The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 144 The will of man, the will of God

That day, Han Na fell seriously ill, but what was even more strange was that he did not practice medicine or do anything. He just locked himself in the room alone and did not eat or drink for two days and nights. Not entering, as if thinking about something.

John had tried to see him, but there had been a heated argument in the room, and John had just left in uncharacteristic anger.

Two days later, Hana seemed to have figured something out. When he appeared in front of his family again, his pale and bloodless look shocked all the family members. Only the determination in his eyes made him stunned. There seems to be some essential difference between him and the gentle and simple little doctor in the past.

After that, Hamna practiced medicine everywhere as before, but instead of just treating patients in the past, he began to teach various Jewish teachings to those patients during his medical practice.

"You have heard that it was commanded to those of old, 'You shall not murder,' and also, 'Whoever kills will be subject to judgment.' But I say to you, whoever is angry with his brother without cause will be subject to judgment. Whoever insults his brother without cause will be subject to judgment. Those who are useless will inevitably be judged by the Sanhedrin; those who call their brothers stupid without any reason will inevitably be punished by the fire of hell."

"Therefore, when you are offering a gift on the altar, if you remember that your brother has a grievance against you, leave the gift in front of the altar, go and be reconciled to your brother first, and then come and offer the gift. Your opponent who is also accusing you is still on the way. Make peace with him hastily, lest he deliver you to the judges, and the judges deliver you to the soldiers, and you are thrown into prison. Truly I say to you, if any of the money is not paid, you will never come out from there."


There were more than a dozen rough country people gathered in a small country courtyard. In front of Han Na, those country people opened their blank eyes and listened carefully to the words coming from Han Na's mouth.

In this era, all religious texts were collected by priests and would not be shown to others easily. There would be no one like Hamna who could use an easy-to-understand voice to explain all kinds of things to these country people who had never been paid attention to by the priests. The teachings of Judaism are different from those obscure scriptures. Han Na is always extremely patient in explaining the teachings of Judaism, and is good at using various metaphors and various expressions that anyone can understand.

However, if a Jewish priest really came here to listen to the Jewish teachings Hamna preached, the more he listened, the more he would feel that something was wrong, because the teachings Hamna spoke and the real Judaism looked the same, but were actually completely different. .

For example, any priest who is familiar with Jewish teachings should say without hesitation that the only "chosen people" chosen by God are the Jews, and only the Jews can be saved, but Hamna never said such a thing. Any priest would require believers to observe a set of serious and complicated rituals, but Hana directly abandoned these rituals. As long as you believe in God, recite God's name, and respect God's will, nothing else is required.

It can be said that in the eyes of any priest, what Hamna did was almost blatant heresy and distortion of God's will.

"Hannah, if we worship God in this way, will God really grant us salvation and enter the kingdom of heaven after we die?"

Among them, an unspectacular countryman said cautiously. As he spoke, those countrymen looked at Han Na in front of them, and their eyes seemed to be shining.

For these people who are accustomed to living a hard life, the biggest temptation for them in religion is the liberation of the world after death, so they are extremely concerned about this issue.

Looking at the many country people in front of him, Han Na looked around, and a trace of hesitation flashed in his heart. However, that trace of hesitation was easily cut off in front of his long-decided determination, so he just shook his head and slowly The ground spoke.

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven; but only he who does the will of my Father in heaven.”

"In that day many will say to me, 'Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and in your name cast out demons, and in your name do many mighty works?' And I will understand. He told them, 'I never knew you, depart from me, you workers of evil!'"


After a long time, the country people who had to listen to what Han Na said left contentedly, but Han Na stayed where he was silently.

"Huh? Does it make you feel some inexplicable pleasure to distort the will of the gods you believe in? And betraying the gods you believe in, does it make you feel a deep sense of betrayal? Distorting gods with human will of human will."

In his ears, a low voice sounded, and there was some inexplicable mockery in that cold voice.

"Anyone who would feel happy about this is definitely not a human being."

Han said as if talking to himself, and then his face became more and more sad.


The voice in his ear just sneered noncommittally, and then disappeared, leaving Han Na alone in silence.

After that day, he had guessed who the evil spirit possessed was none other than the enemy of God in Judaism, the devil Satan. That day, he woke up from a nightmare, but he didn't expect that this was just the beginning.

During those three days, Satan conducted various temptations for him. He took himself to a high altitude, looked down at the land in front of him from the clouds, and showed him all the countries in the world, including Rome, Parthia, and India. , the Far East...the countless city-states and countless people are under his feet.

Among those countless city-states, the countless wealth and luxury enjoyment made this simple little doctor dumbfounded.

"As long as you obey me, the glory and power of the nations will be yours."

In my ears, the devil's whisper sounded.

To be fair, Hana did waver. He was just an ordinary little doctor. Even though his faith in God had been extremely firm since he was a child, who could see the power of all nations and not be tempted?

Wealth, power, status, fame, glory... everything can be obtained instantly if it is willing.

With such beauty, who can not be tempted?

But...he finally refused. Even he himself didn't understand the reason for the refusal. He just had a vague feeling that this was not what he wanted.

Later, Satan took it to see an ancient treasure house that had been covered in dust for tens of thousands of years. There were tens of millions or hundreds of millions of books in that treasure house, and any volume in them was proof left by the ancient civilization. These books had long been in the Lost in the long years, it is the crystallization of endless wisdom.

Any one of these volumes can easily lead to profound wisdom and a sense of spiritual tranquility. Through the forbidden knowledge, one can gain power that transcends all weapons in the world.

"If you don't love power, then this sense of spiritual peace is what you want."

After just reading a few pages, Hana understood why this treasure house could rival the power of all nations. No matter how great the power, no matter how much money, no matter how beautiful the wives and concubines are, it is difficult to exchange for happiness, well-being, and tranquility. The wise men bred in this treasure house can calmly smile at any king no matter when and where they are, because this is Strength and wisdom come from the soul and do not rely on external things.

That sense of tranquility impressed Hana for a time, but in the end, he chose to shake his head.

This is not what it wants, and it has an inexplicable feeling in its heart.

Satan showed him a lot more, but finally Satan seemed to realize something, and then brought it to a place...a mass grave full of death and corpses.

"You have saved so many people, but how far can your medical skills go?"

Looking at the numerous corpses whose flesh and blood had been eaten away by birds and beasts, and whose intestines and eyes were pecked by vultures, Han Na was silent... This time, Satan did not give it anything more. Instead, he just smiled and disappeared, leaving Han Na alone. This place where corpses are everywhere...

No one knew what Han Na was thinking that day, among the dead bodies, but the only thing that could be known was that he began to try to change something.

"There must be... there must be some way to solve all this."

The confused human being began to try to use religion to make some changes, forgiveness, love, kindness, mercy... This human being began to try to shape a brand new religion with his ideas. However, the more he spoke, the more he felt in his heart. The more confused I become.

Every time he resorts to the name of God, every time he modifies doctrine against his will, he is undoubtedly trampling on his sincere faith, but every time he has such hesitation and hesitation, that scene will be inexplicably echoed to him...


Even though his body was covered in abscesses, his eyes still radiated bright light, as well as the trace of intolerance in his heart.

He didn't understand why the demon was helping it, but felt vaguely and deeply disturbed.

There is no turning back...

He was silent, just thinking silently in his heart, but in his ears, there was only the wild laughter of the devil.

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