The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 156 I think France is a pill (second update)

(The third update may be very late, so don’t wait. I’ll update it tomorrow.)

January 1429, France, Château de Chinon.

Christmas has just passed and the New Year has just arrived, but there is no festive atmosphere in Chinon Castle. Instead, it is gloomy and gloomy. Whether it is the waiters or the nobles coming and going, even if they are forced to smile, they can't help but look worried.

Frontline battle reports had come in a few days ago. The reinforcements to rescue Orleans failed and had to be defeated.

This news is extremely despairing for the French court, which is in danger at the moment. Even though the Crown Prince Charles tries hard to alleviate the pressure of the public, it is of no avail. Yes, for France now, it is already in the crisis of destruction.

Since the start of the Hundred Years' War, and after the defeat at the Battle of Akukin more than ten years ago, France as a whole has completely lost its spirit and suffered defeat after defeat against the British army. Nowadays, the north and southwest of France are occupied by the English, and the southeast is occupied by the Burgundians. Under the attack from the north and the south, France has lost more than two-thirds of its territory. Up to a third of the territory is also in danger.

If the French army had not desperately blocked England in the north by the Loire River and relied on the city of Orleans to defend itself, I am afraid that the entire France would have ceased to exist.

But it is precisely because of this that the siege of Orleans is so important. Once Orleans falls, the whole of France will be completely undefendable. The English army can directly march south and completely annex the remaining French territory...

Such a situation, if we have to compare it to the Song Dynasty, the north was conquered by the Jin Dynasty, and the Song people were forced to retreat all the way to the south of the Yangtze River, while Vietnam and other countries in the south took the opportunity to collude with the Jin people to annex the southern lands. In the end, the Song Dynasty monarchs and ministers could not Don't be trapped in Jinling and survive on the little territory you have.

But in a sense, the situation of Crown Prince Charles is even more tragic than this...

Because, other rulers are at least orthodox kings and emperors.

But now, his mother, who doesn't like him at all, is even publicly saying that he is not his father's child and is not worthy of being a king. The nobles are talking about this, and his royal bloodline has even been seriously questioned.

In the main room of the castle, Crown Prince Charlie's eyes were bloodshot. After hearing that the rescue failed, he couldn't sleep all night last night, but even though he looked tired, he had to insist on standing up.

He looked at the minister in front of him and said in a low voice.

"Bruno, tell me how much money we have left now."

Bruno in front of him and the ministers beside him looked at each other, looking at each other, not knowing how to answer the best, and finally said hesitantly.

"Your Majesty the Dauphin, we...have less than thirteen thousand francs."

When talking about the numbers, the minister couldn't help lowering his voice, his face full of anxiety.

Hearing this number, Charlie fell silent and did not speak.

What does thirteen thousand francs mean? For a single family, this is actually a huge amount of money.

Two or three francs can buy a bottle of fine wine, a dozen francs can buy a pony with a load, and one hundred francs is enough to buy a good horse. Many noble attendants only earn two or three a month. francs, the average worker might not even earn a franc a month.

But what does this mean for a war?


Soldiers' armors need money for repairs, and war horses also need good rations, warm clothes, military rations, and soldiers' wages...

Money is needed in all aspects. If you fight a war, you will have to spend at least tens of thousands of francs to replenish supplies. If the losses are large, one hundred thousand francs may not be able to fill the hole.

Less than ten thousand francs means that it is difficult for Charles to even launch a slightly larger war at this moment. He has no money to fight.

How absurd that France, which once had a population of more than 20 million and an annual tax revenue of hundreds of thousands of francs, the richest country on the European continent, would now be in embarrassment because of money.

After a long time, a voice sounded in Bruno's ears.

"Bruno, you can try to communicate with those businessmen and sell them some of my land, such as my territory in Danli, and see if you can get some more money."

Under this situation, the crown prince also had to choose to sell land to businessmen in exchange for funds for the war, but he was only met with silence.

"Your Highness..."

Bruno's hesitant voice sounded, as if he didn't know how to explain to the crown prince in front of him, and finally gritted his teeth and said.

"You sold the territory of Danli to the merchants of Danliston last week."

Opposite him, the voice fell into silence again.

"Then sell the estate in Mulan."

"Last week, those Luxembourg businessmen bought it."

"Where's Auxerre?"

"Two months ago..."

"Those lands in Bourges should be returned..."

The young voice opposite seemed a little angry because of Bruno's words. He couldn't help but stand up, but before he could finish speaking, a voice whispered.

"Your Highness..."

There was a bit of unbearability in that voice.


The young voice didn't speak anymore. Although the minister in front of him just lowered his head and didn't speak anymore, he could understand what the other party had not yet said.

He clenched his hands tightly, but finally sat down slumped, his body filled with an aura of confusion.

Foreign enemies have invaded, the war has been defeated one after another, the nobles are restless, and they are not even sure whether they are the children of the king. The inheritance of the throne has been questioned, and at this critical moment, the treasury is already empty...

All kinds of bad news come one after another and never stop. Every day when I open my eyes, I am surrounded by these bad news.

To be fair, Charlie was a very hard-working ruler. Unlike his mentally ill father, he is very smart and extremely frugal. He works hard to save money in order to gain the chance to win. He has been holding on for a long time and has been struggling until now. Everyone who knows him All the nobles marveled at his talent.

However, no matter how hard we try, we can't change the fact that France has been defeated in successive battles, and seems that it can't hold on anymore.

Seven years have passed since the death of his father, Charles VI, but the crown prince has not even been able to be crowned and officially become the king. Is there anything worse in the world than this?

Charlie didn't know, but at least he didn't think there was any more.

At this moment, it seems that only a miracle can keep this country going, but is this miracle possible?

Charlie looked out the window blankly, the gloomy weather consistent with his mood.

Time is running out for France.

This year, Charlie was twenty-six years old.

France, Vaucouleurs, the stronghold of the Dauphin.

Robert, who was wearing armor, looked at the person in front of him, frowned, and said dissatisfiedly.

"Why are you here again? This is not the place where you women should come."

In front of the garrison commander, the young girl dressed like a boy did not rush to refute. She had a composure far beyond her peers. She just looked at the garrison commander in front of her. Bow slightly.

He raised his head, his dignified and quiet face showed no fear, and his bright eyes were filled with some kind of brilliance.

This year, Jeanne Acker was seventeen years old.

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