunger.

And this is nothing, that time is still very long, but the most critical issue is...

Its body is already a world of its own. Before the world was born, it was not aware of it, but after the world was born, it realized that its body was already trapped in a completely different flow of time from the outside world. The outside world was just one Breathe and you’ve made it through the year.

For this reason, the time and space in the outside world are the creations of the Omniscient and Almighty, and can be used by any angel or being, but they do not belong to the serpent.

You are not allowed to drink any drop of water, you are not allowed to breathe any air, you are not allowed to occupy any space, and you are not allowed to use any moment of time. Everything in this world does not belong to the serpent, because the serpent is not a creation of the omniscient and omnipotent, so it is not qualified to enjoy it. , and the space-time that maintains itself is formed by itself, and its time flow rate is naturally different.

Of course, as early as thousands of years ago in the outside world and a few days ago in the eyes of Orochi, the omniscient and omnipotent one generously gave Orochi a choice:

If you completely become its messenger and obey the will of the Omniscient and Almighty with all your heart, God can allow the serpent to use everything in this world.

Obviously, this arrogant snake refused directly.

However, the embarrassing situation still lies in front of the big snake. Even if it uses the materials in this world to create a dark object and can temporarily stay in it, it still has to face the possibility that its own body will be destroyed soon. The fact that it is once again trapped in hunger, it intends to pry into the limits of the omniscient and omnipotent being, is it not trying to find a way to save itself?

And except for this world, all time and space have been destroyed by this omniscient and omnipotent one, which means that the snake can no longer find other ways to fill its belly...

On the throne of God, the omniscient and omnipotent person shrouded in endless light quietly looked down at the dark things beneath him, waiting for the decision that the monster in front of him would make.

To become its devout angel? Or become a hungry monster?

Everything is just a thought of the dark thing in front of me...


However, the dark thing in front of it suddenly started to laugh inexplicably, laughing extremely wildly. After a long time, it crossed its arms and looked at the absolute god shrouded in endless light with its snake eyes.

"It's really interesting that I was forced into such a situation... Yahweh, why don't we make a bet?"

It was obvious that he was in trouble, but the big snake was as conceited as ever, and his madness showed no signs of weakening at all.


On the high throne, there was a bit of confusion in the calm voice.

The corners of his mouth curled up, and deep madness gradually appeared in his pupils.

"How about I bet on whether the world will eventually fall into my hands or yours?"

Along with the words of the dark thing, a chessboard suspended in the air immediately appeared in the palace, with sixty-four black and white grids distributed on it. The supreme god could easily see that it had not yet appeared. Chess above this world.

However, except for the two kings, one black and one white, facing each other on the chessboard, neither the queen nor the castle, the bishop, the knights, nor the soldiers appeared on the chessboard.

"I have to say, Yahweh... no, he is the all-knowing and all-powerful one. I am indeed just a weakling in front of you. In this case, I have to use the weak's way and use the wisdom that I disdain to fight against you. ."

Facing the absolute god sitting high on the throne, the eyes of the dark thing remained cold.

"You once said that you won't know what you don't want to know. In other words, you are also ignorant of the future that you don't want to know. In this case, make a bet with me and use my Freedom is a bet. If you win, I will kneel down in front of you sincerely, bow to you, and be driven by you as an angel; and if you lose, then I will restore the countless time and space and no longer use me Trapped here.”

"Fanwu, why do you think I will agree?"

On the opposite side, the aloof absolute god responded calmly, but for the first time, his calm voice was inexplicably cold.

In front of this all-knowing and all-powerful being, even a giant snake capable of swallowing the world is no different from any ordinary thing.

How could a mortal being be qualified to play chess with him?

"Because the world will be much more interesting if you bet against me... isn't it? I don't believe you will refuse."

The blurry figure was made up of invisible black shadows, the pupils were full of madness, and there was a hint of ferocity in the corners of the mouth.

After a long time, a voice came.

"Interesting bet, interesting things, I agreed."

Accompanied by the words of the absolute god, next to the king chess piece that symbolizes the white king, many chess pieces suddenly appeared on the chessboard. Queens, knights, bishops, castles, and soldiers were listed one by one on the chessboard. However, under In Orochi's eyes, each of the chess pieces were clearly angels with different identities.

On the chessboard, the lonely Black King faced all the White King's chess pieces. A solemn and invisible surge of momentum rushed from the White chess, almost completely destroying the Black King.

"If there are no chess pieces, you will lose."

The god opposite said calmly.

Although they did not speak, both sides knew very well that the king's chess cannot be moved on this chessboard. Since it is a chess game, how can the king who dominates the chess game do it himself? In this case, everything can only be done by other chess pieces. Without chess pieces, you will naturally lose.

However, opposite the god, the dark thing just grinned.

"The king will never be without chess pieces."

Along with its sound, the black shadows that formed the figure of the dark thing dispersed in the crystal sky, leaving only the omniscient and omnipotent god in the empty palace.

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