The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 159 Heading to Orleans (Second update)

However, despite saying this, theologians would not agree so easily. Before appointing Jeanna as the commander-in-chief, many theologians and scholars asked to verify Jeanna's identity and conducted a series of tests on Jeanna. ask.

First, Yolande, the dauphin's mother-in-law, confirmed Jeanne's chastity and that she was indeed a pure virgin. Then, the theologians raised a series of questions about what Jeanne said. For example, when and where Jeanne heard what kind of sound, there are many traps in the language. As long as Jeanne does not answer correctly, these theologians and priests can define Jeanne as a heretic and a witch who believes in witchcraft.

The questioning lasted for three weeks, and finally the theologians thought there was nothing more to ask, so they told the Dauphin Charles that since the Holy Spirit had allowed the country girl to rescue the siege of Orleans, they thought it was a good idea to let her give it a try.

At the same time, the Crown Prince Charles was not idle. He spent all his assets and asked the blacksmith to make a fitting armor for Joan of Arc and sewed a flag embroidered with Christ and fleur-de-lis. , reorganized a force and prepared to go to Orleans.

So in early April, with the support of the Dauphin Charles, Jeanne, wearing armor, rode on a horse, holding a flag of fleur-de-lis in her hand, and led a troop of hundreds of people behind her to leave Chinon...

Yes, there are only seven or eight hundred people. Although there are some well-equipped cavalry and fully armored infantry among them, which can be regarded as an elite unit, there are only seven or eight hundred people in the end, which is a pitifully small number.

However, this was all the troops that the crown prince could manage to piece together. At this moment, he was at the end of his rope and his funds were almost exhausted. If he failed this time, he would not even be able to return to his Anjou Earldom.

Standing at the top of the city, watching the troop retreating in confusion, Charlie returned to the secret room in a daze.

In that secret room, nothing actually happened.

The little girl from the countryside just sincerely told Charlie what she saw and heard, the life of the French people she saw on the road, the resentment of the French people towards the British, and the French people who were robbed by the British. , telling their cries, fear and helplessness...

In the opinion of this little country girl, as long as the crown prince is willing, the French people are willing to support their king.

But what really moved Charlie was what the little girl named Jeanne said.

"You are the only legitimate heir to the French king. You should naturally inherit France. The king of France should also be French. The French do not need an Englishman to be their king."

The sincere and sincere voice said so, and those bright eyes stared at Charlie in front of him.

It was this sentence that really touched Charlie.

When his mother was saying that he was not the king's son, even though he denied it, in fact, even he himself was already doubting whether he was qualified to inherit France. If he was not the king's son, then he would not be able to be crowned. Is it also the will of God?

However, only the little girl in front of him said so sincerely that he should be and only he could be the king of France.

It was those words that completely made Charlie decide to support the little girl in front of him.

But at this moment, standing at the top of the city, watching the troops gradually disappearing into the distance, Charlie suddenly felt a sense of falseness and absurdity, and he couldn't help but murmured.

"Bruno, do you think I'm crazy? Do you really believe that a country girl can save France?"

Beside him, the minister did not say a word, but lowered his head and pretended not to hear.

However, Charlie obviously did not expect the answer from the minister next to him. He just remained silent. In any case, at this moment, he could only believe that the little girl from the country could create miracles.

The same doubts also existed in the hearts of the generals who were marching at this moment.

Bertrand de Prange, this noble general from Loire, was full of doubts about Jeanne. He did not believe in religion very much, and he thought it was extremely absurd to appoint a country girl as commander-in-chief.

"It's ridiculous, what does a country girl know?"

He scorned the prophecy of the so-called "Saint of Lorraine", but he could not disobey the order from the crown prince, and could only reluctantly obey the order. However, the confusion in his heart never disappeared.

While riding on the horse, he couldn't help but look at the country girl who was riding on the horse and holding a flag. The seventeen-year-old girl has blond hair and bright eyes. Her face is full of youthful vitality, and there is still a bit of innocence between her eyebrows.

The aristocratic girls of the same age as her were either preparing to get married or were already married. They stayed in their boudoirs with peace of mind from beginning to end. Not to mention going to the battlefield, they would be frightened and faint when they saw sharp weapons.

But only she, this incredible country girl, dared to lead more than 700 soldiers wearing hard-wearing armor on the battlefield? ? ?

Ridiculous! Are we going to the battlefield, or are we playing house?

The sense of absurdity in Bertrand's heart became more and more intense. This kind of scene was really unheard of. Not to mention it is now, even in the fables and stories of ancient ancestors, this kind of scene has never appeared, and it may only be found in some pagan books.

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but rush forward and tried to ask Jeanne in front of him. But just as he was about to speak, he realized that he didn't know how to address the country girl in front of him.

Just say country girl? No matter what, at least now this woman is still his leader in name, and what about commander-in-chief? This was even more intolerable to him. Calling a woman the commander-in-chief was an unimaginable insult to him.

After hesitating for a moment, he said.

"Virgin of Lorraine, how do you plan to... lead us to victory?"

When talking about leadership, the noble general couldn't help but paused, but finally said it against his will. However, the young girl in front of him did not realize this. She was too young and simple-minded, and did not expect that many.

And looking at the noble general who behaved humbly in front of her (at least that's what she thought), the girl immediately said piously.

"As long as we reach Orleans, God will naturally give us victory."

Listening to these words, the sense of absurdity in Bertrand's heart became stronger and stronger.

Can we win by reaching Orleans?

Do you think the British are a bunch of good babies, and if you scold them, they will cry and repent to God in front of you, and then voluntarily surrender?

For a moment, Bertrand suppressed his blush and didn't know how to retort.

But looking at the serious face and bright eyes in front of him, Bertrand was shocked to realize...

The woman in front of her was not kidding herself. She truly believed that as long as she reached Orleans, God would give her victory.

After a moment of silence, Bertrand rode away without saying a word, and then whispered to another familiar general beside him.

"I suddenly have the urge to switch to the King of England..."

The girl next to him was still unaware that, unknowingly, the generals under her command had experienced some subtle decline in morale...

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