The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 146 Joshua, Son of God

John's arrest was not surprising. As a staunch member of the Jewish independence sect among the Jewish priests, his name had already been targeted by King Herod and Governor Pilate, the two most powerful people in the Jewish kingdom.

Fortunately for King Herod, although he had an embarrassing background, this generation of King Herod did indeed have the blood of the Jewish royal family. His mother was a princess of the former Jewish royal family. Although he did not support this Jewish independence movement, he did not support it. Too much pressure, as long as you don't say this kind of thing directly in front of him, you can just turn a blind eye and blur it out. This is not the case for the Jewish governor. He was originally ordered by the current Roman Emperor to suppress the independent factions in the Jewish Kingdom. From the time he entered the Jewish province to the present, he has arrested and killed Jewish independents. Already countless.

And John was stubborn and refused to give in, and there were many people in Judaism who were willing to flatter Pilate, so under a carefully arranged frame-up by several parties, this well-known priest was able to stand up. He will be imprisoned and will be beheaded soon.

Regarding this matter, there were also huge differences of opinion within the Twelve Apostles.

"John the Baptist is an indispensable help for our development. In order for the kingdom of the Lord to come, we must rescue John."

Several people, led by Judas, including Thaddaeus, Simon, and James, strongly suggested that John should be rescued by escaping from prison. Thaddaeus and Simon were both members of the Zealot Party, commonly known as the Dagger Party, and were members of the Jewish Party. The most radical patriotic groups even resorted to assassinations to try to restore the country. Jacob was the cousin of John and Hana, and he certainly did not want to see his cousin die.

Judas' view of supporting the prison robbery was simpler. He was keenly aware of the discord and differences within the Jewish priests.

Obviously, there is a huge controversy among the Jewish priests at this moment about whether to give up such a Jewish independent priest, or it may be said that two forces have already formed within Judaism as a whole. One group chose to support Jewish independence and did not want the Romans to interfere with their power. The other group was afraid of the power of the Romans and believed that they should tolerate it first.

Judas, who was cool-headed and smart, realized that this would be a rare opportunity. By taking advantage of the differences within the Jewish priests, the church, which was originally regarded as just an obscure sect within Judaism, would have the opportunity to leap into action. With the help of the Jewish priests, he was promoted to the political stage of the Jewish Kingdom.

It was never the Jewish king or the Roman governor who dominated the Jewish kingdom, but the Jewish priests. As long as you had the support of those Jewish priests, even becoming a Jewish king was not a dream.

At that time, his Lord will be able to become the King of the Jews, and the kingdom of heaven will come to the earth.

However, several disciples, including Peter, felt that it was better to be patient and not to attract the attention of the Jewish priests and Roman officials at this time. Several other disciples were hesitant and did not know what to do. They suggested waiting for Ham. Wake up and decide again.

Several opinions were constantly clashing, and it was still impossible to make a decision. But after being in a coma for a day... Han Na woke up.

After waking up, Han Na was silent for a long time, and finally he made a decision.

"Not going to jail."

This opinion was completely beyond the expectations of Judas and several disciples. In their opinion, the person Hamna valued and respected the most was his cousin and guide. However, Hamna actually chose to give up on John. life.

"My Lord, why should you give up this opportunity?"

Judah's eyes turned red with anger, and he almost threw himself in front of Hamna, and hurriedly persuaded him. He couldn't figure out why he should give up such an opportunity. As long as his vision was followed properly, the church would expand to more than a hundred times its current size.

Hama closed his eyes, not listening to Judas's pleading in his ears, and just whispered.

"The church is not the church of the Jews, but the church of the whole world; and the kingdom of heaven is not the kingdom of the Jews, but the kingdom of all mankind."

Yes, the church is not the church of the Jews, nor is it just the church of Him, but the church of many believers who are willing to follow Him and believe in Him because they believe in His words and His promises.

One person cannot form a church, and one person’s thoughts are only the thoughts of a single man.

