The world-devouring dragon

Chapter 161 The Girl of Orleans

"Although her conductor is immature, she has an extraordinary genius intuition, which allows her to easily make various decisions that seemed incredible at the time but later proved to be correct."

——The Duke of Alençon

There are several fortresses near Orleans, which were originally used to defend against enemies. However, in order to preserve their strength, the citizens of Orleans chose to abandon these fortresses. As a result, they became the garrison of the British army, and more than 10,000 people The British army used these fortresses to form a siege of Orleans.

But it is incredible that the French army's hasty temporary attack happened to face the British army's unprepared defense. The French army's attack successfully captured one of the other fortresses before the British army could react. A fortress with less than two hundred casualties of its own.

It was so smooth that it was jaw-droppingly smooth.

Not since the Battle of Akukin had there been such a smooth victory.

The Duke of Alençon, a relative of Crown Prince Charles, owns a large area of ​​territory in the kingdom, and is undoubtedly the highest status among the many generals. At this moment, he looked at the flag in his hand above the fortress and accepted it. Looking at the country girl cheering for the soldiers, he actually felt like he was in a dream.

He had a very good impression of this country girl. She was young, energetic, simple and pious. Among the many generals, he was one of the few who were willing to believe that she was really a saint from the beginning. The white horse was given to him by him. That girl's.

"Jean, I didn't expect you to win."

When the girl walked towards the generals amidst the cheers of everyone, looking at the girl, a handsome general said sincerely.

Gilles de Rais, he had never liked women because he thought women were too weak, but even he had to admit that this girl who dared to go to the battlefield without showing any timidity successfully won his respect.

"Thank you, Giles."

Facing Gilles in front of her, Jeanne smiled and nodded. Then, she also paid tribute to the generals who had argued with her during the day.


And when the girl walked to the Duke of Alencon, he couldn't help calling the girl's name.

The girl turned her head, opened her eyes wide, and looked at the young nobleman in front of her. This twenty-six-year-old French nobleman was a rare warrior. He had fought against the British army many times and was very prestigious in France.

"My noble Duke of Alençon, what can I do?"

the girl asked politely.

In front of the Duke of Alençon, this seventeen-year-old girl looked very calm. He has blue eyes, short blond hair that reaches his ears, a ponytail on the back of his head, and wears armor that is completely inconsistent with his identity. She is not as formal as other aristocratic ladies, but has a country-specific simplicity.

"Jeanna, why do you insist on attacking today?"

Alencon asked doubtfully.

In his opinion, Jeanne was not a very impulsive person. On the contrary, she was very calm, otherwise she would not have successfully reached Chinon from her hometown and even won the trust of the crown prince.

But today, she was uncharacteristically stubborn and insisted on attacking immediately instead of asking the army to repair it.

In front of him, Jeanne thought for a while, and then said hesitantly.

"Because... I think I can win this way."

There was a bit of trouble on her face, as if she didn't know how to explain to Alencon in front of her, so she could only say.

"That's my gut feeling."


For a moment, the Duke of Alençon didn't know how to answer.

After that, a short military meeting was held between Jeanne and the generals. This time, the generals recognized Jeanne's ability and finally decided...

"Destroy these British troops as soon as possible before their reinforcements arrive."

There are not many British troops besieging Orleans at this moment. Although the specific number is not known, several generals roughly estimate that there will be no more than 15,000 troops. If it is less, it may be less than 8,000 troops. However, the British already know that they are coming for reinforcements. news, reinforcements may be drawn from nearby cities at any time.

This cannot be delayed for too long, this is the unanimous consensus among the generals, but what can we do with just the two thousand people at hand?

If you just stick to this fortress, it's okay, but what if you want to eliminate more than 10,000 British troops? It was obviously a dream.

"But what if we unite with the defenders in Orleans City?"

Jeanne asked.

Giles shook his head.

"We don't know what the situation is in the city of Orleans now. We don't know how many defenders there are and how helpful they can be. What's more, if you enter the city of Orleans rashly, you will probably be intercepted by the British army."

"What about entering Orleans City while it's dark?"

Jeanne was not discouraged, but continued to ask.

"It's dark? It's certainly possible to enter the city when it's dark, but how do we know that the Orleans people won't attack us as British troops?"

Giles hesitated.

"No, there was such a big movement during the day. It's impossible that the city of Orleans didn't notice it. They must be watching now, waiting for news."

On the side, the experienced Alencon rejected Gilles' idea.

Jeanne thought about it for a while, and finally said to the generals beside her.

"Let me lead a small force to transport supplies to the city of Orleans."

"How is this possible? It's too dangerous!"

A general said hurriedly.

But Jeanne just clasped her hands together and said piously.

"God will bless me."

In my ears, those whispers sounded from time to time.

As night fell, a small force of several hundred people, holding torches, left the fortress and headed in the direction of Orleans. Their traces were particularly eye-catching, making the British troops in several other fortresses agitated.

"Want to chase?"

In the fortress not far away, a British officer looked at the team, and the knight beside him asked. The officer thought for a while, then shook his head after hesitation.

"No, it's too dark, there's no need to take risks."

Yes, it was too dark and the British army couldn't be sure if there was any ambush, so they had to give up.

In the end, this small force successfully arrived at the gate of Orleans. The only thing they needed to worry about was whether the Orleans people would accidentally hurt them, but Jeanne just said to them.

"Don't worry."

Bertrand held a torch in his hand, and he also joined the army. His heart was full of tension. How could he not worry about this?

If it was accidentally injured, it would really make people laugh to death.

But not long after, the city gate of Orleans City, which had been closed for almost half a year, finally slowly opened...

The girl holding the flag in her hand then, protected by several cavalrymen, surrounded by numerous torches, entered Orleans.

"Is she the Saint of Lorraine?"

"Is it really her?"


On both sides of the city gate, there were many people in ragged clothes. The men and women held torches in their hands. They looked at the girl riding on the white horse and holding the flag in her hand. They exclaimed and talked in whispers. His eyes were full of hope.

Orleans has been besieged for nearly half a year, and the food in the city is almost empty, but this does not prevent these citizens from learning about the Saint of Lorraine. As early as when Jeanne came to Orleans, the legend of the Saint of Lorraine was It spread throughout the city of Orleans.

A country girl who was born into a commoner claimed to have received the apocalypse and stepped forward to save France when the men were powerless.

People said that it was the messenger of God who would save Orleans and France.

It was this rumor that allowed the city of Orleans, which was about to be unable to support itself, to hold on for a while longer. But now, the Saint of Lorraine has arrived in the city just like in the legend...

Surrounded by the crowd, the girl at the head could hardly slow down her horse and moved slowly forward at almost a turtle speed.

Among the many torches, the girl riding on the white horse shines brighter and brighter. The armor on her body shines brightly, as if she has descended from heaven to earth, unlike a mortal.


Many men and women in the city surrounded the girl, calling out the name of Jehovah, as if God had come to Orleans. They excitedly stretched out their hands, touching the white horse under the girl devoutly, or touching the armor on the girl's body. Pray for the saint's mercy.

Looking at the pious people in front of her, the girl who looked a little too young, holding the flag in her hand, looked a little overwhelmed by the crowd.

This scene will be remembered by this city and become its eternal memory.

Looking at this scene, among the soldiers behind the girl, Bertrand looked at this scene that was like a classic saint's legend. For some reason, he suddenly heard the words that the girl once said to him...

"As long as we reach Orleans, God will naturally give us victory."

That wide-eyed, extremely serious look was not fake at all.

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