He couldn't let the entire church take such a risk and get involved in the political vortex for one person, even if... it would cost him his cousin and godfather.

In a daze, he seemed to hear another voice of expectation.


Those bright eyes looking at him, full of longing and expectation.

The difference is that back then, he chose to be soft-hearted for the sake of one person's wishes, and he did not hesitate to violate his belief and piety towards God. But now, he chose to harden his heart for the wishes of thousands of people and sit back and watch one of his most respected and beloved relatives die because of this.

There is no turning back.

Suddenly, Han Na had a clear understanding in his heart. Since he chose this path, for his original goal, he might have violated his original intention.

However, there is no turning back.

He is no longer the little doctor he was before, no longer alone. Now he is burdened with the expectations of thousands of believers. Even if it is for them, he can only grit his teeth and go on...

But along with the thoughts in his heart, somewhere he didn't realize...

A sigh suddenly sounded in the sky, but deep in the sea, only a low sneer sounded.

"It's interesting, human being, you intend to pursue the paradise of perfection, but you don't know that good and evil are inherently one. If there is no evil, how can there be good? Is there anything in this world that has only positives but no negatives?"

"Ugliness arises out of beauty, resentment arises out of love, unrighteousness arises out of righteousness. If there is no discrimination, how can there be any distinction between good and evil? You are vainly pursuing the perfect kingdom of heaven, but you don't know that you are already in hell."

But at the feet of the black shadow, in the depths of the sea water and the earth's crust, the sleeping behemoth did not pay attention to these small things. Only dark things and black shadows that are more inclined to human characteristics would have such emotions, and as them The big snake is too lazy to care about these insects.

Deep in the earth's crust, the huge wound on the snake's head has gradually healed, leaving only a relatively small vertical scar on its forehead, as if it were its third eye...

After a long time, news of John's death came.

At that time, Hana was preaching in the wild with his disciples, and hundreds of believers gathered around him. Hana was stunned after hearing the news. At this time, the disciples said to him.

"Lord, there is not enough food. We only brought five loaves and two fish with us. Why don't I send someone to a nearby village to buy some food?"

"You can make your own arrangements."

A low voice sounded, and the disciples wanted to ask again, but they saw Ham lowering his head dejectedly. He couldn't bear it, so he didn't ask anymore.

Not long after, Hana suddenly heard bursts of cheers and surprises from the crowd of believers, so he raised his head to look.

"This is the miracle performed by my master! With only five loaves and two fish, you can produce this much food, so that you can have a full meal..."

Among the believers, Judas, who was standing high up, spoke impassionedly. At some point, there were more than a dozen baskets beside him, containing enough food for hundreds of people. For these believers, they were very important. It was clear that Hamna and his disciples did not carry any food with them, so where did the food that appeared inexplicably come from? Isn't this a miracle?

At that time, several devout people knelt down and murmured prayers to the God in heaven.

However, Hana, who was well aware of Judah's character, understood that this must have been something Judah had arranged for a long time ago. Perhaps he had secretly hidden it before they came here to attract believers with miracles.


Hamna immediately called out, and as soon as Judah, who was still preaching among the crowd, heard Hamna's voice, he quickly crossed the crowd and bowed down before Hamna.

"Oh God."

Raising his head, he looked at Han Na with eyes full of enthusiasm, like a loyal dog that realized it had done something good and was wagging its tail proudly in front of its master.

Seeing the enthusiasm and longing in Judas's eyes, Hana was silent for a long time, but he still didn't say what he originally wanted to say.

That night, Hamna asked all his disciples to wait at the foot of the mountain. He went up to a mountain peak alone and prayed silently to the God in heaven. No one knows what he prayed to the God in heaven that night. …

Just a few months later, a legend about "Joshua, the Son of God" gradually spread in the Jewish Kingdom. According to the legend, he was the son of God in the world, appeared to save the world, and was the savior and Messiah in Jewish prophecies. Saiyan...

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